Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Devil – The root of our Fears

One of the things that I have found to be common amongst my clients are issues with the Ego. In the tarot there are 78 cards, each one depicting a different aspect of oneself. One the cards is the Devil. When this card presents itself, it doesn't mean there is evil involved, it usually signifies the client is dealing with their own inner demons, self-restriction's and Fear. Fear is an ego based emotion. People are often held back in their life because of their own fear. If we all learn to trust spirit and believe that our lives can be great and expect wonderful thing to happen, the world I believe would be a better place. Everyone would pursue a life they were meant to live, but sadly, I often see my clients feel stuck or are unhappy because they are afraid to follow their heart.
As a child I have been able to sense spirits and I was raised in a way that taught me that spirits where to be feared. I grew up terrified of my own 6th sense. It wasn't until my early 20's that I embraced this wonderful gift and began trusting in the universe and believing that I am destined for wonderful things, life isn't about pure luck. If you want luck, you must go out and get it. Yesterday I launched a drawing on my face book page, guided by spirit, to share not only my own personal experience, but to gift one person with an amazing gift. (This drawing ends tomorrow July 25th at midnight, anyone can enter.)The purpose of this is to offer someone a gift from the universe in hopes that they will learn to trust their own intuition and learn to live the life they were born to live.
Once I began to accept my gift, and truly left my path to be led by spirit, it has never led me in the wrong direction. I speak of this from honest truth. I was working in a health clinic, absolutely miserable and drained. At the drop of a hat, I put full faith in my decision and decided that I was going to listen to my intuition and quit without notice, I came back from lunch , worked the rest of my shift and by the end of the day, I told my boss, I quit. And just like that, I walked away. Best decision I ever made. Two months later, just by chance – I got a job in a wonderful office where I still am today – 3 years later. I share this story because I want everyone to know, that I at one point allowed fear to lead my life, I was afraid to quit a job I was miserable in. My advice, don't allow the Devil to keep you from finding happiness, Don't be afraid to listen to your intuition! It knows what's best for you! If you find your having a difficult time with fear, contact me, I'd love to help you.
My spiritual journey has been long one, and it hasn't been easy, but I can honestly say I couldn't be where I am today without the guidance of spirit. From time to time, the devil does appear but I know when I see him, these are my own fears from the ego and they are not a reality, I control my destiny. Today I am very open about who I am, and what I can do. I no longer fear that people will judge me. I no longer doubt myself. I am doing what makes me truly happy and I thank spirit so much for it!

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