Wednesday, December 17, 2014

What can Tarot reveal to you about your relationship?

Take a look at the people in your life, everyone whom we cross paths with is put there for a reason. They are there to help us grow on a soul level by teaching us lessons. These lessons may be in love, forgiveness or in letting go. I was guided in offering you all card reading that will allow you to better understand the dynamics of those relationships. I hope these messages bring you clarity and truth.


The High Priestess: Something in you has already told you what you needed to know about this person, listen to that tiny voice in your head. Follow your gut instincts, what does it tell you? Is this person truths worthy, a challenge, or someone whom you should let go of? Deep down you already know what you feel about this person, you are just not allowing yourself to listen to your inner truth. If you picked this card, the angels want you to know that it is time to stop lying to yourself and accept the truth. What ever that little voice is telling you about this person, trust that it is indeed the angels offering their gentle guidance.


Ace of Fire: This is a wonderful relationship that is at the beginning stages of a great start! Whomever you asked about will indeed be a great compliment to your life. Together, you both will spark the great energy of creativity and together can achieve great lessons on a soul level. If you are currently having challenges with the person you seek guidance about, this card brings relief that all that struggle is for a reason, you are being challenged to be a better person. The lesson this person will teach you about your self will be invaluable.


Renewal: Don't listen to what people see, watch what they do, Actions speak louder than words. When this card is revealed, it is a message that you should not allow your own inner judgment or the other persons words to affect your relationship. Take a look at what they do, their actions, how they treat others. This will tell you everything you need to know about this person. If they act in a kind and generous way, but say things that you don't like, trust their actions. If they tell you wonderful things but you see them acting in any unkind way – trust their actions. This card brings a message to look below the layers of a person, How they speak is how they want you to perceive them, how they act will show their true colors.


6 of Wands: The person you asked will bring you great news. They will surprise you with their thoughtful words or some sort of act of kindness, you may not have heard from them in a while but do not fret – they may be calling you soon to say hello. If you were thinking of a loved one who has crossed over, this is their "Hello" to you.


Four of Air: the person you are asking about, brings you great sadness. There may be feelings of loneliness, abandonment or resentment. The challenge in this relationship, Is that you must learn to let this go and learn to take back your own power. This person brings you grief of some sort and in order for you to heal and learn your lesson, you must allow yourself to "grieve" their lost. However you wish to do so will be up to you. As with any grieving process- we must allow ourselves to take a break from the daily grind and go through the motions. If you find yourself to be a very busy person, this card brings a message you need to take time off to allow yourself to deal with these emotions, those of us who like to stay "busy" do this in order to avoid the pain.


Knight of Earth: this person is a guardian angel in disguise. It can be male or female, the gender does not matter- just know this your soul has been touched by an angel. Take a few moments to cherish this person and be thankful for the blessings they bring. If you find the person is a challenge for you, just know that they are coming from a place of true love – they may just find that tough love is the best way.


King of Air: This person is very assertive and direct. They get straight to the point. They are here to teach you how to be more assertive in yourself. Their lesson is to Push you. The goal is to raise you up, but if you feel they weigh you down, its because you are being challenged to overcome the struggle. They are here to bring you back into your power.