Monday, August 18, 2014

Being a Working Mom

This week I wanted to talk about life. What better way to do this then talk about what it's like being a full time working mom! Besides recently launching my psychic reading business, I also work a regular Day time job, am a Wife and above all, I'm a mother of 2 very young boys! You can only imagine how busy my life must be.

My most recent struggle has been about feeding the family. How do I feed my kids without having to spend hours and hours a week, shopping and preparing and cooking meals. The kitchen of all places in my house, is my most disliked area. I HATE to cook. It is not something I enjoy AT ALL. But I have to do. I'm one of those moms who are always on the go, so of course I rely on Fast foods and frozen dinners to get me by. As of recently it has come to my attention how bad that really is, and that I really needed to make time to make sure these kids get a decent meal. Not only am I consumed with mommy guilt that I have to work, I also have issues with my husband because I do not meet his expectations of a typical house wife, I'm sorry – I work full time, I don't have time to cook and clean and maintain an immaculate home every single day! He will tell you I'm lazy, but he forgets He is not the only person who has to work. It's amazing how something so simple, yet vital to our living needs, has become such an enormous task for me. One day I decided to throw out all the criticism and tackle the problem head on, my solution- PRE PREPPED MEALS.

It hasn't been easy, but… last week a majority of my meals were slow cooker recipes and I love how easy it was. I didn't worry about what my kids were going to eat, at the beginning of my morning I could throw everything into the slow cooker and leave it. The kids got a nutritious meal, at least for dinner, my husband didn't have to stress out about feeding the kids and most of all, I killed two birds with one stone! Kids got fed, Husband didn't complain, well actually he did but that's just him. My son recently started first grade, and of course I started to dred the task of packing lunch. I was clearing his back pack and I noticed he hadn't touch the food I packed him, and I was so upset because he didn't eat it! Turns out he got lunch from the cafeteria, and after going back and forth about this, my husband and I just agreed to pay for hot lunch's and you know what, I am so happy that I did because it just made my life ten times easier!

Besides being gone 32 hours a week, when I first launched my personal business, I was not checked in mentally with the family unit. While I was with my family, my mind was in work mode, 24/7 hours around the clock. You can ask my husband – I never seemed to sleep. 5am -9pm I was a working mom. After the kids went to bed I was chatting away with spirit til 1 or 2 in the morning. Free time in between was spent brainstorming my business. There was never a break. One day I looked at my phone and decided I needed to turn it off. When I am with my kids, I need to be fully present and work can wait. I made more time for my kids by reading stories, going on walks, watching movies with them and doing family dates – we went to dinner, did play dates. This was a very hard thing for me to turn off work. But I had to remind myself, work will be there later – it can wait. These kids aren't going to be young forever and I need to be there not only physically but also mentally. And if I absolutely needed to work, I would ask my husband to give me about an hour to do my readings and after that, I put the closed sign up and tell spirit it will have to wait. I really try to limit my spiritual work during the day time to only a few hours if needed. I already work full time at my day job – I don't need to work full time also spiritually! My poor husband has really taken back seat to the kids and spirit – poor guy, I try to fit in dinners where its just us, but that's so rare and few. So on the weekends I make it up by giving him free time for him self, that's ok with me because then I get the kids all to myself ;)

From a working mother's perspective I can tell you, the guilt never stops. I know for myself, I always feel bad that I'm not home enough, my kids are being raised by the education system and day care, my kids are lacking the love and support they need because I'm not with them around the clock. The list goes one. One day I had to sit back and observe other mothers that I know and It made me very aware of how lucky I really am. I'm glad I did because it taught me to turn off the guilt noise and really count my blessings so that I could be fully present when I was with my family. I started this because I really wanted to know how other mothers did it. I work a full time job in a dental office, but I'm am the only person on staff who works the least amount of hours necessary because I want to be home with my kids. I was having a conversation with my co-worker and she had mentioned how she would love to have one day off during the week like I do, and I asked her, why doesn't she just work 4 days? Simple right? But to my surprise, she said she cannot afford to work 4 days. Reality hit me in the gut.

What I really wanted to share was how working with spirit has blessed me. I expressed my concerns, I begged pretty much for a solution and I was absolutely stern about my expectations. And spirit brought me answers. Here my ego is trying to sabotage me by giving me mommy guilt, I had to sit back and ask for spiritual guidance and it was given. You don't have be a struggling working mom. You just need to have faith there is a better way and step out of your own way so that spirit can lead.

My next major problem is the cleaning, here I'm really hoping for a maid ;) got my fingers crossed on that one. I asked spirit for a house cleaner, maybe once a month or something and they laughed and said to me, "don't hold your breath" I couldn't help but LOL.

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