Saturday, February 21, 2015

When the Young die

      It’s astounding to me how earlier this week I decided that I was going to work on my mediumship clients, as many of you know Majority of my work is in Tarot Readings, but for some reason at the beginning of this week I decided, this week, I would strictly work on Mediumship- so I sent out messages to my clients who have been waiting on a mediumship message, that I would work on those this week. Yesterday I woke up and saw on Facebook a news link, “Murder at South Sacramento restaurant under investigation” I usually don’t watch or read the news because it’s so depressing, but….For some reason I did.  I discovered this was a local Coffee shop in Sacramento, one my brother use to frequent. I had to continue reading, I thought “How depressing, another killing.” I pick up the phone, its 10 am or so I text my Brother. I have one older brother who has two young boys who are like children of my own. I texted him “You hear about the shooting at Monaco? (the Coffee shop was called Café Monaco)” and he responds “Yea, I hope it wasn’t my friend, I called but he’s not answering.” Several Hours later he responds and tells me it was in deed his friend. He gave me a name, I had no idea who it was – my brothers a popular guy, he has lots of friends, many of which I’ve seen in passing but I don’t really know. As soon as he gave me his friend’s name, A picture popped in my head. I didn’t bother to ask, I’m sure my brother is distraught considering this was a really good friend of his. As a matter of fact, I remember seeing this guy at my nephew’s birthday last year! He has a young son, which just made my heart break even more.
                Anyhow, I later come to discover, the photo that popped in my head, was indeed the friend who had passed, coincidence? I don’t think so, a little creepy? – You know maybe if this was me years ago I would have been creeped out, but now it’s just normal to me, spirit sending me messages. But anyways this blog isn’t about that. Its about the Young who die early. I later met another girl who was also on facebook, who had shared a story that her boyfriend recently attempted suicide and that they were “pulling the plug” on him this morning at 5 am. Coincidence? I THINK NOT! Officer arrived at the Café to find my brothers friend dead around 5am. Both men were under the age of thirty.

                 So what do I think of these two young men who seem to pass on early morning on two different days, under two different circumstances? First off, me being the believer in synchronicity I have to say that there is something going on in the universe, and I’m really curious to see who else have lost loved ones who are young. Just two years ago, Our family lost a beautiful Soul, Andy Saephan. He was young and full of life. Shortly after that, I got news that another young girl had also Passed, Ally. No relation.  By young I mean under 30. To me that’s a lot of young souls in the recent years.  I’m not sure when Ally passed, but Andy also passed in the early morning hours. From a spiritual aspect, between the hours of 3-5am, it is known at the “bewitching hour” what that means is that it’s when the gateway to the spiritual world is open. It is during this time that most of us are in deep sleep and some of you may find that if you ever get visits from loved ones who passed, it is during this time, why? It’s the easiest time for them to cross over and connect with us because the “portal” is open and allows them to access us. It’s only a gateway for our LOVED ONES – it’s not a gateway where just anyone or anything can enter so don’t be afraid, it’s only loved ones who have access to this portal. I am often awaken around 3 and 4 am by the angels who bring me messages.

             The message that I receive today, and one that I wanted to share with you all, especially to those who have lost loved ones who are young, that the message is they are being called “home” because their energy and spirit is needed on the other side. They have done what they came here to do and now it is time for them to finish their business on the other side, because the task is best completed over there – over there I mean by the spiritual world. Some people ask me about heaven, Heaven is a wonderful place that our loved ones go too – many people call it heaven, I call it the spirit world. In heaven, our loved ones are in a place of “school” they are constantly “working” they are not just on the other side relaxing and eating bon bons. They are actually in classrooms where their soul is learning life lessons and they are preparing for their next life time and the task they need to complete. They go through a life review. Some of them will cross over and be at peace, others will choose to remain as earth bound spirits upon death, those who are ready will cross over into heaven and start their task of learning, those who choose to stay on earth stay for a variety of reasons.
         It’s a different energy and era this time period we are experiencing.  In 2003 there was a shift in energy, every 15,000 years or so the earth shifts through different phases.  This era that we are currently in, I have notice many people who have passed on young. Look at the media, how many young famous people have we lost in the recent years:  Heath Ledger was 28 years old when he passed in 2008, Paul walker was 40 when he passed in 2013,  Britney Murphy was 32 when she passed in 2009. Many young souls, taken too soon, or at least in our opinion. Children are expected to bury their parents, not the other way around, so why it is that so many young souls are crossing over for what many people think, before their time. We’ll I hate to say it , but it is their time. We will not understand the mysterious workings of god but they cross over when their soul is needed. They’ve done what they can on the physical world, and many people had challenges that they could not overcome. Are those challenges to say they “failed in life?” NO. I have to just tell you what I’ve been told, they did not fail because they died young. They went to cross over because they could better help those who need it in the physical world. And that is why I am told, some souls choose to stay in the physical world. ( I will discuss earth bound spirits and why they stay on earth after death in another blog.)

