Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Feng shui for the bed room

Feng Shui
                I recently introduced to this and it was something that kept coming up over and over and over. I didn’t really pay attention to the signs until one day the angels said to me “ If you spend most of your time in the bedroom ,it needs to be your main focus. Your bedroom is your sanctuary, a place of rest and your must create an environment that supports that.”
                Think about guys, In the rain forest where there is an abundance of rain and sunlight we have birds of beautiful colors and everything is so vibrant and full of life.  When go to areas such as the dessert things are more dull and flat in color. Now that in to account on how you judges others; When people are wearing darker colors, they us a different impression and when they are wearing bright colors it gives us a different impression. Neither are good or bad – just different impressions.  Take a moment and think about your bedroom.
                Ask yourself:          “Is there a lot of love in this room?”
                                                “How are the colors, are they soothing for me?”
                                                “When I’m in this space, does it feel calm?”
       I ask you all to evaluate this because these are the same questions I had to ask myself. First thing I noted was the color of my space- did I like it? No, did I want to paint it? No! A solution that the angels gave me add accent colors with furniture or accessories and so I did. I made sure I added a simple comforter in a shade that I loved.  The next thing on my to do list was do something that I would absolutely love!  I was having lunch one day when I felt this push to go to Hobby Lobby  and found these wooden letters and frames to add as a focal point above the bed. ( I got really lucky here thanks to the angels! Everything I bought was 50% off!)  I absolutely loved the outcome! That was one thing check marked off my list. The final question I had to ask my self was this, Does this space feel calm? And my Answer was No! Why? Since I Moved, my bedroom turned into my home office. Too much work and high energy going on – no wonder I was having a hard time resting. I Looked into how to balance this and that Is when I decided to move my “office” out of the room. My office consisted of my Lap top, Camera, cell phone and most importantly, my tarot cards- all these items have been removed from my bedroom. I tell you I feel great now! 

ˈfəNG ˈSHwē,-SHwā/
noun: feng shui; noun: fengshui
(in Chinese thought) a system of laws considered to govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of energy (qi), and whose favorable or unfavorable effects are taken into account when siting and designing buildings.    (

Why am I sharing this?
Energy is important and simply little things you can do right now can be huge in helping you improve your life. It may sound silly to some but in truth- what does it matter? If it doesn’t hurt, why not try it? You may find you like it! I for one, never thought about changing my environment to improve my energy until my angels gave me the example of the birds in the rainforest – that for me was a huge light bulb! We are greatly affected by what we surround out self with. We are careful with what kind of people we allow into our lives – why not do the same for our living space? As many of you know, I’m big on not having clutter around. The angels taught me, if you don’t need it – toss it! To keep things that no longer serve you is creating huge blocks and the same can be said about your environment. If you don’t love your space- change it! Don’t worry about if it’s a good idea or not. If you feel the need to make changes, the angels will support you – they did for me when I was encouraged to go to Hobby Lobby one day and on top of that, I got 50 % off of my whole entire purchase!

Some Simple Tips I’d like to share:
The bedroom is my main focus today because its where we spend a majority of time.  Make sure your bed room gets your attention and if you are wanting to snazzy up your whole house- make sure you put a lot of love, care and attention with the bedroom first!
1.       Put things that you love in your bedroom- DÉCOR! And COLOR – if it makes you happy go with it!
2.       No family photos or kids items in the bedroom if it can be avoided. If you share a room with your child that is ok- create a personal space for your self.
3.       Take the electronics out- tv’s are big and most people have one in the bedroom – if you can, take it out- if your like me and have a husband who wants it in there- I learn to not notice it. Also remove electronic items away from you- I no longer sleep with my cell phone near the bed or have an electronic clock on my night stand. I’ve actually removed my cell phone out of the bed room all together and this has helped my energy tremendously. I still will use the phone in bed, but when its time to sleep I make sure it’s out of the room.
4.       Placement of the bed is very important – please never, ever…. Absolutely do not… have your bed facing your door with your feet point right out of it. This is called the “COFFIN POSITION’ and in some instances, you may see it referred to the “death position”  If your laying in bed and  your feet point directly at the door – please do yourself a favor and move your bed! Energy leaves through our feet so its not a good idea to have your feet facing a door where there is an exit.

5.       Yes size of the bed matters- Queen beds are ideals for married couples and full size beds are recommend for everyone else, yes even children they say. King size beds are not recommended – they usually come with 2 twin size box springs and this creates a separateness . I personally use to hate my king size bed- it was too big and never felt like I shared my bed with anyone – it created a “lonely space” I now have a queen size bed and I love it. It was funny how it never made sense until recently when I learned a little about feng shui. ( I want to note- I didn’t buy a new bed because of this feng shui, it just so happened that when I moved we bought a new bed, we bought a smaller queen size bed because our new room is smaller. Again- spirits way of transitioning me into a better energy environment. It wasn’t until recently , months after I bought a new bed, that it all made sense) If you can’t let go of your King size bed, take a king size sheet and cover the two box springs or frame to “unite” the energy.
6. Last but not least , Do not place mirrors in the bed rooms. I know they make great decorative pieces but they will reflect good energy coming into the room. 

I hope you all enjoyed this newsletter and that I helped sparked some inspiration in you! Again let me just say, the simple changes I made, really helped me with my energy and I feel great – If you decided to incorporate these changes also, please…. Let me know how it goes! I always love to hear back from you guys…. Stay tuned… Tomorrow… I will share with you what the angels want us to know about our dreams!