Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Sit in the discomfort

If I had to share any piece of advice today, this is the one that keeps coming to mind and it’s one I believe that will help shift your energy in a direction that is needed. We live in world where we don’t want to feel any discomfort. We don’t want to feel pain, anxiety , discomfort so what do we do? We distract ourselves with addictions and meaningless things. How many of us spend hours and hours binge watching Netflix, how many of us avoid looking at our bank accounts because we know we have over spent and how many of us get sucked into others drama because its better to focus on others issues then our own?

We’ll my friends, today is a wake up call. Today , I come to you all with a  message that it’s time we face our own bs and allow ourselves to feel the bs.  What is the number one thing that you are all avoiding right now? THAT IS THE DISCOMFORT YOU NEED TO FEEL. Allow your body to feel it, let it run it’s course and then its over. If you allow your self to feel it , it will run its course and it’s hold on you will be loosened.

How many of you want to manifest but you feel like you never get anywhere?

 You say to yourself “ it doesn’t work, I’ve tried. “

You know… It does work, and  yes, maybe you have tried, but I can guarantee that most of you have not tried it this way. For me, I learned at a young age how to manifest. I didn’t manifest magical, amazing experiences but instead, I brought to life, my anxieties. I attracted things that I tried very hard to avoid and one of the lessons that I learned along the way, that I never shared because it was so natural for me, was that to manifest amazing things and experience, we must learn to sit in our discomfort.

The avoidance of discomfort creates blockages.

 You want to manifest a 100 bucks but you can’t because you’re avoiding your debt because it’s uncomfortable. You’ve been misled to believe that if you “ see it, feel  it and want it” that it will come to be and when it doesn’t you think “ it doesn’t work” BUT IT DOES WORK. You just can’t avoid the GROWING PAINS OF MANIFESTING IT. That’s all it is. The discomfort we feel, they are growing pains. The bigger the pains the larger the rewards.  Don’t get me wrong, life does not have to be hard, but , we do need challenges so that we can learn to overcome our own bs so that we can reap the rewards.

Life is not going to hand you millions without you putting forth any effort. If that’s how the universe works then we wouldn’t be poor, we wouldn’t have suffering and you wouldn’t be here, still reading my newsletter!

Don’t believe me, try it.
1.       Set a small goal that is attainable.  First rule of thumb, you have to be passionate about it.  Pick a goal that lights you up. Don’t pick a goal that you don’t care for because you’re afraid of disappointment. An example is you want to lose weight. Choose to lose 10 pounds not 50.

2.       Create Action steps – Be active in your life, don’t sit and wait for the universe to answer your call because that’s just being lazy.  A great example would be if you wanted to lose weight. Your first action plan would be to create a food diary, figure out how many calories you’re currently consuming and then cut back the amount of calories you consume.

3.       Get uncomfortable. You have to be honest. If your going to lie to yourself about it, It wont work. You have to admit your faults, you have to face the very thing that makes you uncomfortable.  It could be your weight, your debt, your job,  it could be anything! Anxiety is a negative response your body has to things that make you uncomfortable.  Your stomach tightens, you begin to sweat or get anxious. What triggers those emotions in you? FEEL IT. Be present and let it sit there until it passes. Most discomfort will usually pass out of your system within 90 seconds. That’s it! That’s all you have to do, is sit and let it soak for 90 seconds and then it’s gone and your back to normal.

4.       Rinse and Repeat.  Continue this until the bad habits stop. Continue this until you manifest that small goal. Keep going and don’t give up. NO matter how uncomfortable or challenging this process gets, keep going. If you need support, don’t be afraid to reach out, I’ll be your cheerleader.

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