Sunday, August 21, 2016


Flash sale this week!
Do you love a sale? I know I do!

This Week I am running a flash sale to help deliver messages that are needed after this wonderful full moon we just had on June 18th. There are so many "secrets" that are waiting to be revealed. 

This sale is really to compliment the recent blog post I wrote- before you decide I want this reading, read I WISH ARTICLE after that if you feel like this is reading for you, I'd be happy to help you!

In This I wish reading I will put three cards to help you
1. Energy around your wish
2.  What opportunity is ahead of you this week
3. What changes will come that will help you achieve your wish!

Offer expires this Thursday August 25th.

After you make your purchase, Please allow me 3-5 Days to have your reading emailed. The reading will be emailed to the account linked to your paypal. Any questions, please feel free to email me at

Sunday, August 14, 2016

I wish, I wish, I wish.

I love, Love, LOVE , this card! I can always count on this star card to bring me back to positivity regardless of whats going on.  And I trully hope, for those of you today, who are feeling down, find this card uplifting as well- maybe its the blessing you've been waiting for.               The message of the star: Your totally on the right path, even if you've lost your way. Don't worry. The blessing of this card is it brings us a glimmer of hope when all feels lost.  This is a magical card, it's card of manifesting.        

                    Her lesson for us:     MAKE A WISH,            
                                                   TAKE A CHANCE                   
                                                  MAKE A CHANGE.        

        The star is not a passive card, its a card that is calling for us to take action. It doesn't have to be a big deal, it can as simple as changing our goals or even setting one. Its this card that came to once upon a time that inspired me to create this wonderful spread I wish to share with you all today.  

Manifestation Spread How to : 

Best way to utilizing this spread is to understand that everything starts with an intention. Our intentions, plant the seeds to our future . . . A tree is used as a symbol because just like a tree.
We first must plant a seed, with love and nurture that tree will grow.

Planting our seed: Knowing what we want and learning how we are in control each step of the way.

Card 1: This is our hope, wish, intention. WHAT IS IT THAT YOU WANT? This card will give you
an idea of the energy about your intention. Is this a good intention or a bad one? We want to
spend our time putting energy towards things that are for our highest good.

Card 2. How we can use our past experience/lesson to be a building block for our intention. Good or bad- what ever this card brings- take it as a blessing.

Card 3: What we can do TODAY to help us continue to grow. Heed the advice of this card and put it in action.

What will grow: We must nurture and love our decisions.
Card 4. What you want – behind every intention is a deeper goal, this goal may not be something you are aware of. This is ultimately your souls intention.

Card 5. Happy Medium – Sometimes we can be confused about our path- what we want, vs what need. This card is to help you become less confused, and find a happy medium.

Card 6. What the universe conspires for you. The universe will help us when we decided what we want. When we set our intention in this spread, this card will tell you how the universe intends to aid you in your journey.

Growing Pains: A tree must weather through some tough weather, if it is strong enough, it will survive.
7. Challenges and obstacles: this card will show you what challenge is ahead of you. This card is all about you and what is going to happen with in you. Take this card as a preparation card.

Card 8. Overcome challenges: this card will help you find a solution to your challenge.

Card 9. What to expect: Overall, what you can expect from this intention you have set :

-A Major Arcana card – the time line could be in the card. What card you receive will tell you where you are in your journey. A fool will imply the journey has just began, vs the Sun card which shows you are well on your way to achieving its success.

-Minor Arcana – There are still day to day activities and events that you must learn to overcome. It’s going to be a journey so enjoy and savor every minute. What you learn today will be the stepping stones for tomorrow.

-Court Cards – These are aspects of yourself that will grow from this process.

Card 10: How you can stay on track for the next 6 months: This card is going to be your guiding light- when you feel lost, remember it. Never give up on your dreams and one day you’ll see them come to fruitation.