Sunday, March 29, 2015

Healing with the Cups

This weekend I am preparing for my meeting where I plan to teach the Cups suits in the Tarot and I find it so interesting how synchronicity seems to unfold as if to align me with the high powers of the universe. I felt really drawn today to talk about Forgiveness and its power of healing us from deep within our own spiritual core. How does this all correlate and where Am I going with this? Many of us have a hard time forgiving people because of what they have done to us, we hold on the fact that these people often times hold no remorse and so we feel they are undeserving of our forgiveness but I came to realize as I worked on my Cups teaching outline that healing isn't about others. It's about us.

My story:
         Now I didn't just wake up and have this epiphany. I have mold growing in my upstairs bathroom, Its pretty bad considering I found it while cleaning my garage and I just happened to look up.( About two years ago we had our floors re-done) I asked my guides how did this happen and yesterday I received the insight that my upstairs toilet is leaking – when the floors were done, they must of not put it back correctly- hence caused me water damage and mold. I was really upset. I was even more upset because I had told my husband of this issue weeks ago and he has still not done anything about it. I am upset that the construction people ruined my home, I am upset my husband did not take initiative into solving this issue. I went with in and I began to meditate to find the best way to go about this issue. I mean it's a big issue, its mold, not some simple mold that can be cleaned up and dried but it's literally water damage through the floor. I thought about it, why get mad? What good does this serve me? This is not like me to get this upset. Part of me thought I should contact the contractors and have them fix the problem they started or maybe I should sue them to cover the cost.         
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   But something in me told me" No, those people have families to feed. I need to just accept what has happened and move on." And the greatest insight came to me as I worked with my Cups. The 8 of Cups is a card of letting go and moving on. And the message was clear for me. The house is damaged, nothing I can do- just let it go and move on. Do not dwell in anger at the what if's and point fingers. After I accepted this, it was not easy, but I did… I finally released my anger and let go.

       Shuffling for more insight, I found the Ace of cups to bring a message of Forgiveness. In order to really let this situation go and not hold any resentment, I have to forgive everyone involved. I forgive the contractors for doing a botch job, they have children I wish them best and will no longer allow this anger in me to affect either of us. (I have to say, if they didn't have young children it would have been twice as difficult for me to forgive and let go) And really, I forgive my husband. I laugh because my husband didn't do anything wrong, I'm just upset with him for not taking care of business the way I expected. No big deal, I took the situation into my hands and asked for divine guidance, within seconds I located a mold inspector and he will be coming out this week, I have my fingers crossed and just pray that everything will be ok and whatever happens, it happens in the best possible way. It was an interesting revelation how I was almost ready to pick a big fight with my husband over this issue. Poor guy, he married a crazy woman ;)

My Message: Forgiveness
        So how did I come to the conclusion that the Ace of Cups is a card of forgiveness?! Tarot is meant to be interpreted in many different ways, It's how we understand the message of the cards that makes us good readers. It's not about going into a book and reading the books definition because again- the definition will vary depending on the author. In my groups I teach everyone to use their own life experience and that of others in the group to grow their knowledge on the cards and so Far I believe I have had great success because of the "AHA! Moments" I see people get. If you look at the Ace of cups in the traditional sense it brings a message of new relationships forming, new love and bonds being formed. I believe that when a relationship is strained and we honestly and truly forgive that we can begin a new journey into the relationship. It's through forgiveness we can truly heal. I never saw this link before but I have done relationship readings where Forgiveness was key and in relationships that were at the brink of the end, people were able to transform and save those relationships through the power forgiveness. To me that is powerful, and the perfect scenario for the Ace of cups.

Healing through forgiveness so you can move forward
When we forgive, we can finally let go of what no longer serves us and we can move forward without any burdens. Amazing healing comes through forgiveness. When we forgive others, we do so without any expectations. This is not about "an eye for an eye" or "turn the other cheek" this is far beyond that. Forgive them, even if they are not sorry. You want to forgive those who have wronged you because it will allow you to be a better person and sleep better at night because you will find peace in your heart. How often do we let past regrets cause us sleepless nights or affect future relationships because of what someone did to us? Who carries the burden? It surely isn't the person who has wronged you. This was a huge wakeup call for me considering I was going to fight with my husband over something someone else did. If you allow yourself to forgive it does not make you weak. It takes IMMENSE POWER to forgive someone who has harmed you and it takes even GREATER POWER to let go without any expectations. As you forgive someone today, think about the door that you are closing and how wonderful these new opportunities will arise before you.


Today I forgive the people who screwed up my house, Lesson learned, I wish them the best and honestly I thank them,
Because it was through them, that I learned the power of forgiveness.

Some of my favorite Quotes
"Forgiveness doesn't excuse their behavior, forgiveness prevents their behavior from destroying your heart." – unknown

"The weak can never forgive, forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." – Mahatma Gandhi

"If we really want to love, we must learn how to forgive." – Mother Theresa

"Forgiveness is not an occasional act, it is a constant attitude" – Martin Luther King Jr.

My favorite of all – " Holding onto anger is like drinking poison, and expecting the other person to die." - Buddha

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