Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Adrenal Fatigue, is it real? YES!

7 of wands + 2 of pentacles = 
Work hard, but don’t overdo it.

Diligence leads to rewards. It leads to opportunities. It leads to growth and it builds character. When we continue to put our best foot forward and give it our best and do what we can to achieve our goals, we eventually succeed.

The 7 of wands is a card of perseverance. It’s a card about “where there is a will, there is a way” It’s not about banging on close doors, and pushing through bricks walls. It’s not about working your butt off and getting burnt out.  Where there is a will….. yes there is way…. But ALSO…. Be smart about it!  

You want to work towards to your goals, and never give up- but…. You don’t want to work so hard that you lose site of your goals. You don’ want to work so hard that you forget to breath and enjoy the moment. You don’t want to work so hard that you put yourself in exhaustion and eventually will lead you to feeling burnt out… No, my message for you all today is

“Work smarter, not harder!”

In the two of pentacles, It shows us that we are always in a constant balancing act. It never ends. It’s all a part of life. I meet so many clients that are working themselves to death and pushing themselves so far that they have lost their way. What results in overdoing it is: Tiredness, Depressions, Sadness, Frustration, Anger and lack of self-fulfillment. I myself am guilty of this. I’m always in a constant “go go go” mindset can become very exhausting. Take a moment and look at your life right now, how is your stress level being managed?

-Are you making time for yourself?
-Is your mind always going and thinking and planning?
-Do you ever find you can just sit down and just breathe?
-Are you trying to complete task, but find there is never enough time?
-When you are present, are you really present? Or are you thinking about other things?

A lesson we all need to learn is that there are many things that we need to do--------- BUT---------- we don’t have to do it all at once! Take your time. It has taken me months to understand this very important and valuable lesson.  Last year I decided to put my home up for sale, and since then- my life has been too busy. SO BUSY THAT I LOST MYSELF.

I suffer from “Adrenal Fatigue”

            I will not be surprised if many of you, or someone you know, also suffers from this! Adrenal Fatigue is your body being maxed out in exhaustion. You have over worked yourself so much that your body no longer recognized signs of being tired and you go into “over drive” hence the term “ GO GO GO” You don’t know when to stop because your body has ignored the signs of being tired.  This is a common ailment in our day and age because so many of us are constantly on the go and always having a list of things to do. We have to get to work, we have to get to a meeting, we have to get to school, we have to pick up the kids, we have to get groceries, we have to get gas, we have to… GO GO GO.

Our adrenal glands release our Fight or Flight Hormones. It’s our “stress” center.  Being stressed out is being in a state of “to do” When we get signs of tiredness, many of us ignore this by….. DRINKING COFFEE OR ENERGY DRINKS! Guilty? I AM! I am a big contributor to Starbucks! Over time, we over do it and finally one day we are so worked up that we can do an 8 hour shift no problem, we are full of energy and we can go go go. When we get off work, we crash. We come home and find that we are so tired and burnt out, we don’t want to do anything until tomorrow comes and we must repeat this cycle. Sounds Familiar? I hear it all the time! I am guilty my self!

Signs of Adrenal Fatigue:
-Tired even after you’ve had a full nights rest
-Your fall asleep very easily, the moment you lay down, your out!
-Lack of appetite. So much of your energy has been used up that you don’t have signs of hunger.
-Low energy
-Feeling “burnt out” or exhausted.

How do you fix this? It’s easier said then done, why? Bad habits are to break. But… as I said with the 7 of wands, diligence and not giving up is what pays off.  Work smarter – not harder.

1.      Be aware of the problem. Recognize when you are working too hard and stop. Literally. Stop. Pause, breath, take a really deep breath, and remind yourself “ its ok, tomorrow is another day”
2.      Shutting down electronics at the end of the day.
 When its bed time, Its bed time, not browse the internet time.
3.      Meditation – yes being still and learning to quiet the “noise” of life makes a significant difference in your stress level. Take a 10 second pause in your day to just breath and stop rushing or being on the go.

4.      Reduce the sugar intake. It’s not easy… but baby steps.  Sugar is really taxing on your adrenal glands so the less the better.  Do yourself a favor and cut out those energy drinks! Those are sooooo bad for you!

A New Year Reading is perfect for a birthday. Each year on our birthdays, we get a new chance towards goals for ourselves. Every year we get older, and every year we have new lessons to learn, goals to reach and flavor of the month to taste (experiences) This new year reading will be based off of your birthdate- I will share with you, your 2016 goals and what lessons you can look out for during each month of this new year, starting with your birthday!

For all of you who are born in the month of April, I am offering this as a free reading! All I ask is that you tell your friends and family all about my work and proof of your birthday!

please contact me at

If you wish to purchase this reading, you can do so HERE