Monday, September 19, 2016

September Guidance

1. Follow the Leader This is a card to remind you that you are a natural born leader / teacher. Your experience and knowledge allows you to help others. Right now your being asked to lead by example. This card is coming to you in a moment in time where you are able to help others. Share your skills and knowledge. Help others not make the same mistakes you did.        Today ask yourself "How can I be of service?"

 2. Field of Dreams We all have the power to manifest,  the secret to this is you must follow your own hearts calling. Are you chasing dreams that are your own? The field of dreams is reminding you that you plant your own seeds to success, you must nurture them and pull the weeds. Think about yourself right now, have you been marching to the beat of your own drum? Or are you following the status quo of others?

 3. Coming Apart This card is clear, you must let go of things that no longer work for you. Who you are today is different from who you were yesterday. It's ok to let go of things that no longer fit.  Today is a reminder that it's healthy to walk away. If you find things get tricky or are complicated, don't stress. Have a good laugh and remember "this too shall pass" Ask you self " what do I need to let go of"

 4. Slow and Steady What is the rush? Why are doing so much, there is plenty of time to do things so why do feel so rushed? Many of you who will get this card are doing to much at once or pushing yourself to hard. It's a card that reminds us that slow and steady wins the race. Instant gratification will be you biggest pitfall so slow down. Enjoy the journey. We must learn to stop and smell the roses. Enjoy today. This card is bring you the message that you are spending too much time and energy worried about the past of the future.  Things will happen when the time is right so don't rush through life. Today is about slowing down,  taking your time and being present. If you find you feel rushed or anxious,  take a feel breaths. You'll find your much calmer and much more happier if you pick up this new attitude of " slow and steady wins the race, what's rush?

 5. Flying This is a great card! It's a powerful manifestor  and it's here to let you know that the universe is opening it's door wide open for you. No goal is out of reach so aim high! You have ability to plant some powerful goals that will in deed come true. Best of luck to you! Set some powerful goals today.