Sunday, May 8, 2016

How to: Manifest Magic with this simple spread

I learned this spread a few years ago, and since then, I have created a few of my own that were a spin off of this one. Its amazing how much you can bridge off of a basic 3 card spread. If your new to Tarot, I highly recommend you practice and master the 3 card spread because it will be a great foundation for you future as a tarot reader.  I became a believer in goals and magic after I had read the book The Secret . If you haven’t read that book yet, check it out- It may change your life as it did mine. Learning the secret and incorporating it with this simple Manifesting Spread has helped me grow immensely in all aspects of my life.

If you’d like to book a reading check out my webpage here , Let’s now move on to how to do this simple spread….

How to: Manifest Magic Simple Spread
1.       This is a basic 3 card spread. It’s meant to be simple and easy, so please, keep that in mind. Don’t make it any more complicated than it needs to be.
2.        It is used with only Major Arcana cards: why? Manifesting is a significant life event, because of that – we want to only focus on the bigger picture- which is your goal. How do we do this? By only focusing on the bigger picture cards. If you choose to use your whole tarot deck, you can- but again- it will complicated what is meant to be a very simple process- so trust me, Only use Major Arcana.
3.       Have your goal set: This is very important, If you are unclear about what you want, you will get unclear cards. So before you start, I recommend you do some soul searching and really know what it is that you want to achieve. There are no if’s, and’s or but’s here. If you want it- ASK. Don’t let negativity block the magic!
4.       My little tip: Read all the cards UPRIGHT. If you go into the reading with the expectation you will only accept the messages upright, you’ll be must more accurate. If the cards come up reverse, just flip them upright.

3 cards: 3 important steps: Where you are NOW + How to get there: PLAN = where you want to be: GOAL
 Always remember keep it simple: Now+ Plan = Goal

How to prepare for the magic:
1.       Ask your angels for their help. Angels are big supporters of free will and will not intervene into our lives until we ask. If you ever wish to manifest, start by asking! Yes we get things on our own but it is 10 times more easily done if we had help from those in the spiritual realm. If you don’t believe in angels, you can ask whomever it is you believe in.  
2.       Pull out all the major arcana from your tarot deck – there should 22 cards including the fool.
3.       Shuffle your deck how ever you wish. And pull 3 cards in the order listed in my photo below.

How to break down your reading:  I will offer an example at the end of a full reading.

1.       Where you are now:
This is meant to be a mirror for  you.  Look at this card and accept it or what it is. If you try to make it more then what it really is, you’ll complicated things and cause blocks. The NOW card- no matter what card you receive- is meant for you. Take the message of this card and relate it to where you are now.  You also want to look at people around you and see how they are a mirror for you. This card not only reflects you- but those around you. We often are surrounded around by those who are meant to mirror us.
a.       Example
THE FOOL: The fool often depicts a new journey. This being in the current position of NOW would tell me that I am currently in a position where I have a lot to learn. I’m still very new to whatever it is I wish to accomplish in my goals.  Say my goals is to become a business owner. I have been in this industry for several years, but this fool card tells me I have very little experience in owning a business.  
Once I understand what this card means for me…. I will evaluate the people in my lives. Who in my life can I reflect u pon that is in a similar path. I could say, My sister recently got a new job, or a promotion. She is essentially the fool also because she is on a new journey.

2.       Where you want to be: GOAL.
Each Card symbolize a possible journey or lesson to learn that we are masters at or are destined to be at.  It’s why we have desires to “manifest” it our hearts. Its why we know deep down, this is meant for us. So what ever goal it is you wish to pursue – its because you know deep down,  It’s meant for you. When we do what love, all else falls into place. It’s why when we don’t follow our hearts, we find unhappiness.  Keep this in mind when reading the goal card: If you wish to achieve wealth and success- there is nothing wrong with it, this card will give a different point of view of how to look at this.
a.       Example:
The wheel of fortune: The card of destiny:  My goal is to be a business owner. This card confirms to me that this is truly my path. Is owning a business necessarily my destiny? NO, but what if being a business owner brings me happiness because it allows me to be successful, work for myself and create my own hours which allows me plenty of time to travel or be with my family? Maybe being a business owner means I can change lives by being a good employer who offers good pay and benefits?  Or maybe I want to open a business that allows me to do what I love that I otherwise wouldn’t be able to  do?
When looking at this card: ask yourself all the possibilities and don’t just limit yourself to one thing.
3.       How to get there: The Plan
In order to make the magic happen, You must take action. Take that leap of faith. This card is meant to give you an idea what that leap will be. The important thing here is that you must act upon this advice. Whatever it may be. Don’t focus on instant results because that will set you up for failure and disappointment. Always remember that all the steps you take today are meant to get you one step closer to where you want to be. For some, you maybe very close and the path is only a few weeks, for others it maybe a long journey and will take years.  So please keep that In mind. There is no rush.
Everything you go through today is meant to help you get to where your going and this card is exactly that.
a.       Example:
The Tower. The tower card is one of sudden and shocking change. It’s plan or message here is that you must accept change, or it will come regardless.  Lets just say I’m unhappy in my current job and I’ve been thinking about quiting. This card tells me that if I want to get to my goal, I must quit! If I don’t quit, I’ll get fired or laid off- either way- the change is coming weither I like it or not. And the purpose of the force change is its going to help get on my path. When ever we fall of track- we will always be guided back on to – its just a matter of when. The more resist it the harder the path.
What do I do when this card tells me that a sudden change is coming? And quietly in my head I’m thinking, I need to quit? – I QUIT. If I wish to achieve my goal, I must act accordingly. How your plan is depends on what card you receive.


My Question:  How do I follow my heart, I want to do what I love but there is no market for it, should I open my own business?
The Fool tells me that I have a lot to learn, I’m still in the early stages of manifesting my goals which is to follow my heart. The follow often shows us that we are young and naïve and we don’t have much experience so there are so many things I must learn. I am currently in the very early stages of my journey and I have a ways to go before I get to my goals.  I know seeing the fool that I won’t get to my goals over night and this gives me hope. I know if I don’t get to where I want to be in the next few months, I should be disappointed.
I really want to do what makes me happy, I want to follow me heart. The wheel of fortune card confirms to me that I am currently on my correct path and I’m going where my destiny leads.  I have to remember also that with the wheel of fortune, we have our ups and downs. This is not going to an easy journey because I have a ways to go but I should not be discouraged because every step along the way will help me become a better person because I still have so much to learn and grow from.  The fool must have life experience in order to be a master at his own destiny.
So now I know where I am, still very new to the whole process and starting a new path.  I know where I want to go is the perfect path for me because the wheel of fortune often depicts us on our journey to destiny. It also tells me that it wont be easy and with every Up there will be a Down.  Looking at the Towers card, it shows me the action I must take to get going.  If I want to get the ball rolling in my favor and start my journey, I must accept the message of the tower and heeds it’s advice.  The tower shows me change is coming, weither  I like it not- its coming. How I choose to move forward will lay the stepping stones for my journey. If I resist the change, it will be forced upon me, I may not be open to change which will leave me with many heart aches and challenged. But… If I heeds its warning and take that leap of faith and accept change as it comes, I open my heart to so much more because I am willing to follow my path.
What I want is to follow my heart, but how do I get there? I must accept the change. Once I Do, I can follow my destiny.

Remember, every card has a lesson, story or journey. There are several ways to interpret a single card, but always ask yourself the appropriate question depending on the lay out and the answers will be clear.
Now:  What is the current lesson
Goal:  What is your story
Plan: What will be your  Journey

I hope you all enjoyed this lesson. Blessings, Cyndee