 Murder, freak accidents and  mysterious death - these are all ways of “Exit” that each soul chooses upon their life review. Many of you who wonder what happened, just know that the spirit of your loved ones, knew they would die the way they did, they choose that path because it was part of their karma. I recently met an older women who told me her ex-husband killed himself and their oldest son found him. The first thing the angels told me was that the Son and his father had a big past life karma, and that is why his son found his father. The message was brought to me to help alleviate the guilt or any strife the mother had about her son witnessing such a tragedy.
        Suicide and Drug addiction: From my understanding, these two events happen as a root cause to depression. Depression comes from a separation in spirit. We often get sad because we have no connection to our own spirit. We have a hard time finding happiness because we don’t know what makes us happy. Some people have a physical chemical in-balance in their bodies, others just lack a connection to spirit and others are affected by life circumstances. Addictions stem from the same thing, except that instead of a separation, they can sometimes hid behind their addiction.  Many people I know who have addictions are also highly emphatic, they feel too much so they drown out all this stimulation with drugs or alcohol. The drugs and alcohol “numb” them.  Does this happen all the time? No, some people I have seen with addictions literally have a heavy cloud of darkness that lingers in their auras, these are other dark forces that taint the person dealt with addictions. Addiction is a spiritual disease- it comes from either lack of connection to one’s spirit or they are being over come with another spirits addiction. This is why they call it a spiritual disease. I’ve attended alcoholic anonymous meetings and those meetings have confirm to me what the spirit world has been telling me. This is why the motto for an addict is “one day at a time” once you get sober, your always at risk of falling off the wagon unless you seek spiritual “rehab” . Those who I have seen to be successful and have been sober or clean for years are the ones who formed a spiritual base. One of my very good friends that I have met recently is a recovering alcoholic and she started her spiritual journey and she is amazing! Suicide: why do people go through suicide? People who commit suicide have a big lesson in learning personal strength. If you know some one who struggles with depression, my advice to you is to support them and show them a sign of affection. Give them a hug. Now I’m not a professional and have very little experience in this arena, I’m only passing on what information I am receiving from the spirit world and this message here is that those who are suicidal struggle with their own personal power and identity. They do not feel they are “alive” - by offering these people a hug- we share our life essence.  Those who are suffering from depression need some sort of “spiritual connection” if you find that you are suffering from  depression, try meditation.
      Murders and Freak Accidents, Sudden Death: How often do these things happen? What was once rare has now become something quite common.  I just want to mention here that there is a HUGE LIFE KARMA at play here between the person who has passed on and the person who caused the death. Whatever reason it may be, will differ between souls. But what’s been told to me is that there is a life contract between these two souls and the events that unravel are meant to balance the scales. Along with such an event also comes the families that are affected by it. A contract was made between souls and these events are meant to allow the soul to grow. We are meant to learn to love and forgive. If you find that a death of a loved one leaves you in anger, that is normal stage of grief but just understand that ultimately your life lesson, is to learn to forgive.  When my dog Remy was hit and killed by a car, I was extremely angry. I saw nothing but red because my heart was so filled with anger and fury.  I was angry at myself, my husband and who ever drove the vehicle.  That anger really ate at my soul and very being until I went to a medium and she gave me relief. I learned that my lesson here was to not allow such anger and grief eat me up inside. I needed to learn to forgive and overcome such a loss, it was not easy, but I did it. And I bring this message to you all, anger and hatred destroys you inside, it eats away at your very being. Your loved one who pass do not want you to be filled with anger and hatred. They want you to love and learn to forgive. They have passed on so you could learn this very important lesson.
      Illness that leads to death:  I lost my 11 year old sister to cancer when I was a teen. I watched many children during this period come in and out of the hospital who also suffered from other illness’s. I lost my maternal grandfather and grandmother to cancer. I really don’t know much about this because I believe my grief is still very strong in these areas. The messages come through, I just can’t view them because I’m still healing from these events myself. I believe cancer is FAMILY DISEASE. It doesn't just eat away at the person affected with it, but it eats away at the families also, I would know, I watched it take my loved ones. I think those who are affected by cancer, experience it because they are “the strong ones” in the family. They took on this disease so that their loved ones didn't have to. Cancer lessons is compassion.  Or so my sister tells me. I guess had I not witnessed my sister go through cancer I would probably lack in empathy. I believe that part of my families life was meant to teach myself and my siblings a lesson in compassion. My sister was a twin and only 11 years old when she passed away. I believe of the two, she took it on because she was the stronger of two. Something that was later confirmed to my living sister by a medium.
      Miscarriages and Abortions: A subject that only a mother can truly understand. Those of us who decided to become mothers have been given a great task and huge life lesson. Being a mother is one of the most challenging jobs we will ever do and one of the things that can really hurt a women is thinking that she was not good enough and lost her child or the guilt of aborting their unborn child.  
I speak to you all from experience as I have experienced miscarriages myself. And have known quite a few people who had abortions. Infant death is not something I have come across and hope to never experience. I want to share with you all, that our children pick us as parents! When they go through their life review and decide to re-incarnate, the children choose who they wish to be their parents. They also decide first hand if they will miscarry or abort. You may think you choose the abortion but that was already pre-written in your child’s destiny, per their own request I may add. Why? There are several reasons for this, one of the most common, is they were not ready to re-incarnate. The spirit of the fetus gets afraid to go into the real world, because its not easy living in this world, that they decide to go back into the spiritual world. The timing just wasn't right. Many children who decide to miscarry and abort will return at a later time, before my oldest was born I was faced with a miscarriage. When my oldest son was born I cherished him even more because I knew what it was like to lose a child. I also experienced a second miscarriage – one that was really bad, I actually passed out and had to be taken to the ER. After that miscarriage I was blessed with my second son. Why did my children decide to return to the spirit world still boggles me, but I can speak from honest truth that those miscarriages have taught me a huge lesson in gratitude. I am very grateful for my children because I know firsthand how easy it can all be taken away.

