Friday, January 11, 2019

Our First message of the Year!

The King of  Pentacles

                -Be strong
                - Set Goals and achieve them
                - Having Direction

I pulled this card for the New moon this last Saturday and Life got super hectic and I totally forget to send an email and share with you all the magic of the new moon. Ok lesson learned, next month I will plan to write even earlier and try to get it out on time next time.

So what did this teach me? To not give up, to keep trying. Set those goals, and when you fail, try again. That is the energy of the King of pentacles. Set a goal and do it, no matter what.  You will fall and he will pick you pack up and tell you get back on the horse and keep going. He is the very first card for 2019 and it’s a powerful one. Of all the kings in Tarot , he is the most grounding. He’s that voice of reason you need when all is dark and lost. He will guide you to the light and get you back on track so if you feel like it’s a new year and things are getting better or here you are again, falling back into your old ways- don’t fret, this all normal and apart of the learning growth and the difference this time is your aware of it. You know what habits you don’t want and your now a bit more clear on what goals you need to achieve for this year.

Un clear about your direction? DON’T WORRY, keep up with my newsletters and I KNOW you’ll eventually get your light bulb moment.

               The king of pentacles is a man who never gives up. He keeps trying and going because HE KNOWS he’ll get it. He doesn’t have a doubt in his mind that what he planned will come to fruitation. He’ll get what he wants.  And that is what I want to share you all today. You will get what you want! You just have to believe, try and keep trying.

Many of us fail because we don’t believe. Many of us fail because we stop trying.
The road gets too hard or we get side tracked so we think “ maybe its not for us” and we get off course and bam – LOST. How did we get lost? Because we doubted ourselves. DOUBT stems from fear!

             We are so afraid of hard work, we are so afraid of failure. We are so focused on being uncomfortable that we do everything that we can to not be uncomfortable but you guys, this is life. We need to be uncomfortable. We need to feel the downside of the wheel so we can appreciate the greater things in life. Our life challenges are meant to humble us, it’s meant to inspire us. It’s meant to create energy of appreciation because without darkness, we cannot see the light. 
The king of pentacles has been through many battles and wars and he survived. It takes a great warrior to win the battle but this happen over night. It takes time, practice and trial and error. When you feel lost or you want to give up, take a deep breath, think of the King of pentacles, and inhale his energy and FIGHT. You push yourself harder each day. When you feel down and out, dwell in your sorrow. Feel the pain, get uncomfortable. Then… Snap out of out and say enough- I’M BETTER THEN THIS. If your hiding from your discomfort, your just avoiding and prolonging the healing. Look depression, anger and frustration in the eye today and say “ FUCK YOU,” The king of pentacles is with me and I can do this.

         Then…. Click on this link where you can download a free goal setting sheet I’ve created for you all. Its a little exercise to jump start your 2019.  Write on it, print it out, print several copies and do one each month at the start of a new – what ever you want to do- JUST DO IT. It’s totally free and you’ll get the instant download right now, so there is no reason to wait til later, or I’ll do it when I’m free or Maybe tomorrow when I have a spare moment.  DO, DO IT NOW.

Happy Friday friends! Enjoy the rest of your week and please feel to keep in touch and let me know how life is treating you ;)