Monday, May 29, 2017

Journey to a more Zenful life

                     2016 was a year where I learned how to be more present in my life. I really struggled for a moment in time where I was resentful, angry and had a  hard time of letting go of the past.  I struggled hard with a few coworkers, it ultimately taught me that if people are destined to be in our lives, they will stay. If they aren’t or if they complete their purpose, they will move on. That meant that every challenge I was faced with, I accepted it.

            My year came to end with a boss who was retiring, a coworker who threw me under the bus and accused me of things that she was actually guilty of and a different coworker who I had been struggling with for a very long time , we finally had a blow up.  A lot of these events that had unfolded left me feeling very angry and victimized. With my boss retiring, I felt like I really had no one in my corner and I was ready to call it quits and throw in the towel.

My angels gently kept telling me, “don’t quit, just let go.”

 This became a reminder for me each and every day, to just surrender. Let it go. If something upset me, I became aware and then I repeated my mantra “ just let go.” When past resentments came up, again, I practiced breathing and told myself “ Let go” It wasn’t easy, The process was a struggle but I am still here at this job today and I am much happier today.
 ( Oh yes, one of the coworkers has given notice shortly after and is no longer with us. As a thank you for being my greatest obstacle and challenge, I even gave her a going away gift )

How? I learned to stay in the present and I now have mastered the art of “letting shit go”

Today, Instead of struggling and getting upset, I remind myself, If it doesn’t work, let it go. I always ask myself, “ do I speak up? Or do I let it go?” How I decide which of the later I will do, is how it makes me feel. If one option leaves me feeling upset , I don’t do it. I totally follow the subtle emotions that guide me on a daily basis now. I don’t ignore them anymore and I sure as hell don’t allow myself to go home angry and upset because the work day is draining.
             I learned that I cannot control what goes on in the outside world. I can’t control how others are going to react. I learned that I cannot take others insecurities and frustrations on as my on.  And I learned the greatest lesson of them all, when someone puts a target on my back, it’s not because of anything I DID. The other person has their own issues and their own karma and my job is to just let that shit go. If I acknowledge their hatred towards me, I give them my power and life is too short for me to get upset, so let that shit go.  I’ve learned to accept to move on and if they don’t like me, that’s their problem. I live the golden rule and I treat others as I wish to be treated. I do my best to not send out any negative “Bullets” (thoughts) because I understand the repercussions.
           If you walk away with anything today, it is that- do not send out negative bullets.  People who wish you harm, that is their karma. Let it go. If you become aware of this, they cannot penetrate your aura. Their bad energy will return to them. You do not need to do anything in return. Let the universe handle it. This eye for an eye thing will only make the world go blind. I know it’s really hard, when you’ve been attacked to not want to retaliate or have some sense of justice but I promise you, the greater your struggle with this lesson, the bigger your reward will be when you overcome it. I never knew how much I struggled with this injustice until I had to face with it over half a year. This frustration and anger brewed with in me for so long that finally day, I just blew my gasket. I totally lost it. Part of me was so embarrassed that I had given so much of my energy to this drama and another part of me was really sadden and depressed that I had let my power go.  I woke up one day and decided I didn’t want to feel this way anymore and my story changed. The result of that journey is what you are reading now.

How we trap ourselves
Resentment: This is the key ingredient to unhappiness. This is the first step to unwillingness. Unwilling to accept what is, Unwillingness to make necessary changes, Unwillingness to accept our own actions.  Resentment contaminates who we are on a soul level. It prevents us from moving forward and letting go, it keeps us stuck.  When we live with resentment, it prevents us from being in the present moment and enjoy what is right in front of us.

If you find you have emotions of anger and hostility, the root cause could be in the past which is the home of resentment.

Complaining: This is playing the victim card. Don’t do it. If you hang out with people who like to complain, I suggest you start keeping your distance because their negativity will drain you.  Complaining drains you of your power. It gives away your ability to manifest a better outcome. Complaining will trap you, you will become stuck. Don’t do it.  Learn to avoid it all cost, your soul will thank you later.  When we complain, we are resisting what is. We are not accepting what the universe has handed us. We are not empowered to overcome obstacles designed to empower us.

