Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Powers of a Full Moon


  A full moon is truly a magical time and if you have worked with me before, I have probably taught you some neat tips on how you can incorporate a Full moon into your Manifestation to make it even more powerful .  If you haven't, your in for a treat today, as I will be focusing on it since we have a full moon coming this very Saturday! Before I into the goodies, lets talk some history...

January Full Moon is called the

            The Native America's called the January full moon the "Wolf Moon" because it was during the cold winter month on January that the wolves would howl in hunger at the full moon... Neat to know huh?

            Every full moon has a special nick name- my all time favorite is Septembers Full moon which is called the "Harvest Moon" Every Year in September I start to clear out old energy to make way for new things to come for the following year.

What can a full moon do for you?
      A full moon is the PERFECT and IDEAL time to start clearing away any old stagnant energy that no longer serves you, it's all about releasing and making space for better to enter your lives! If you are someone who likes to hold on to things, you maybe find the full moon an unnerving time since the full moon calls for us to let go.
      Most people think of a full moon as a time for the "Crazies" to come out and for things to go haywire, but that is just one way to look at. A full moon is a powerful time because it activates our energy center. The moon's rotation is what causes the waves in the ocean on our planet and if you think about it, our bodies are mostly made of water- so in a way- it does cause "waves in our emotions" How you choose to direct those emotions are totally up to you. It's your choice. You can choose to go "crazy" or really put that energy to driving your life in a more positive direction. 
      Why is a full moon a good time to let go and release? The moon goes through cycles, just as we do, when the moon gets full, it lets go and starts all over in a new moon cycle where it starts as a cresent moon- the same can be said for us as we learn to work with a full moon. As the moon shines brightly in its ever so beautiful HUGE BALL OF ROUNDNESS- it feels " FULL" In order to be re-born again, it must release bringing it back to its cresent form where it has room to grow and become full again. We as human begins are in an every growing state, we are constantly shifting, changing and releasing. For us, when its time to start the next chapter of our lives, we must learn to let go of what no longer serves us. If you don't let go of the old, how can you make room for the new?
        Imagine your closet is full of old clothes and its outdated. You can't buy more because you have no where to put it, yet at the same time you ready for a change as the fashions have changed. You must toss out that old sweater or those lovely jeans you no longer fit so that you can buy new ones.  You have all this money to spend on new clothes, but you never buy anything new because you have too much already. Your cluttered. But, as you start to clear your closet- you make space for new clothes. 

The closet is your "space" the clothes is your "energy" and the money is your "intention"

What is my biggest secret to working with the FULL MOON?


     "What Cyndee? Thats it?!"
     YES!, That's it. It sound so simple and easy, but it is amazing how many of my clients have such a hard time with this. The benefits are amazing, don't believe me, Try these next few steps below.

1. List what you would like to manifest. Pick 3 goals.  keep it simple and achievable. Don't wish for a million bucks in the next year- come on lets be seriously people, instead say " I wish to get a bonus or maybe even a raise in the next few months. What ever you want to manifest- keep it realistic. 
                      a. Next Few Weeks
                      b. Next Few Months
                      c.  Next Year

      Many people have a hard time knowing where to start, my advice- pick one spot, any spot and if you have a hard time picking one spot - start with your purse or backpack. Your car is also a good place and then try a drawer. I will tell you something- your car and your purse are huge signs for you to tell you where you are currently in regards to emotional clutter.  If your purse is a mess to where you can't find anything-  your probably feel quite scattered yourself. If your car is dirty, it shows clutter in your path. 
      3 types of clutter: Physical- You space - items- these are things you can THROW AWAY
                                   Emotional - Anger, Fear, resentment, Heartache- Practice FORGIVENESS
                                   Self perception- maybe its time for a new hair cut? Change in Makeup, lose                                                             weight even- yes weight is a sign of clutter also- self love is the                                                             most neglected and one of the most important items.

3: Cleanse during a full moon
   - Light a candle after you have cleared clutter. Its the easiest and in my opinion, very effective.
   -Burning of intentions: Write down what you would like to release and burn it. the act itself is a good step towards releasing. 
   - Burning White Sage -  this is a traditional native american ritual and it is one I stand by- because it works.  Not everyone like to do this, so if its not for you that's ok, light a candle.

Set it and forget it : Once you have cleared the space with the full moon intention in mind - you don't need to think twice or wonder if it worked. just trust that it did. if you placed an order on and it says "item has shipped" you don't question if you'll receive the item or not, you know and trust that its coming- you wont keep checking "where is it? where is it?" right? so just trust that this process will work and if you are open to it, it is designed to work for you. 

You've picked your item ( manifesting)
You've paid for your item ( intention)
It has been shipped ( Clutter clearing - its being delivered, but will only be  received  if  there  room in the mail box)

think of the super moon as a "amazon prime shipping" benefit.