Monday, March 23, 2015

A talk about the Pentacles and Psychic Protection Call in Saturday 3/21/2015

Good evening everyone! This weekend I held a call in where I talked about Psychic Protection.
You can listen on this by downloading the call here

This weekend in my Tarot development group, we talked about the suit of Pentacles, The suit of the material world. As we were working our way through the Pentacles. I am a firm believer that anyone can read Tarot. My belief was reiterated when I launched this development group. Because the pentacles is a suit of the material world, I wanted to share with you all in this news later the journey through the Pentacles. Each of the 4 minor suits in tarot correlates to different aspects of the self and situations in our life. The pentacles is a great one for anyone to learn because it calls you to think about what has happened in the real world, not in your head or on a spiritual level, but in the REAL WORLD. Situations that have happened or will happen in the real world. For any of you out there who are interested in learning tarot or do not have a deck yet but would like to explore this, this is a great lesson for you today. Tarot does not need to be complicated. I really hope you all enjoy this.


You can even read your fortune with a regular deck of playing cards. This how you convert a regular playing deck to that of tarot. (some tarot decks use the elements instead of the actual tool for ex: The cups in one tarot will be The Water in another tarot deck – same thing) Now I read off of the energy of each card, my cards do not depict an image but I will include that in this blog to help you see the "story"
Spades: Swords – Air
Clubs: Wands- Fire
Hearts – Cups – Water
Diamonds- Pentacles - Earth


My spin on the Pentacles:
In every suit we have 10 cards and 3 Court Cards. For simplicity sake, I teach my courses without the court cards, those I will teach separately in another class. The court cards consist of the King, Queen, Knight and Page – in some decks they are known as the prince and princess – same thing.


Ace Of Pentacles: Is the starting of a Firm Foundation – It is here that we start to lay the stones we need to build upon. Here you may find yourself building a house. This would be the Blueprint for example. You can see from the image there is a hand that holds one single coin. What ever it is that you need to make this happen, you have it. 

Two of Pentacles: The card of balancing, You can see here the boy is juggling. This would relate to us in the real world about how we go about our day juggling different responsibilities. This card hits home for me because I am a working mothers so I'm constantly juggling things. Drop off the kids, go to work, do the chores, plan my lessons ect. Using my housing analogy, This would be you getting the loans process and finding land to build the house.

3 of pentacles: the worker card. This is you actually building the house. This is the structure of the house, your not going to complete the home, but you have a very good structure to start with. You are actually going into the real world, and putting in the foot work to making something happen. If you have been working hard towards some sort of goal, by receiving this card it is an acknowledgement that all your hard work was successful as you have built something on a very strong foundation. Your house will not fall apart!

4 of Pentacles: The stingy card- this man as you can see is holding to his "coins" very firmly and close to him, you see above his head sits one coin- this shows he is thinking of only the coin – you could focusing too much on the physical world. I also see this card as the "penny pincher" someone who holds on to money because they are afraid of losing it or never having enough. This card brings a great message that it's a good time let go a bit and spend. Don't be so stingy. If you are building a home, maybe it means that you are using cheap materials because you are wanting to save money, but this home is going to be a wonderful investments so don't be frugal on your house, spend a bit of extra money of better supplies, this is after all, going to go back to you.

5 Of pentacles: Look at this people, don't they look beaten and worn down? This card brings a message that money can't buy happiness. If you look behind these people you can see they are in front of a church. The church symbolize our spiritual self. What this card is telling us is that we should not focus soo much on the material world! Don't forget to feed your soul and do what makes you happy. While you're building a home, you could be so focused on the house that you forget to have fun or eat dinner. Put the tools down and enjoy yourself. You must re-charge your energies at this time if you wish to continue.

6 of Pentacles: AH, the great giver! This card brings nothing but generosity! Its about you being generous and accepting others generosity. If you look you can see there is a man giving money away. This is a time for you to give or receive. Accept help when it is handed to you, and offer help to someone who needs it. When building your house, donate any supplies you don't need or maybe someone see's you building a home and has an extra microwave they like to give you. Don't be so "stingy" in a sense that you only want "new things" accept this wonderful gift! Probably saved you 200 bucks!


7 of Pentacles: When you are building a home, you can't rush the process. If you do- you probably had to cut corners to make your own dead line. What ends up happening, your house is not well built. The message of the 7 of pentacles is slow and steady wins the race. Do be so quick to rush the process, remember that time is on your side at this moment and you need to be patient. Don't rush the process. Back to our house, you plant some flowers in your garden, butYou can't force a flower to bloom before it is ready. An analogy I used this weekend was Pregnancy. You can rush a baby to be born before its due am I right? Be patient and the baby will come when it's ready.

 8 of Pentacles: This is also a worker card- but in a different energy. Whereas the 3 of pentacles is about your working hard to lay your ground work and form a strong foundation, the 8 is about perfecting that work. You are to work harder so you can learn from your mistakes, it's about learning more, and do more. If you see this card it's message is that there is more for you to learn, you have not yet mastered whatever if it is you are working on. So you've finally built your house, its beautiful inside, but its time to do some upgrades – take out the carpet and place hard wood.

9 of Pentacles: CONGRATULATIONS! YOU DID IT! This card is all about independence and knowing you did all that hard work and you made it. You started off with your very own blue print and from nothing, you were able to build your own home. YOU DID IT. This card is not about relying on others, its about knowing you have the power with in you to make things happen. Looking at the image, you see her standing alone in her garden enjoying what she has planted.

10 of Pentacles : Is a wonderful card, this is the Final stage – and you have a built a wonderful home where many people can enjoy. You have built a strong foundation where you can allow your future generations to enjoy. This card is all about abundance and JOY! Whatever it is that you have worked so hard to achieve, you have it now, and its such a wonderful product that it allows you to share this joy with others.

Want to see where you are currently in your journey through the pentacles? Remove all ten cards of the Pentacles – it could be the Diamonds in a deck of regular playing cards. Shuffle them around face down, and pick one. What story do you see unfolding? Share your story below, I'd love to hear about it!

(all images are from 

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