Monday, April 13, 2020

Laern Tarot: The Aces

Aces of Tarot
The aces of tarot  symbolize new beginnings. 
Aces are fun to work with because when these arrive it shows me there is a lot of potential ahead and that the possibilities are endless. These family of cards signify the start of new growth, the start of a new chapter and new beginnings. They arrive when you are being asked to focus on being creative, get innovative and take charge of your life. 

Ace of Wands:
     These are the seeds of new beginnings. The great new idea you have! The wand depicted in this photo is the wand made from a branch from the tree of life. ( The tree of life was the fruit tree from the bible, the very same tree Eden ate the forbidden fruit)  The tree births new ideas that will grow into fruition. When this card arrives, it welcomes you to humor those great new bright ideas, no matter how crazy they sound. Just trust that your "aha" moments are going to prove to be quite successful. You just have to trust your  self.  

Ace of Pentacles:
     Ace of Pentacles are all about firm foundations, making sure you have a great start and building on something solid. If you want it to last, you must focus on creating a firm foundation. When this card arrives it shows us that you will be presented with opportunities to grow in a very good way but you have to first walk through the doors when they show up. This card will bring you great energy and you have support from the universe. Notice how the hand is cupping the coin and handing it over- this is the universe handing you a golden coin. You just need to take it.  Be open to new opportunities and take leaps of faith. This is a grounding card and shows us you need to focus on the hear and now. Focus on what is in front of you. Doors will open but if you don't pay attention, you'll easily miss them.

Ace of Swords:
     Sometimes, life gets hard. Sometimes the universe will put challenges in front of you so you can over come them. Sometimes you experience hardships so that you can gain strength. The ace of swords is here to tell you - you  must fight for what you want, be persistent. Do not give up so easily, if things were easy, everyone would do them, but only the strong survive. This card brings a message that yes you can do this, be relentless in your journey and don't give up. 

Ace of Cups:
     This is card of following your heart. You must follow your passions and do what you love, this is not the time to settle. Your heart is open and the universe is telling you " Just trust your heart and go with it. Not sure what you need to do when this card arrives? Close your eyes, take a deep breath and trust what comes to mind. That first thought is your heart speaking to you. 

with love and light,

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