Sunday, October 5, 2014

Energy Vampires , Psychic Attacks and Psychic Protection

I had a client ask me this week, "Are curses real, can you really curse someone?" I was very honest and straight forward with her and said , "Yes, absolutely. But… You can protect yourself from this. Just because it's possible, doesn't mean it isn't preventable." What I said was absolutely true to my belief. Can people really curse you, Yes they really can. Can you stop this? Of course. By becoming aware of the energy around you, you can most defiantly "block" the bad juju. I want to share with you all the difference between psychic attacks and energy vampires. You must become aware of how different each are so that you can protect yourself accordingly.
What are Energy Vampires?
    Energy Vampires are people who feed off of your good vibes and positive energy. They literally drain you. They will leave you feeling exhausted, negative and simply put it, drained! If you are able to see or sense the aura, you will notice that if we are not well protected, there are areas of vulnerability where your energy is not protected and they are able to "suck the life out of you." Physical signs include : exhaustion, headaches and always tired, sleeping a lot, lazy due to lack of energy. How you can figure out who these energy vampires are – They are very negative people, People who complain and say not so nice things or not so nice people. I can see an energy vampire a mile away because of their energy aura. They will come across as selfish people – who are only focused on themselves and what is best for them. They are the complainers – they complain about everything and anything.
  • Angry people
  • Complainers
  • Jealous and Envious People
  • People who play the "Victim" " I can't do this, my life is so horrible – they are the people who are searching for sympathy"
  • People who "judge"
  • Drug addicts and Alcoholics or anyone with an addiction
  • Depressed people tend to be huge drainers – they tend to be "needy"
  • People who instill "fear" – anytime you feel "fearful" you are near an energy vampire
  • Anxiety
What if you're the energy vampire? Become aware of your energy and focus on the positive. If you tend to complain a lot, replace your complaints with positive affirmations. If you are angry and jealous – find healthy outlets for your negative energy – go for a walk and work on yourself. Focus on positive thoughts and look at the world from a place of love. When you are in a positive mind set, its very different to also be negative. It takes times and is a learning process. You have to deliberately want to change your bad habits and the first step is to become aware of it.

What Are Psychic Attacks:
    Psychic attacks are very different from people who are energy vampires. But Energy Vampires are usually the ones who send you psychic attacks. Not all energy vampires will give you psychic attacks so please be aware of the differences. A psychic attack is when someone is deliberately sending you negative energy to wish you harm. I often see this on an energy level as someone having "swords in their back" or their eyes "shoot daggers" this commonly they look of jealousy and envious. You will know you have gotten a psychic attack when:
  • Nightmares
  • You have physical pain in your body – body aches (comes from psychic daggers being thrown at you)
  • Headaches
  • Fear – you feel "threatened"
  • Anxiety (after you leave the person, your body is on high alert causing you anxiety –( I often see this in psychics who place fear in their clients)
  • Curse – yes they can happen
How can You protect your self :

I most often find that we have energy vampire's with people in our family or with people we can't cut off. In that case what you want to do is avoid this person when they are in a negative space. If you allow yourself to become a listening ear to those who complain, you are just asking to be drained. Don't allow yourself to fall victim to this because they are you mother or brother. Just because you love them, doesn't mean you have to enable that kind of behavior. It is HEALTHY AND OK for you to walk away when they are being draining. What you can do is excuse yourself from the situation and send them white light of love. I like to tell my clients to picture themselves sprinkling white glitter all over their negative loved ones. You can't fix them, you can only learn how to be around them. ( Do not engage in the negativity by becoming a sympathetic ear or agreeing with them – those of you who like to "gossip" I highly recommend you stop. )

Cutting of the Cords: When you have been around people who have drained your energy, they have on an energetic level attach themselves to you through a cord and it is through this cord that they suck the positive energy out of you, leaving you feeling drained. It's important that you learn to "cut the cords"  When you cut these cords is only cuts the cord of negativity. You can do this simply by saying "Arch Angel Micheal, Please cut the cords that no longer serve me. " You will notice shortly after this that those negative people will disappear from your life.  I have lost friends during this process, it is not an easy thing to go through and accept, but I have learned, that those who are no longer in my life after i have the cut the cords - it was for the best. 

    Imagination is key with these next techniques. If you can picture it , you have done it.
  • Protection bubble – this bubble covers your whole entire body and there are no openings, you can also place this bubble over other people
  • Mirror : Picture a mirror in your hand and when you feel some ones bad vibes being sent your way – point that mirror so the energy they send you gets sent back to them.
  • Shielding : You do this with the bubble around your aura, but you can also place a protective armor around your psychical body for extra added protection.
  • Wall of protection. Immediately put up a solid concrete wall in front of you so that they can't see you.
Physical Protection:
Crystals are the most significant way I have been taught by angels and guides to protect my energy on a physical plane : Although there are many different ones out there you can use. I have been taught that aventurine and black tourmaline are the greatest protectors. Aventurine protects our heart center and black tourmaline absorbs negative energy around us.
  Salt baths : Epsom or Sea Salt : 1 cup for 45 min. bath soak. The salt draws out negative          energy from out aura so that we can better improve our protection.

Angels : Physically out loud calling upon arch angel Michael. " Arch Angel Michael, Please come to my aid and protect me." You will notice shortly after a sense of peace. When the angels are invoked they always show up.
If you would like more information, read this blog I wrote about how we can be more positive in a world full of negativity: How to be Zen in an Unzen world

What if I have been Cursed: this is not my area of specialty. if this has happened to you, I would recommend you seek out a Shaman. A shaman is someone who works with the spiritual world and energies and can help you lift a curse. 

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