Friday, August 17, 2018

10 of Swords - Inevitable ending

10 of swords:
Looks scary doesn’t it.

On the one hand it’s a sigh of relief. Thank god that chapter is done. On the other hand it shows the challenges you have endured and you’re ready to let go and move on.

Each sword is a “stab in the back “ so to speak. It’s a challenging card, it shows us that you are now leaving behind a difficult time. One of the hardest things we do a human beings, is we remain in a bad situation to long out of comfort. We stay because we fear change and the end result is that we are beaten down at the end.

                Several years ago, this card became apparent in my life. I was working in a job that was draining the life out of me but I was afraid to leave. One day I was sitting at my desk and I decided… I’m not coming back. I gave notice and never returned. Best decision ever.

                I went through unemployment for 2 months where I started to get really concerned I would not be able to find work. I was terrified. How am I going to pay bills? And then I realized, those 2 months off were a blessing in disguise because I was so burnt out, I needed to rest. I needed 2 months to regain my power. I sat in my meditation corner at that time, ( my walk in closet lol) and Prayed and Prayed and asked my guides to please place me in my next career with something stable and will support me as I do my spiritual work. 6 Years later, to today, I am still doing this work.

I don’t know why this card pops up today but I felt the need to share it with you. You may need its message now. If your looking for a sign or some sort of support to let you know you are on the correct path and that you are where you are supposed to be, this is it.

This is not a fun card, It does  not bring feelings of  hope and butterflies and sunshine’s with rainbows.  AND THAT IS OK, sometimes in life, we experience dark times, this may be one of them for you.  Mourn the lost and let it go. Whatever it is that is draining the life out of you- let it go. It’s scary, yes, but… It’s time.

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