Saturday, October 29, 2016

Message of the week : Good bye October

Before we leave October, lets see what our Angels messages are.

1.  Wizard of Awareness :  You and I both know that you know what’s best for yourself, you just have to trust it. Allow yourself  to just be still and observe.  If this card presents itself for you, don’t brush it off, trust that it’s message is true.  This card brings a message that you are stuck in an ego state of mind – you want to control things around you or you are trying to make something happen, and right now, this is not the best decision. This is not a time of action but a time to sit back and just watch. Observe because you will see things more clearly, you’re missing a very important piece of the puzzle.

   2.   Spark: I hate to say this, but someone or something is trying to dull your shine. Your going against something that is going to be more draining for you. There are times to fight or there are times to flight. Right now you want to mellow out and just let things unfold. Peoples true colors will show and you don’t want to act because you’ll get sucked into their negativity.  Retreat inwards and empower yourself. Put 100 percent of your energy towards things you love. Everything else can wait.

         3.  Coming to life:  Spirit is always there to help us, if we call on angel guidance, they arrive. We just have to do our part and move over and let life happen. When we release control of our expectations magic happen. But…. It will only happen if we trust in the universe.  If you plant a seed, you know it’ll grow. You don’t keep pulling at the roots to see if its working, correct? So trust this process. Ask for help and let go. Just trust that what you need is unfolding, even if you can’t see it just yet. Take this card as a sign that your on the right path, when you need the messages the most, they do arrive, you just have to be awake to see them.
    4.   Stuck in the Mud:  Being stuck somewhere is not always a bad thing. Sometimes we need to slow down and if we don’t, the universe will conspire with our angels and make things happen to make us slow down. We’ll get sick, our car will break down or those plans get canceled. This isn’t a bad thing, it’s a good thing! If you find your bumping your head, your laces are coming undone on your shoes or you get stuck in traffic. The universe is saying “HEY! SLOW DOWN! I HAVE SOMETHING AMAZING To SHOW YOU BUT YOUR MOVING SO FAST, YOU MISSED IT”

     5.  Ghostlands: Are you finding your spending a lot of your energy focused on tomorrow and the future? Or maybe you can’t let something go that happened in the past. This card shows up today for you because it’s a message that you aren’t being present in the here and now. All of your struggles and issues that are arising are because you aren’t being in this moment right now.  Yesterday has come and gone, we can’t change it now, we just keep moving forward.
Tomorrow isn’t here and we can’t make it come any faster so enjoy where you are today.

When you find yourself wandering into the ghostlands, it’s time to wake up and come back to reality. 

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