Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Messages for Love

Card 1:
If you're in a relationship: these cards show me a struggle with in a relationship. There is so much arguing and anger and resentment. A lot of the times when we are unhappy in a relationship it's due to our own doing. I'm not saying it is your fault the relationship has problems because I'm very aware that it's a two way street and in order for a harmonious relationship to happen, two people must equally put in effort to make the relationship work. In a relationship, its best that you have two independent bodies come together to contribute to the greater of the whole. The message I'd like to deliver here is that you must reestablish your own independence and your own identity. Who are you? If you find your are unhappy where you are now, I recommend you the heed the advice of my message and learn to be who you use to be when you weren't in a relationship. Forgive yourself for allowing yourself to be unhappy. Free yourself from the constraints of your own unhappiness and the unhappiness you feel in your relationship.

If your Single: You've been hurt before, and that's ok. But today… let it go… Understand that what happened then, was back then. And today… It's ok for you to open your heart and love again. Be open to receiving love because once you open that door, You can be happy. If you are someone who has a hard time letting go just know its safe for you to open that door to your heart. Forgive, let go and be free.


Card 2:
 You've got to let go of your past. Wither your holding on to an old love, or in a current relationship that just isn't working. You must let go. Be honest with yourself, is this really the one? From what I can see, those of you who will pick this path, you are not with the right person for you at this moment – does this mean you'll never be together ever again? NO – it just means that right now, you must let this person go because your paths are not meant to be. In the future if you two happen to rekindle just know that the wait was all worth it. If you find yourself holding on to an old flame, you must let go – You have to be honest with yourself, where you are right now in your life, it's just not meant to be, you both are on different paths. Timing is everything for you. And right now, its just not it. You have other things more important you need to focus on.
For those who are in a relationship that is working be careful of old flames popping back into your life.


Card #3 
– So you found the love of your life, or the perfect mate, but for some reason you just can't get along! Or…. Maybe you feel like that this isn't meant to be? I can tell you that this person is for you and you're probably just having communication issues or there is a misunderstanding. You may feel like this isn't the person for you, but just know that with patience and understanding, you could make this work. Love is probably one of my number one reading request. It was through this that I learned numerology to compliment my readings and I have found when I created compatibility charts for couples, it shed light on their relationship and it really helped. If you are someone in this category that feels like you just can't get along, try one of my numerology reports. (currently at a special rate of  $25 )

For those who are single: Your focus is to rigid on finding the perfect mate. Relax a little bit and be open to all possibilities. Your ideal mate may not be what you expected but once you get to know them, you may feel differently. The message here is to be open.

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