Saturday, April 15, 2017

Our Spiritual Highway - The Crown Chakra

Crown Chakra

I began opening my crown chakra in 2014 and during this period  I had the greatest amount of growth and through its inspiration- I launched Tarot by Cyndee. It wasn’t something that happened over night, it did take a few months and for others I have heard it can happen over night and some it took years.  For me,  it was a matter of when I was ready. I would start to open, and odd things began to happen that terrified me and I shut back down.  During these scary moments for me, I was slowly introduced to Arch Angel Zadkiel, he would come to me during my meditations but I had no idea who he was at that time. The more he came around, the more I began to recognize his energy.
            Our crown chakra is our connection to source. I was able to open this chakra many years ago through some interesting techniques that I will teach you later on this blog.  When it is open and balanced we are compassionate, non-judgmental and free of negativity.  We are in tuned with the universe so we feel its divine connection and trust its course. Those who are spiritually connected will often say “ I trust the process” because they understand there is a higher power at play and in every experience there is a reason.
            The Crown Chakra floats above our heads, Some people have this misconception that its laying on top of our heads.  If you ever see me talk about the crown chakra, it’s rare that I ever touch the top of my head, it’s usually waving about 2-3 inches above where it’s floating.  It is beautiful in color, it’s this pretty iridescent purple with sparkles of clear gold.  It can be quite large, it’s like a big lotus flower with petals that bloom over the size of your head and creates this lotus crown.  Of all the chakras, this is the only that I have seen as a “true flower”

A Closed Crown Chakra:
            About the size of a tangerine, it will ball up into a small ball.  It becomes this dark solid purple ball. It does not move. It just sits there.  How to identify a closed Crown Chakra
-Close minded: You are not open to others opinions or have a hard time understanding others point of view.   You get what some call “ tunnel vision” its your way or now way.
-Obnoxious personality, You know every thing, your always right and you can never be wrong. Its other people and not you.
-Depression – a closed connection to spirit leaves us feeling alone.
-Head aches – that ball of energy tenses to stay closed when it truth it needs to be open, this force that keeps it closed causes migraines and headaches.  Headaches in the back of the neck and on top of your head or your temples are signs.
-Materialism is a great sign that the chakra is closed. Those who are concerned with earthly items are not centered.  There is something lacking in their hearts so they try to fill the void with “ things” They don’t have the connection to source that gives them meaning, so they try to find that connection by buying things.  IT’T OK TO WANT TO HAVE THINGS AS LONG AS YOU HAVE A WELL BALANCED LIFE.  IF YOU WORK HARD, REMEMBER TO PLAY EVEN HARDER. WE AREN’T HERE TO WORK OURSELVES TO DEATH.

An Open Crown Chakra
-          Your head feels light and airy.  Your thoughts are clear and your memory is phenomenal!  People will often comment on how great your memory is. Children with wonderful memory retention is because their crown chakras are nice and open.
-           Intelligence is also a sign of an open chakra – where do you think all that knowledge comes from? The universe of course!
-          Trust in the process. There is this unwavering trust that it will all be ok.
-          Lack  of worry – not to say that we don’t worry, but for those who have an open crown chakra, their intensity of worry will be less. Yes it’s a concern but its not so big that they lose sleep, this is because they have this trust that this is all about the process and it will be ok.
-          Lack of judgement – again, there is a trust factor. You may not like what someone is doing, but you trust that this is THEIR PROCESS.

-          Chakra will be open and rotating. The chakra will bloom and its petals will expand and open. In the center of the bloom will be a crystal that is very clear and shiny. This is the location for the energy of the PITUATARY GLAND.  (THE PINEAL GLAND which is different- Is connected to the third eye chakra. ) The Pituitary gland is called the “ Master Gland” and is the controller of all things in the body.  ( didn’t know that did you!)
How to balance your chakra:
I discovered this process while working with Arch Angel Zadkiel. Many of you will who work with St.Germain, this is naturally your angel at birth.  These two wonderful spiritual entities work with what we call the “ Violet Flame” More about this another time.
           Zadkiel is the angel of the “7th ray” – the 7th chakra. When working with him, you will find you will have great memory. He helps us develop confidence and form healthy relationships- he gives us the confidence to trust.  When you are ready to open your 7th chakra, he will help you “attune” using meditation.  Some of you will notice during your meditations that I will mention below, that you will feel surrounded in “purple” or your bathing in purple.  Zadkiel will engulf us during our meditation, just like Michael shields us in his blue light for protection,  in “ Violet Flame” that will transmute the energy in our auras.  He has taught me the only way to open your 7th chakra is through meditation.

A. Meditation:  The crown chakra is a quiet chakra. Its energy is charged during periods of stillness and quiet.  And I mean, complete rest. Sitting still and being still.

B. -Binaural Beats :  specific sounds will help you get into a trance and relax your mind so you can enter a meditative state that will allow you to tap into the chakras for heightened abilities.  I use to listen to specific sounds that you can find on I would follow the guidance of my guides and asked them what type of meditation do I need today.  I advise you all to do the same, go with where you are being pulled because some of you will need more of one then the other. 

 C. Crystals : I love crystals and I work with them all the time, but when it came time to focus on my crown chakra I specifically used
1. Moonstone a stone of intuition and insight,
2. Rainbow Fluorite – helps us calm the chatter so we can meditate , it also encourages development of psychic abilities.
3. Amethyst + Selenite  - Amethyst is a wonderful healer and will protect you from unwanted energies. This is a wonderful crystal for spiritual development on any level. Selenite is one of my favorites! It is a wonderful crystal that helps your draw a bridge that connects you to the angelic realm. I love this combination because its both soothing and relieving. When in meditation, this magical combination just takes all my stress and worries away.

           My regime once upon a time ( once its activated, you don’t need to redo the full steps, from time to time you will need “re-freshers”)  5 am Quiet Meditation 15 minutes before my day starts.  I eventually worked my way up to 30 minutes of quiet meditation. I would hold my crystals during this time.
           Evenings- I would ask my guide: Listen to 20 – 30 minutes of either
a.      Beta Wave Binural Beat :  This helps destress, and relaxes so you can enter a meditative state
b.      Theta Wave Binural Beat: this is a trance like sound that will help pull you into a deep meditation. Shaman’s and Buddhist often use this wave length during their meditative trances.

           Between alternating of the two, this is how I began my process of opening my crown chakra. The crowns chakra as I mentioned, closed is a tight ball. The Pituitary gland is in the center of this ball. During quiet meditation I was building roads and paths to connect to the universe, my spiritual guides where my taxi drivers.  When I was ready, My spiritual guides would show me which roads to take, the Beta or Theta waves. During this binaural wave meditations something really fascinating happened – I started to feel pressure in my head, this was my chakra expanding and releasing tension. I later on began to feel and hear “crackling noises” this was my chakra 1. Opening and 2. The pituitary gland shedding its protective layer.

And that my friends is how I opened my crown chakra. I also want to note, that you cannot run ahead and skip to your crown chakra.  As I mentioned, the Pituitary gland is the Master Gland. In order to open it, you must balance all your other chakras. If you decide to run head and skip the others, you may find yourself years later, still working on your crown chakra. 

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