Sunday, August 20, 2017

Total Solar Eclipse

Total Solar Eclipse
August 21 2017
                Tomorrow is a very exciting day, it’s the first time in 38 years that we will be able to experience a total Solar eclipse. If you are ruled by the water (birth signs Scorpio, Pisces and Cancers) you may experience these shifts in energy the most. What most of you may not realize is that this Solar Eclipse will be happening during a new moon.  A new moon is a wonderful time to set some goals, with this one being on a Total Solar Eclipse- Don’t delay yourself. Set some powerful intentions and goals.

                As some of you may have noticed, chaos and upheaval seem to be prevalent now, but please, don’t let this negative energy discourage you from seeing the positive in everything and shining your own light. We cannot match negativity with more negativity. If you wish to change the world, it must start with you. As the next few months start to unfold, you may notice many challenges will seem to just land at your feet.  The Solar eclipse can bring chaos and change.  But this does not mean you are powerless, to be forewarned is to be prepared.

                Some things to remember:
                a. 2017 numerological is a #1 year. With this comes many new changes, a brand new start and total shift in energy. We are starting a new chapter.  We have already seen this significant change in the change of presidency for the US.  

                b. -Eclipse are rare- why? It only happens when the Sun, Moon and Earth are all aligned. Doesn’t happen very often. Usually 4-7 times a year we will experience a partial or annular eclipse. A total eclipse is even rarer, once in a life time.

 (Tomorrow we all get to experience a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE- these are rare and are the kings of eclipses. The last one was in 1979)

LUNAR ECLIPSE happens when the earth is in the center and the sun and moon are on opposite sides, these happen at night.

 SOLAR ECLIPSE happens when the moon is between the sun and earth. Spiritually, eclipses are SUPER POWERFUL. The energy is amplified. Don’t let this precious time go to waste.

c. Total Eclipse lands on a new moon Aug 21,2017.  What this means for you? Plant those precious seeds you wish to see come to fruit. Hopes, wishes and dreams are within reach if you believe! New moons are the perfect times to set intentions, goals and make a plan. Today is a the perfect day for you to write your story- how do you wish for your life to unfold these 6months? 

Some tips to re-focus your energy

With this super charged New moon/ Solar Eclipse arriving Monday, I wanted to share with you all some tips to help you shift your energy and make some healthy changes today for a happier you. Happiness is a choice and we all have the right to it, but we must accept that we are worthy and in control of it. It is not handed to us on a silver platter from the universe because we did a good deed. It is ours to take and it is our CHOICE. 

We must actively pursue happiness.         

1.       How do you perceive your reality? If you want something- Go get it! Nothing is standing in your way but yourself. We create our reality. If we perceive the glass half full or half empty- that is all on us. Not anyone else. If you think you can’t do something or you often use excuses such as “ I can’t, I never, It never happens for me, I am so unlucky, it doesn’t work, ect”   Come to terms with this and accept this part of your reality so you can make healthy changes. How you perceive your reality is what will come to be. Don’t think you can’t, THINK YOU WILL.

2.       What you say becomes your truth. Words are powerful, how you speak to others and to yourself will say a lot about your character. Be aware of how you speak and how others speak to you. Don’t allow others negativity to affect your own verbage. Ever notice when you hang out with people who cuss, you in turn will cuss? Or ever walk into a room where a group of people gossip? Use positive phrases and fill your life with positive quotes.

    3.       Re-write your story. We all have the power to control our destiny. It all begins with a choice. If you are unhappy with the current chapter, use this powerful solar eclipse to re-write your story. Forget about the past and what has happened or what was done. Move forward- how do you wish for your life to be in the next coming months.

    4.       Be amongst those who inspire you. You want to fill your life with people who inspire you. Have friends that elevate you. Be with family that are successful and high achievers and hang out with co-workers who are leaders. Who you allow in your personal space is a reflection on what your reality is. Birds of a feather, flock together.

If you have nothing but negativity and low achievers in your life, you will have a very hard time manifesting a better life, because I will be honest, people can and will weigh us down if we are not careful. I don’t mean you need to eliminate people from your life, but decrease your exposure to them. We all have family that is draining and of course you love them unconditionally but you don’t need to be with them all the time. Set healthy boundaries. If you don’t have a large social group, fill your life with positive role models.

5.       Change your routine- Live a little
This is the fun part. HAVE FUN. Do something different! Stop going to the same coffee shop, at the same time, every day. Live a little. Do something new. Let the universe guide you and wander. Those who get lost will find themselves.