Stress:  Stress arrives when we worry to much about the future. We don’t stop to appreciate the present moment, we are stuck in the now, but our minds are stuck in the future. This creates un necessary stress. When you focus on where you are RIGHT NOW, you can not stress. 

Anxiety: This is the fear of the unknown. Again, worrying about what hasn’t happened, thinking about what can happen. This causes so much anxiety because there are so many possibilities. Stop. Anxiety stems from our minds wanting to be in the future but our physical body is still in the present.  We are attempting to jump time, but we can’t – this causes our mind and body tension known as ANXIETY. Anxiety prevents us from living because we are trying to focus on the future. This creates unhappiness. Our souls is designed to live in the now, being present, Enjoying the moment. If you have anxiety, practice the mantra  “Carpe Diem” which translates to seize the day. Stop and smell the roses, become present and appreciate what is.

How I overcame these obstacles and started living a more Zenful Life
Let go of the past
My biggest challenge and greatest lesson for 2016, I learned, was I was very unforgiving. I have a memory of an elephant. If you burn me once, that’s it, I never forget.  This was my biggest obstacle. Learning to accept the problem as it is and not returning to what was.  My advice here is don’t try to relive the past or rationalize it. That was yesterday, let it go. Today is a new day.  Accept who you are right now and be you. Be present. Treat today as a brand new day and address the issue as it is.
Ego traps us into yesterday, It loses its power when we are present. Being present is uncomfortable for the ego, its quiet, its lonely but it is so healing. When we learn to quiet the ego, we learn what true inner peace is. It is a gift.

Let go of control and just surrender. When you feel out of control or your full anxiety, surrender. Accept what you feel and just let yourself bath in it. If you’re angry, feel angry. If you’re sad feel sad. Accept what you’re feeling and let your body just be. Learn to surrender, when the outside world is bursting out of control, the only way for your internal environment to remain calm is to surrender.  

How do we surrender? “ let that shit go” Anything that makes you frustrated or uncomfortable, let that shit go. It is not running away from your problems, it’s allowing the universe to unfold as it should.

          It’s ok to be upset, It’s ok to be lazy, It’s ok to lack motivation. The secret is that once you allow yourself to accept these emotions ( surrender) , you will soon be able to come out of it. It’s when we deny it, that we make ourselves feel bad for doing it.  We turn this negative emotion into resentment and we start to play the blame game.
                    Learn to surrender yourself. Your true power lies in learning to let that shit go.
       After a hard day at work, It was really hard for me to let shit go, I would lay in bed , not wanting to do anything, telling myself, I need to get up and do something because I was ashamed that I let work drain me so much.  What I learned from this internal battle was that the more I felt bad for feeling how I felt, the more drained I felt. I never allowed myself to just sit and be angry.  I didn’t allow myself to have a good cry because I felt weak. But to be honest, it is so empowering to sit with the discomfort and just be.  When I let myself be angry,  sad or depressed, my soul found its power. I didn’t like how it made me feel, so I decided in those moments,

 “ I’m going to make a change, One day I got tired of feeling that way so I changed”

Final words of wisdom
Awareness of us not being present is a huge step. Feeling every emotion at the current moment is very empowering. Don’t run or hide. Don’t try to find distractions in alcohol, drugs, sex or any other activity hoping to numb the discomfort.  Challenges are designed to awaken us. If we don’t heed the calling, we go into a deeper sleep. Denial, Depression, Unhappiness are signs of denial.
By being conscious and present, we grow in power. Tapping into how you feel presently and allowing yourself to bath in it, creates magic. 

We can only learn the lessons we need to empower us in the present. 
Don’t live in yesterday or wait for tomorrow.
Learn to live today and be present.
 If anything rocks your calmness, let that shit go.

Bath in the discomfort and welcome the blessing. 

Want to read more? Check out my article from 2014 to gain  6 helpful tips to help you on your journey towards more peacefulness.