Wednesday, March 1, 2017

My Energy Cleansing Tips!

The Basics : Energy cleanse can be done by anyone, at anytime!  There will be times where yes, you will need to hire someone to do it for you, but…. For the most part, You can totally do it yourself. It’s just like doing an oil change on your car. It’s easy, anyone can do it, but some prefer not to and rather pay the dealership to do it for them.


We all have an energetic field around our bodies. Our auras are like fluid magnets and things stick to them. Somethings stick more than others. Some things are yours, somethings belong to others. The more you have in your aura, the more heavy and dense it becomes which in a way – “wears your down” or “holds you back “
So what is it that sticks to the aura?   Negative thoughts, Negative comments, Negative actions, Psychic Attacks- Yes this happens.  Things that you get form others, and things you accumulate yourself, they all float in your aura, that is until you do a cleanse to clear it.

Signs your aura needs a cleanse: Feeling Tired, Fatigued, Cranky, Fearful, Jealous, Sickness,  Coughing, Sneezing. (Did you know that If you start sneezing, it’s a sign that something has entered your aura that shouldn’t be there? Yes, it can be allergies…. But is it allergy season?

Aura Cleanse! Salt Water Bath- its so easy and fun to do!

   What you'll need    
 - Bath Tub
 - Warm Water
 - 1 cup of Epsom  Salt
 - Candles and essential oils are optional 


      If your feeling down, or just not right, or something just feels off- Trust you body as it could be telling you, You’ve accumulated stuff you don’t need and it’s time for cleansing bath. Don’t just take a bath just to take one, have the intention to take a bath to cleanse your aura. Do things with purpose with friends. You want to use about a cup of Epsom salt because it’s the right amount needed to be effective. Anything less than this- forget about it.  You will also then want to soak for 45 minutes, yes 45 minutes! Set your timer. Don’t rush this process. Why? Its takes 45 minutes for the salt bath to cycle through your aura to cleanse it. Depending on how heavy your aura is, you may need to repeat the bath several times.  After 45 minutes the aura has done its full cycle and your water is now full of “gunk”. It’s best to drain the water so it can go back into mother earth to be recycled.

My secret tip #1 – Intention!

                After your bath you should feel relaxed and often very sleepy. This is because your body just went through a lot of work to clear the junk. Allow yourself to take a nap or go to bed early, don’t fight it. Your body heals during sleep so it’s important you listen if you feel tired.        After you complete your cleanse, call on Arch Angel Michael to shield you by placing a protective bubble over your body to protect your aura- this will prevent anything that is not yours from re-attaching.  In general, this bubble is about the size of your arms spread out.  Ever feel like someone is in your space when they get to close? It’s because they are in your bubble- literally.  Its ok to step back and ask Arch Angel Michael to get them out of your bubble!

My secret tip #2 – Seal your Aura!

Energy Space CLEANSE

Cleansing the energy in your space- aka Sage Smudging
The act of burning sage to remove negative energy is not a new one, this is an ancient Native American tradition that has made its way to many different cultures. I was born and raised catholic, I remember growing up and attending Special evening mass, the priest would burn sage in a little metal ball and walk through out the church to “bless us” This is something the Catholic church still does. Most people are unaware of this but it’s true.  As a matter of Fact, we are coming up on Ash Wednesday! I’m pretty sure the church will be burning sage for this event. 
Let’s be clear about sage, there are many different types of sage. The one you want that will be most effective for cleansing your home is WHITE SAGE- (if you need something with an extra kick and a little bit extra Omph! Go for Mugwort. ) regular kitchen cooking, over the counter sage is ok- it will work, but you really want WHITE SAGE if you want to do it properly. I actually plant my own white sage, dry it and then bundle it for my own cleansing use.

My secret tip# 3 – Use White Sage

Signs you need to cleanse your space –
                                                               i.      If the house feels “dark” and the energy feels “heavy” or if there is a space or room you don’t like to enter, I recommend a good saging. This will help lift the negative energy from the space and make the space more inviting.
                                                             ii.      When ever you move into a new place- its good practice to sage before you move in to remove the previous home owners energy. This will truly make your space, your space!
                                                            iii.      There is an item you can’t get rid of or sale- your energy could be tied to this item which makes it hard to let go of. If you’re ready to let go of something but find it challenging, wave a little bit of sage over it and wish it well.
                                                           iv.      If you own a business- or any place with lots of energy going in and out- these areas will need to be cleansed often to keep the energy and mood light. The more people you have entering, the more  you’ll need to cleanse. Why? All those extra people going in and out of your business, they all have their own “ junk” when they come into your place of business, not only do they bring that junk with them, but they also leave a piece of it behind. Ever had to listen to a customer complain? Yup that energy totally sticks to the walls and under the cabinets.

Enery Cleanse - What do you do?
 White Sage bundle - can be purchased online (Amazon, Etsy)
 -  I like to use my large Abalone shell- You can use also a metal or glass bowl -just make sure it is flame resistant
-Lighter and sand or salt to put out the fire when done.
 -Music that you enjoy

  First: Clean your space- Get rid of clutter, organize things, and vacuum or dust the                            area so its nice and clean.  If you smudge a messy space it is not as effective!
Two:  Play Music that you enjoy- listen to things that are soft or up beat. 
           Play jams that make you want to dance! It will help “jiggle out the old energy”
Three: Open a window! Even if it’s a small crack- You want to give the smudge smoke room              to carry away the negative energy. Don’t worry- when it gets released, mother earth                  picks it right back up and recycles it. The fairy’s love this stuff!
Four: Have your bowl ready, Say a Mini Prayer, and light your smudge stick- Start in one                   direction and go into a complete circle around that space. 
           I like to go from Right to Left- I usually have a compass and I find north and begin                  there.

My Mantra when I’m space clearing
Arch Angel Michael, please guide and protect me as I clear this space, Angels that be- please help remove any negative energy that no longer serves me, Please help me cleanse this space!”

I do offer business and home cleansing within 2 Hours of Sacramento, CA –
Home Cleansing$100 
Business  Cleansing $ 175+ depending on size of business-

I do charge a traveling fee for any areas half an hour out of Sacramento, Please contact me for a free consult 

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