Sunday, February 7, 2016


The definition of Inspiration is “ 1. The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.”
For me, the angels have taught me that to be INSPIRED- IS TO BE “IN-SPIRIT”
Today , my message for you all to find inspiration in everything you do. Do everything with purpose and say thanks. Find meaning in everything that you do. Today, as your reading this, pause. Look at right around and pay attention to your environment. Does it inspire you? Are there things in your life that make you feel happy and are beautiful? When we surround ourselves with beauty, it brings us joy. To be in joy helps us with the creative process.  Beauty in it itself, is inspiring.  If you don’t have anything that does that for you, I challenge you today, to change that. Ask spirit to day to help you find something or do something that will help you peak that creative process.
                Why is it important to be inspired?
                When we are in-spirit or INSPIRED- it allows us to follow our hearts and the end result is the path to happiness. So why do you need to find inspiration? Simply put it- so you can be happy. When we are in the creative process, it gets our energy flowing, it gives us purpose and drive. We have something we want, so we have some goal to works towards. We are not living blindly. Many people in the world have no idea what they want, so they remain stuck where they are, sometimes content, and nothing ever happens. Time passes and one day they start to ask themselves, where did the time go? What have I done with my life? I find many of my clients who have hit “mid life crisis” is because they spent so much of their life and energy doing what “they think” they should be doing, instead of really wanting to do what they want.  People stay in horrible jobs because they are afraid to step out of the norm. People remain in unhappy relationships because they think “this is it for me” not realizing you can find love at any age in your life. My grandfather spent many many many years with my grandmother in what I believe to be a “content marriage” It wasn’t until after her passing that I had witnessed the love he had in his second marriage. He really loved his second wife and they spent the last few years of his life together before he passed.

                If you want to live the life you want to lead, live it with inspiration- be inspired so you can inspire others. Inspiration brings light to a dark world.  If you don’t believe me, think of someone you admire right now. Michael Jordan is a HUGE INSPIRATION to so many people around the world…  He came from nothing and made something big for himself and he didn’t do this overnight. It took hard work, diligence and a lot of falls before he made success.  He never gave up- the love of the game of basketball is what INSPIRED him.  You may not feel like somebody today, but what if your story could one day inspire others?  I know my journey, vision and story has helped others. I share my path because I know through my own inspiration, it can help someone.
          Forget the doubt, the what if’s and the have not's and start today. How can you be inspired today.  If you find you need help, start with the world around you, if you can’t find beauty- change that. Buy yourself a bouquet of flowers, hang a beautiful photo, write an inspiring quote on your mirror and only spend time with people who uplift you today.  What ever it is, do something that you enjoy. My Sunday will be spent crocheting scarfs as gifts for others, something that  I love to do – it something I made with love.  I’d love to hear your story so please! Share your inspirations ;)

News from Tarot by Cyndee
-Many have asked about my 6 week soul coaching course and why I am not conducting any for 2016. 2 reasons: ( it is scheduled to return 2017)
1.   2016 is a year of creativity for me. It’s a year to have fun and entertain and do things. (I have a personal year of 3)  I have spent that last several years on my own spiritual growth and raising a family and work that I never stopped to smell the roses. This year I have family vacations plans (which I have never really done) , social events that I am committing to (celebrating my 30th birthday this year! I haven’t celebrated my birthday since my grandfather’s passing, he passed away several years ago on my birthday)  and really just making time for myself and creativity. (Hence the talk on inspiration)  
2. After the loss of my precious little guy Clover, my bunny and two years ago my dog Remy. I realized that I never really let me heart heal- the heart ache hit me with a bang at the end of 2015 and I decided that I needed to rest. 2016 is a year of rest and fun for me. I will continue to conduct my readings, send my monthly messages and conduct healing circles via meetup.

-My Etsy Shop: To simplify my life- I will be moving all my readings to etsy and reducing all my fees to $35.00 a reading. It just makes my life much simpler. Etsy is such a wonderful forum and for all of you who are wanting to sale what you love, check it out- it really is a great way to start and run your business without the headaches.  I am currently updating my photos and will be moving all my readings from my website to  My Esty shop Here

- Meet up Session:  February 27 I will be hosting a live meet up. If you are in or near Sacramento,CA and wish to attend, please contact me.

  I have decided to put teaching on hold this year and really put forth more focus on healing, not only myself but also others through my readings and work. 

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