Thursday, November 29, 2018

November Q and A

“ I  need direction in my life. Don’t know where I am heading in my career, personal life and spiritual life. What is my life purpose?”

            The first thing we need to address is what makes you unhappy. What do you not like? Start there. Figure out what makes you unhappy and then steer clear of it. Need direction? I can almost guarantee it’s because you’re doing things you don’t enjoy doing and so you’re digging yourself deeper in a hole.
You don’t need to know what you want to do, you just need to know what you don’t want to do so you can avoid it. By making this a conscious effort you open yourself up and make more room for other things to fall into place. You’ll eventually find your path but don’t rush the process. We live in a society now that expects instant results but we didn’t get here over night. It took time to get to where you are now and it’ll take time also to get you back on track.
Don’t rush the process or get frustrated. Enjoy the ride. This is a time for you to learn who you are and develop your talents and skills because you’ll avoid what doesn’t light you up.  I went through periods of trial and error in all things and I’ve mastered what I prefer, now I spend my time and energy giving to myself, 100 percent, to things that I enjoy. If it drains me or upsets me- I let it go.
What is your purpose – To be happy. SIMPLE. It’s not about curing world hunger or finding the cure for cancer. It’s about following your heart and doing what makes you happy.
"How do u get yourself out of the no-motivation-funk”
Laugh more and laugh often. Watch a comedy or even better, attend a comedy show.  You’re feeling a lack of motivation because your energy is stagnant and trapped,   laughter loosens the energy and gets it moving. Another way to get out of the funk is to be active and exercise- take hikes.  Many people think they lack direction so they get into a funk but the truth is when we lack motivation in life, it’s because we aren’t moving enough. Don’t believe me? Watch a comedy show and see how your body just vibrates. The laughter jolts you and you’ll wipe tears from your eyes and your chest will move heavily up and down.  Get a good laugh and wake up the next day and you’ll find you’re full of energy and motivated to take on the world. Ever wonder why we love comedies? It’s because it leaves us feeling good. We feel good because we’ve moved the stagnant energy.
Have you seen Crazy Rich Asians? The movie is super ridiculous but that’s why it’s so darn funny. It’s not supposed to make sense, it’s suppose to make you laugh and when I went to see it, I LAUGHED MY BUTT OFF.

“I'm wondering if you think 2019 will be a lighter year.”
          The year will be what we make it. We have total control. Even when things fall apart and life is stressful, how we proceed with it is what we make of it. I’m not sure if 2019 will be a fantastic year, as we may see things dip in the economy and natural disasters will continue to wreak havoc. I don’t think this is a response to any evil in the world but the natural order of things, as with the Wheel of Fortune card in tarot, what goes up, must come down. The world will experience a dip in 2019 but that’s ok, don’t let that rain on your parade. We can help the world by keeping our energies up and being more positive.
            You’ll find me more active in my tarot work for 2019 as I try to encourage you all to maintain good energies.           

“ I’m struggling with my family, The holidays are a challenging time and I did not enjoy Thanksgiving and I’m dreading Christmas. Why, what is the reason for all this?”
            If you’ve ever had a reading with me, you’ve heard me say, time and time again, “ we choose our parents, they don’t choose us.” And this is very firm belief I have because I’ve been shown time and time again, the reincarnation process. In the spiritual world, we meet a panel of spiritual guides. One of  the questions our guides will ask before we reincarnate is “ who do you want to be your parents” then they will show a slide show of potential candidates. And that is how we start the selection process.  I will also make a note that great parents aren’t born, they are created and part of the selection process is your job in your life time to help them become great people.  Not everyone is blessed with a perfect parent, we will also have terrible ones and something to consider is that maybe our lesson in this life time is to learn forgiveness. Do you have a parent that abandoned you or was absent in your life? Those kids are usually here to learn the lesson of resilience. You can apply this theory to any of your family members.  The family dynamic can often be a hard one because we are essentially tied to these people for life. It’s easy to cut off of a coworker but very difficult when it’s your own family member.

I’m learning tarot, how can I pick a card that suits me best?”
1.    Look at every single card, all 78 of them and pick the one that you are drawn to most.  I am drawn to the hermit because he reminds me to go inwards and meditate or maybe I am drawn to the 9 of pentacles, she is a reflection of a very independent women and I can be highly successful.
2.    Take your birthdate and add your numbers. If it’s a double digit number, add the two numbers to reduce to a single digit. Take your MAJOR ARCANA CARDS and pull the corresponding number. For example if my birth month, day and year are added together and I get the number #22, I will add 2+2 =4 and I will pull the #4 major arcana card- the EMPEROR.  The emperor card will be linked to me because I share the same traits.  The emperor shows that I am a natural born leader and March to the beat of my own drum. 

“ I have so many negative people in my life, I feel like I’m always on guard, What do I do?”

            Negativity attracts more negativity and when you are around others who are like this, don’t feed into it as it can spread like wild fire. Walk away from gossip and avoid confrontation. If you don’t need to be near it, avoid it.  How it got there matters less then what to do after it. Moving forward:
1.    Practice healthy boundaries and with draw yourself. If something drains, let it go or don’t do it.
2.    Cut unhealthy cords. When you engage with negativity it forms an attachment to your aura, cut these cords. Learn how by reading this
3.    Recharge your batteries: this is very important. You have to recharge your batteries because as you know, being around negativity is very draining. In order to empower yourself, you’ll have to let it go and then do what you love to fulfill yourself and make yourself feel whole again.
Protection – when we start to eliminate negativity in our life, it will try to re-attach and sometimes it does so aggressively. People will get angrier, but stand firm and strong and let it go- do not engage. Cover yourself in a protection bubble and walk away. Again, you can learn how to do it here

-------- check out more good reads here to help you