                The message I am trying to convey to all of you who read this and have lost a loved one, is that they are in a better place, they did what they needed to do and that god was calling them “home” so that they can begin their next task. Their energy is needed on the other side.  I lost my precious little dog Remy last March,I went to a medium and the message she brought through brought me immense relief and closure. Another child needed Remy so she decided to cross over, she was being called to attend a larger task. She was hit by car, an instant death, I believe she choose this because she wanted to make sure I could not revive her. A few years before this event she was bitten by a pit-bull and I thought she was going to die, we did everything we could to save her. She was supposed to cross over at this event but decided to stay with me for a few more years. Ironically her passing is what awakened me to this medium-ship journey I am experiencing now.  Any how, I still get visits from her from time to time, and she often comes and lingers around me when I’m conducting my readings and protects me, she also brings a group of other doggie friends with her that I have known throughout the years, Charm, our Family dog also visits me with her.  Charmed passed away a few months ago and it was during his passing that he showed me the Rainbow Bridge. It’s interesting because pets really do have a “rainbow bridge” and when they pass away there is this Giant Bell that calls them “ home.” I have been shown for pets that there is a huge green grass area where they hang out all day. I remember I drew an image of this with my sons box of crayons.

         For all of you who have lost loved ones who are young, just know they did not go before their time, they left when they were needed.  Their spirit was needed for a higher task. They have not left you, they will always be with you in spirit. They want you to forgive and release any anger or guilt, those are emotions that are meant to hold you back in life, in order for our souls to evolve and grow we must experience the good and the bad. Part of the reason they came into your life is to teach you how to love, both in life and in spirit. Do not hold on to them for fear they will be lost forever, in spirit they will always remain and guide you from the other side.

Messages from your loved ones on the other side:
                -Feathers : White feathers are signs from angels, other colored feathers are from spirit
                -Music : a song will come on that reminds you of them
                -You come across things like this blog that you felt you had to “read”
                -Something reminds you of them. When - ever I receive blessings in the form of                    abundance, always thank my sister in spirit for helping me. People coming together and reminiscing of the loved one. I often will be driving and see a little dog that reminds me of Remy.
                -Numbers: if you ever notice number sequence that reminds you of their birthday or significant event
                - Seeing photos / messages : with technology these days we can access any photo any time, but if you sign on to your facebook for example and someone just posted a photo of your loved one, just know that is your sign. They probably made you sign on at that moment so you would see it. Just last week  someone texted me a photo of Andy and then I go on Facebook later that day to see that his cousin had shared a paper he had written about one his Party days with Andy. I knew that was a sign from Andy and he was telling me to pay attention.
                -Smells : A certain cologne or perfume, or maybe the smell of a certain food.
                -Electricity: my god how popular is this one! I cannot tell you enough how often Andy will play with my electricity.  The will change channels, flicker lights, mess with your phone and connections.      

 If you are dealing with extreme grief, this blocks the energy for your loved ones to bring you message. Remember that they are always with us, they are never gone. If you have not received a message from you loved one, it does not mean they are gone, they just can’t get to us because of our grief. If you are reading this, your loved one brought you to it. This is their message to you.  Blessings to You all.