Saturday, June 25, 2016

A Daily Dose of Inspiration Revealed

Aces are all about new beginnings and they are full of energy and life. Each Ace targets a specific part of yourself and will help you start laying the ground work for a successful goal to be accomplished

Ace of Cups:  This is such a great card for anyone wishing to achieve happiness.  This is a great omen for you that luck is on your side. You’ll find by following your heart and doing things that you, and being the true essence of love- you will receive love in return. The universe reciprocates what you give it. So if you focus on positive energy, you’ll in return receive. Feel good about life and focus on the good things. The more gratitude you show, the quicker you’ll find blessings come your way. If you’ve already written down your goals, go on now and add a list of things you are greatful for. These next few days and weeks- start a gratitude journal and at the end of it always write “I am happy, I am Blessed, All good things will come my way, Thank You!”

Ace of Pentacles : The wonderful thing about the Pentacles is it is very grounding. It’s all about you right now and where you should focus right now is on your health. Take a walk today and enjoy some sun.  Things will get better, but right now, your energy is a bit depleted which affects your ability to manifest. In order to achieve the best possible outcome, we must give out best and right now you do not feel your best so take a break today and have some fun! Do things you love and recharge your batteries! Your goals are important to you, you feel lost and maybe off your path and this is due to your lack of energy. Don’t fret! This is easily remedy-  RELAX TODAY!

Ace of Wands: The wands are a creative force. They are full of energy and often times when I get hit with “Inspirations” its thanks to the wands.  This ace of wands comes to you today because maybe you have been struggling and your feeling like maybe you need to change careers or goals or things aren’t going well, so you feel like giving up or making a change. This feeling of a “needed change “ is correct. The ace of wands is asking you today to re-evaluate your goals.  Set news one that are more in alignment with where you are today and change will come. Spend your day today thinking what worked, what doesn’t work and most importantly follow the feeling of excitement. If you set goals that excite you- your on the right path!

Ace of Swords: Most of you who will be selecting this card will have some sort of feeling of afraid to do something. I am here to share with you a message from your angels that , “ Change can be scary, and it often holds us back from making wonderful changes that are for our greater good” The ace of swords is here to give you a gentle nudge in the right direction that the things you are wanting to change, are going to be for the better. Have faith and trust your gut feelings as your angels are speaking to you now. You want to live a more positive life, we must begin by accepting that we need to make changes.  This card is all about taking that leap of faith. Be brave enough today to put one foot forward towards your goals and move towards a better life and your angels will help you with your other foot. They won’t let you fail. 

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