Thursday, February 18, 2016

Being in the Ghost land

The Enchanted Map Oracle
by: Colette Baron-Reid

                I want to introduce you all to a pesky little guy I call our “EGO.”  We know our ego is present and taking over our lives when we get Angry easily, we are annoyed by little things, or we are fearful causing us to react in ways that are not like us – Jealous, Insecure and not so nice.  The ego keeps us stuck in the PAST and leads us on this false belief that if we want a better life, we must focus on the future. IT TAKES US AWAY FROM BEING IN THE PRESENT…. It leads us into the Ghost lands.
                We cannot heal if we do not allow ourselves to be present in the here and now. When we become upset or hurt, most people react by not wanting to deal with it- it hurts too much. So they hide, they deny and they run from their problems. The issues resurface and then we find ourselves stuck in the past not able to let go of what has happened that caused the pain in the first place. We become so miserable and unhappy that we want to manifest a better future so we start to focus on a better outcome. Somehow- we end up in this endless cycle of never being happy.
                Lets give you an example:  You have a bad day at work, instead of dealing with the problem and allowing yourself to really feel the anger, you say to yourself “ I’m done, I’m not dealing with this, I’m going home.” Tomorrow is a new day and you say to yourself “ Today is going to be a good day” and again, the problem resurfaces someway, somehow and you think “What on earth is wrong with this place! I have to quit” But you never leave because your so afraid  and you find all these reason why you have to stay. Few weeks go by and your still in the same predicament….
That my friends…. Is the EGO at work… The ego is an inner alarm that makes us feel like we have to react- the alarm rings and we must act quickly on impulse. It doesn’t allow us to take a breath and let us process the moment before reacting. Once we let it rule our lives and it gets out of control, it leads us on a road of unhappiness… Which you all can identify with as:
-Feeling unhappy
-Getting angry
-Be agitated
-Road Rage ---- “EGO HAS TAKEN OVER”

The ego to me is like an annoying, misbehaved little dog. It’s constantly barking at us. The dog is small so it doesn’t seem to be threatening.  If we get bit, it’s not that bad right? But…  what if it starts to bite other people???? If we do not know how to train a dog, of course it’s going to be misbehaved, hopefully… with experience you start to realize my dog is really naughty… I need to work on his bad behavior so you start obedience training… Like that dog, You have to train your ego.

1.       First rule of thumb: DO NOT IGNORE YOUR EGO. You know if you have an annoying dog that keeps barking, it just gets worst the more your ignore it. When your ego is present, DO NOT IGNORE IT. If your angry- BE ANGRY. If your frustrated be FRUSTRATED. You have to allow yourself to feel what needs to be felt, because if you don’t, it’s just going to keep coming back. Many people don’t want to feel these negative emotions because it’s “negative” and we shouldn’t feel that way. But… you have to break what’s broken so you can re-build.

2.       Second Rule: if you get bit, you need to nip it the butt. Like any bad behavior, if you allow it to continue it gets worst. If your ego leads you to eventually have a very NEGATIVE OUTBURST you need to address it.  We don’t just wake up one day, PISSED OFF. It happens over time.  Address the frustration before it build up and YOU blow up. ( notice how I said YOU and not your ego)

3.       Size does not matter: the ego starts off as a little negative Nancy…  “ you can’t do that”
“ Your not good enough” “Oh, he doesn’t like you” “he is trying to take your job” small little negative comments that seem harmless, but with time, those little insecurities become big insecurities. You start off feeling like you’re not good enough and eventually your performance will reflect that. You think someone is out to get you, and in time people are really out to get you because why…. YOUR EGO IS ANNOYING….. That little dog that looks cute, but is annoying? No one wants to play with it because their afraid it’ll bite. No one wants to be around the annoying little dog.

The ego often takes onto a path that leads to the ghost lands. In this place we tend to get lost and we lose our way. We find ourselves wandering around in circles ( being stuck in the past) we try to follow the “northern star” often finding it leads us to nowhere ( focusing to much on the future) The ghost land brings us a message that we must remain present and BE PRESENT. The ego likes to steal this gift of the present away from us. Why? To be present means that you give your ego no control, you take back your life. Going down memory lane is fantastic and nostalgic, but this journey should be pleasant… Not bring back bad memories. It’s great to have goals, but you have to set them and forget them- don’t focus so much of your energy into tomorrow that you forget about today and then the day is gone.

Being an Angel intuitive people often ask me, how do I handle negativity and I’ll be honest, I’m just like everybody else. I get upset, I yell, I drop F*** bombs and most importantly, I’m realistic. Just because I exhibit those negative behaviors- doesn’t make me a negative person! YOUR ARE NOT YOUR EMOTIONS.  When we are happy, we do not hold it in. We express it loud and clear! Same thing should be said about all your other emotions.

When you feel you have found yourself in the ghost lands; that is the first step into your healing journey. Talk to your ego here and let your ego express what it needs and then walk away. Your ego holds the key to getting out of the ghost lands and until you’ve calmed it down you can’t leave. Like the little dog that barks a lot, you want to say “Stop, I know your upset, why are you upset, how can we fix it” most of the times, the dog just wants to be noticed. Pet your dog, and move on. Don’t ignore the barking and allow the bad behavior to continue because eventually the dog will bite. 

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