Friday, August 17, 2018

10 of Swords - Inevitable ending

10 of swords:
Looks scary doesn’t it.

On the one hand it’s a sigh of relief. Thank god that chapter is done. On the other hand it shows the challenges you have endured and you’re ready to let go and move on.

Each sword is a “stab in the back “ so to speak. It’s a challenging card, it shows us that you are now leaving behind a difficult time. One of the hardest things we do a human beings, is we remain in a bad situation to long out of comfort. We stay because we fear change and the end result is that we are beaten down at the end.

                Several years ago, this card became apparent in my life. I was working in a job that was draining the life out of me but I was afraid to leave. One day I was sitting at my desk and I decided… I’m not coming back. I gave notice and never returned. Best decision ever.

                I went through unemployment for 2 months where I started to get really concerned I would not be able to find work. I was terrified. How am I going to pay bills? And then I realized, those 2 months off were a blessing in disguise because I was so burnt out, I needed to rest. I needed 2 months to regain my power. I sat in my meditation corner at that time, ( my walk in closet lol) and Prayed and Prayed and asked my guides to please place me in my next career with something stable and will support me as I do my spiritual work. 6 Years later, to today, I am still doing this work.

I don’t know why this card pops up today but I felt the need to share it with you. You may need its message now. If your looking for a sign or some sort of support to let you know you are on the correct path and that you are where you are supposed to be, this is it.

This is not a fun card, It does  not bring feelings of  hope and butterflies and sunshine’s with rainbows.  AND THAT IS OK, sometimes in life, we experience dark times, this may be one of them for you.  Mourn the lost and let it go. Whatever it is that is draining the life out of you- let it go. It’s scary, yes, but… It’s time.

What I learned the hard way

Several years ago, I was really temperamental and did not have much patience for people who in my opinion, lacked common sense and I had a strong dislike for lazy people.  I was that person in the office that picked up everyone’s slack and resented them for it. I have evolved and matured since then and now I have more patience. I’ve stepped into my role as a mentor and teacher in the work place, because it is who I am naturally on a soul level, I just had to stop fighting it.  Instead of picking up slack now, I try to guide my team to do the work instead of doing it for them. This did not come easily overnight.  It took me a long time to mature as a person and along this journey I want to share with you some of the key things I learned along the way.

You are born with a special talent and skill.  It does not come naturally, you must learn to nurture and allow it the room to grow and mature. You have to train your mind, body and spirit for it. The challenges you experience will do just that. It will help you evolve as a person and leading you to become the best version of yourself.  The trick is not quitting when it gets rough.

My 5 tips for Persistence and Success

1.       Reality Check:  Sometimes we get so caught up in the drama and struggles that we forget to sit down and just breath. It is so easy to get drained and forget that our happiness is number one. We let others steal our power with out even realizing it. You have the power to control your own emotions and control how you choose to respond.

2.       Isolate and Target: What are your triggers? This 10 of swords is a card that shows real struggles. There are real challenges that are to be overcome.  How can you address a problem if you have no idea what it is? Is it a specific person, a task, or a lack of?  Find out what is draining your cup right now and make sure it does not take up all your time. The goal is reduce your stress so you can use your energy towards more meaningful things. I’m not saying avoid the issue- I’m saying give it less attention.

3.       Support team: You have to have support! Yes you can do it alone, but its going to be so much harder on you then it needs to be. WHY DO THAT TO YOURSELF. Create a network of people who make you feel good. Be around friends who motivate you. Watch things that make you happy. Listen to music that is uplifting and most importantly, have support so when you feel like your crashing, they will help you rest.

4.       Prayer. You don’t have to be religious to do pray. Pray, Pray, Pray and when you feel like you have nothing left, Pray some more. Pray is a wonderful way for you to set aside your ego and allow your spirit, to communicate with the universal spirit to help you through this time.  I grew up in a strict Catholic home and I didn’t have the best experience so I use to be anti-prayer. But… One day, I gave it a second try but this time, I did it how my spiritual team taught me to do it and I have  never been against it since then. Prayer works my friends. But you must believe in its power.

5.       Don’t give up. EVER. If your truly on the correct path and doing what you are suppose to, you will always feel this gentle nudge to keep going. During times where you are being tested to the max, you fill this gentle nudge to keep going. When you are off course you will know. Doors will close, things will not unfold as they should and you’ll just feel like something isn’t right. Trust your gut.