Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Exceptionally Rare and Wonderful Super Moon March 2015

Today I want to talk to you all about the Super Moon and its Powers. I have to you that I have based a majority of my career around the Super moon. My 6-soul coaching course is only taught 3 times a year and is based off of the schedule of the Super moon. We usually get about 4-6 Super moons a Year. Why do I do this? BECAUSE THE SUPER IS AWFULLY POWERFUL. It was during a super moon that I received Divine guidance that changed my life. So what exactly is a Super Moon and what are you talking about Cyndee???
    A Super Moon occurs when the moon rotates closes to the earth. It can happen at anytime, but is most noticeable during a Full moon: you will see that the moon is larger than ever. Many of you may have noticed that sometimes you saw a moon and it was really big or close and was amazed but didn't think much of it after that, but It is my hopes that after you have read this article, you look at a large moon in a different light because it may change you life! The energy of the moon is very powerful and if you don't know, it is the moon that moves the tides and waves of the oceans. It shifts bodies of water, as humans we are majority made of water- This is why they say the crazies come out during full moons and it is a known fact that we have more patrol man being called out during full moons. Hospitals will be filled with bizarre happenings and people in general will be a lot more moody. You yourself may be filled with an overabundance of emotion, your laughing one moment and crying the next. Your not crazy, its just the full moon. I highly recommend that you meditate or find solace during this period so that you can breathe through the chaos of the full moon.
    Two power periods of the moon is a New Moon and a Full moon.

  On Friday March 20th, we have 3 amazing things that are happening all together in one event, which makes it really Rare! As a matter of fact, the next time these 3 events will happen together again will be in 2053. What is this amazing event called that I am talking about? SYZYGY. What does it mean? "Astronomy. an alignment of three celestial objects, as the sun, the earth, and either the moon or a plane"- Quoted from On march 20 we Have a new moon which will also be a super moon because it will be rotating very closely to the earth. We also have Solar Eclipse! Because it will be a new moon- we wont see the "super moon" but it is there, trust me. A solar Eclipse happens when the sun and moon line up. This only occurs during a new moon, We will also be going through the Spring Equinox! This is a period when our days and nights are of equal time. ( You have heart of the winter equinox where our nights are longer or The summer Equinox where our days are longer)
 So what is so special this FRIDAY MARCH 20?
        -Super Moon
        -Solar Eclipse
        -Spring Equinox
    All three events will be occurring at the same- an event we call SYZYGY. It's absolutely amazing, and very rare!


    How does this affect you?
    It's a wonderful time to trust in the universe and allow yourself to be in spirit! It's a powerful time, and one that will occur again in 2053. I highly recommend you all take advantage of this now because you have a few more decades til you get to do this again. During a new moon – it's a wonderful time to manifest your dreams. It's during this time that I teach in my clients that they should write out their wish list when I'm talking about manifesting. I share this with you all now! WRITE DOWN WHAT YOU WANT. If you are wanting to make your dreams come true, there is no better time than now. This Friday, with draw ab it from the world and go with in. Ask yourself what will make you happy and what is it that you want in life. Sit and bath in the moon light and allow the energy of the moon to pull your life in the direction you want. 

Blessings to you, And I wish you all the very best!
- channeled by Arch Angel Gabriel "guardian of the Moon" 3/18/2015\

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