Sunday, July 17, 2016

A Full Moon Ritual that changed my life

Many moons ago, I felt this connection that I couldn't explain. I just remember one night, I was driving and I looked up at the before me and saw this HUGE round yellow ball. Year later, I realized that what I came across was what we call a SUPER MOON. (learn what a super moon is here  Today, I want to share with  you something I had learned. This upcoming week we have a Full moon coming on July 19th, it's not a Super moon, but its a full moon. This week, I'd like to keep it simple....

If you are wanting to make some significant changes in your life and your reading this, take it as a sign that this is what can help you get to where your going... Check out my ritual and let me know how it goes!

During the Full moon sit outside and think about what you want.  Get your goals in order.
1.Make sure you can see the moon. Write it all down. 
2.Next you want to write down your fears, what are you afraid of? What holds you back from following your dreams. 
3.Next Burn this piece of paper. release this energy into the universe. Let go so that spirit can help guide you. 

This simple ritual can be very powerful. One I highly recommend. If you are a water sign, this energy could be amplified for you. I'm a cancer and my energy and emotions are controled by the moon, because of this, my life pretty much revolves around the moons schedule. In my calender, I make an effort to always know when a New moon is coming and when a Full moon will be in effect. This helps me guide and plan my life.  Something to remember if you plan to implement the moons magic into you life :

NEW MOON: Great time to set goals and Intentions. Make wishes during the new Moon. ( i'll write a blog about this later on )

FULL MOON: Perfect and BEST time to release old energy that no longer serves you so that your goals you set during a new moon can happen. Learn more about my Full Moon Tips HERE

Best of luck to you all! Let me know how it goes