Wednesday, January 3, 2018

To calculate your personal year for 2018

Add your Birth DAY and birth MONTH and THE CURRENT YEAR
 to get your own personal year

For Example : Birthday is May 5.  -------à 5+5+2+0+1+8 = 21
                Once you have added all the numbers you must reduce the final number to a single digit by adding the two numbers. 2+1= 3 ---------à 3 is your Personal Year!

Personal Years:

1: This is a year for new beginnings. Let old bygones be bygones and allow the next chapter of your life unfold! It’s a year of new starts, struggles and inspiration! Great year to set goals that will unfold the following 10 years

2. Year of Harmony and Balance . After a rocky start of the number 1 year, you can enjoy the calmness. This is a year to nurture all those goals you put in place during a 1 year.

3. Year to have fun. You’ve been working hard, you set some great foundations and this is a year for you to have fun. Enjoy what you have built. Make time this year to enjoy life and have more fun

4. Year to focus on FOUNDATIONS. You may have been trying to find your way these last few years and the 4 year is a time for you to get down to business and start getting serious. Take classes or read books towards things you want. This is a year of maturity and personal growth.

5. the 5 is a rocky year. There is a lot of energy all over the place. You may find things are chaotic, rocky and nothing just seems to go smooth. It’s a very crazy year in good and bad ways. This is not a year to make any big decisions. Lots of energy flying around left and right because the universe is shuffling things around to make it happen for you. Don’t take anything serious, take everything with a dash of salt and focus on the cup being half full.

6 . Great year to settle down and build a family, home, ect. This is a very sweet loving year. If you want to buy a house- this is a great year to do it.

7. Year to retreat and meditate. This is a year for you to return your focus inwards on yourself. Be selfish with your time and energy. Many people find their aha spiritual moments during this time.  I’ve had a few clients who “found god” during their 7th year.

8. GREAT YEAR FOR BUSINESS. Finances and Career will blossom in the 8th year.

9 Year of closure. This is a time where things come to a natural end. If you have a relationship that comes to an end during your 9th year, this is a very good sign that KARMA has been balanced between you and that other soul. It’s a very healing year as we start to let go of the past to make room for the new during the 1 year.

There are many ways to interpret the Personal Year, this is just my personal interpretation through my own years of experience.  I highly recommend you all to do your own research on the personal year number  and go with what feels right. If you find that my interpretation just doesn’t feel right- trust it! Do your own research and see what your spiritual team guides you to.

It’s not to late to book a new year reading. If you’re interested in learning more about what 2018 has to offer you, check out more details here .
 I am only offering the NEW YEAR READING UNTIL JAN 31.