Friday, July 14, 2017

Message of the week:

Message of the week:

Take a few minutes to get grounded. Take a few deep cleansing breaths and ask your guides what will be a great message you need to hear that will help you finish up your week. This message is for this upcoming weekend. Pick a card when your ready. 

1.       Emperor  Card – This card shows me you will benefit greatly by getting some things done this weekend. Mark off those to-do box’s you’ve been putting off. This weekend is not a weekend to relax or procrastinate. It’s a day to get to work! Do what you need to do. You can relax and have fun later, but use this pivotal moment in time to get to business and start doing those things you’ve been telling yourself you will do when you have more time.

2.       The Nine of Cups: CONGRATULATIONS! This is such a wonderful card you’ve chosen.  You’ve planted some great seeds and you’re going to get what you set out to get. This weekend, have fun, enjoy yourself and just trust that the universe is working vigorously to move things around for you. Today is a day to just LOVE LIFE. Be GRATEFUL and HAVE FUN.

3.       King of Earth:  Accept the opportunities presented to you this weekend with grace. Smile and say thank you. If someone invites you out to dinner, get out of your own rut and have dinner. The king of earth is a grounding card. It’s a card of support. The universe will bring people into your life this weekend that are here to support you. You may not feel like it but just trust that if they weren’t for you, they wouldn’t be here.

4.       Eight of Air : We all have ups and sometimes more downs. This card shows me that you have the potential to spend your weekend dwelling on the negative.  And I just want to tell you, that’s its ok! It’s ok to have a bad day. It’s ok to stay home this weekend and fume and get angry! Allow yourself permission to be who you need to be anger and frustration and all. But…… The secret here is to allow yourself to be negative this weekend and then let it go. Lock yourself up, scream and yell, CRY. Journal, Vent. Do what you need to do to get all that negative pent up energy out! Come Monday morning, Let it go. Smile, Laugh and be happy. We’re all human, we all have a vast vessel of emotions and it’s important we feel every inch of that vessel and not be guilty about it. There is nothing wrong with having a  bad day, it happens. The secret is letting yourself have a bad day and then let go.

Need more? You can book your reading with me at