Monday, December 14, 2015

Reading for the week of December 14th

1.     1.   Positive Movement Forward
This card brings a wonderful message that you were at a cross roads and have finally chosen a path- the right path with no delays. Stay positive and don’t let negativity deter you- any obstacles you encounter this week is designed to strengthen you not weaken you. These are challenges that can throw you off course if you don’t look towards the bigger picture.

2.    2.    New Beginnings
What a wonderful card , especially with December coming to an end. 2016 brings great energy for you and You are about to embark on a new journey. Set some Goals now for this new year and if you find you need some clarity or guidance, contact me for a reading, I have a wonderful 12 Month Spread that can give you a glimpse into the energies that are waiting for you. 2016 vibrates to the numerology of #9 which is the final stage. Although 2016 will be a new year, It is actually the start of the end so prepare yourself to tie up loose ends and complete any unfinished business. Your amazing new life is right at your fingertips, Those goals or things you felt your were destined to do- you are on your way to doing it. Have faith and hope because the door is wide open for opportunity to enter.
3.   3.     Victory and Success
All your hard work is going to pay off. Don’t give up faith. Keep doing what your doing and strive for better, keep your eyes on the prize because you will win- you just have to keep trying. Everytime you fall, pick your self up and TRY AGAIN- DON’T GIVE UP. The energy your put out this week will come back and you will succeed- You just have to try.

4.       4. Triumphant Success
You don’t know why, but you know you’re going to doing something one day. You know you are not destined to fail. You may have no idea what your going to do, and that is ok. You don’t need to know. Just keep the faith and don’t let doubt hold you back.

5.    5.    Emotional Loss

Heartache lingers in your soul and its causing blockages. When we fail to grieve we fail to acknowledge the loss.  Denial is apart of the healing but somehow you have remained stuck In this stage unwilling or unable to let go. Change is difficult and sometimes it’s easier to not admit the change so we don’t have to deal with it. We get stuck in negativity and we choose to not forward. My message for those of you who are seeing this as your message : Look at your life and find where you are holding on to old heart ache, resentments and loss and let go. It could be the lost of a loved one, unhappiness at work or maybe a bad friendship that you hold on to. Whatever it is that you are holding on to, you will benefit greatly this week if you could start the stages of healing by letting it go. 

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