Wednesday, March 11, 2015

A paint of Inspiration!

         My friends and I bought a groupon two months ago for Paint Nite. If you don't know what paint nite is, I'll tell you – It's a social gathering where anyone can join for a small fee. You get together with other people who also joined the event and you enjoy an evening of painting led by a local Artist. These events are usually held at restaurants or bars. You can have a glass of wine, hang out with friends and paint! They supply everything, you just have to show up! Its amazing what you can do with 3 paint colors, 3 brushes and a blank canvas.
      I had so much fun! I've never painted a day in my life ever! I was so amazed at how easy it was. And what an amazing product I had by the end of the night, I left overly joyed! I left inspired. I left thinking wow! I could totally do this, I want to do this! But…. In my own way… I want to teach tarot this way! I want to create events and teach people who have no experience what so ever! How to read tarot! And most importantly in a fun group setting! I believe when many people get together in one location, we all get inspired, and there is a huge jump in energy to something absolutely amazing because we are all having a good time. It really raises the vibration and energy is a very good way. I want to do that. I want to teach people how to read and practice reading tarot.
 I recently started teaching Tarot in my meetings. When I first decided to do this, I thought I would get people who had some knowledge or idea about tarot and to my surprise, I was met with a wonderful group of people who had no experience what so ever. What was even more interesting to me was that some of these people have had tarot decks for a really long time and never learned to use them, and in just one meeting or two – I was able to help them connect with their cards a little bit more than they ever had before. It was amazing! Of course this is all still new to me, but this experience validates that I made the right choice in following spirit.
 After my paint nite experience, I decided, This is what I want, This is what I want to do. I want to inspire, on all levels. When people leave my meetings, I want them to leave with so much inspiration and hope and happiness as I did tonight. I pulled the Lovers card today, and as many of you know, I am BIG BELIEVER IN SYNCHRONICITY! 

So I believe the lovers has a message for us all. The message is this, " We are all faced with decisions every day, in every part of our lives, we wake up with a choice. Do we want to wake up happy or upset? Its totally up to us. The lovers confirms this, we all have a choice on how we choose to proceed with our lives. When we make a decision, we must own it, good or bad. We decide for ourselves. The lover card will often appear during significant periods of our lives where we must make a choice, and that choice will be our deciding factor in wither or not we follow our path. Most people have the misconception that the "lovers" signify a relationship. Yes its possible, but most often its more about choices. The male and female you see in the card depicts our male and feminine energy, the yin and yang. The choice of choosing our head or our hearts. The angel that stands before them signifies our guardian angel. It symbolize that whatever decision we make, we will be protected. So don't be afraid in what you decide. 

     As you all are seeing this now, what inspires you?  What decisions do you need to make in your life at this moment, how do you choose to be happy?  How can you make a choice and trust with your whole heart that you will be protected by  your guardian angel. The answer is simple, Follow your heart. 

If your interested in checking out paintnite, you can get a good $25 deal on groupon.

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