Monday, June 8, 2015

How to Clear Negative Energy Cords

Cutting of the Cords

                These last 2 weeks or so I conducted quite a few readings where I found people to be weighed down, or held back in life due to the energy that surrounds them. Many of these people were attached to energies that no longer served them. For the regular Joe – they are completely unaware that such thing exist but I can tell you from a “Psychic or Intuitive” view that these energy cords do in fact exist. I know from firsthand experience myself through trial and error. I talk about things that I know about, its not just words that I repeat just to make it sound pretty. My very first exposure to this type of connection came from when I first began my journey into “psychic training” where I learned about energy cords and “Psychic Vampires” – this is a subject that I was taught first by my guides and so it’s a subject I feel strongly about because not only was it the hardest lesson I had to learn, but it’s a lesson that is forever being learned. Just because I know about it, doesn’t make me a master- I’m constantly learning more and more. I find that with every different energy – there is a different technique and it varies from person to person. When I offer advice on how to clear cords it’s pretty simple. It’s not hard, what’s hard is remembering to do it.  I personally will go into meditation and clear cords for others when I feel they need some extra help. Its not a secret, anyone can do it – the difference in effectiveness depends on the persons intention and that is why today, I share this technique with you all. I want you all to understand that I have been doing this a long time, I’ve had plenty of time and practice to “master” this skill- so my speed at achieving this is much higher- but just because I can get it cleared sooner, doesn’t mean you can’t do it. You can do it to, it will just take more time and practice. I’m not someone who believes that only certain people can do certain things, I think ANYONE can do ANYTHING. They just HAVE to want to do it. I’m willing to share my “secrets” so as long as you are “willing” to learn. ( and also that you use it for the right intention) oh and by the way – this is not “MY “ technique, this is a skill that was taught to me by the ascended masters- this is not “my method, it is THEIRS.

                So why clear cords?
                Sometimes, we get drained by others and we have no idea why. We lack energy and focus to be happy and we find that we are exhausted, cranky and just not happy. Period. You do what you can to try to lift your spirits, but not matter how hard you try, sometimes you just can’t bounce back. Depression, suicides and addictions have been shown to me as thick energy cords that are not only draining the person who suffers from the issues but it is also draining to those around them.  Sometimes we form relationships with people, and when they leave our lives, we find we can’t let them go. This is a big red flag that this other person has attached them self to you. Or say your minding your own business and then all of a sudden you get this thought about an event that happened and you get upset. You were fine a minute ago and then you think about that argument you had with your worker two days ago and now you’re upset. Again, energy cord.  Nightmares are also another red flag that there is a cord issue.  As I mentioned before, Romance is a popular subject for me, I get many reading request and request for help in this area- it’s how I came to develop my “heal your heart” crystal set.  What’s very common is that you form a relationship with someone, and the relationship ends, and you never can forget them or let them go. They are always there in the back of your mind. ALWAYS. Why? Why can’t you forget your first love, or that one relationship from so long ago?  Or why is it that you remain in a relationship that you are no longer happy in. WHY!
Energy Cords. They chain you to what no longer serves you. Its exhausting and draining.

                Lets get through some Basics: What are energy cords?
                When you form relationships with people or any sort of connection – your form an invisible energy cord that connects from your chakra to the other person’s chakra. I have heard of people saying that they have cords attached to all parts of the body – for me this is not true, it is always seen stemmed from the chakra. The person may have aches due to the cord being draining, but that ache will usually correlate with the chakra- not the body part. One time I heard a woman complain about her leg pain and the healer placed her hands on the knee because this is where the woman said the pain was coming from. At that time I knew nothing about “cords” and from what I saw myself, her Base chakra was “inflamed” there was a cord there.  The following week, the woman still had issues with that leg and I came to realize it was because the “root” of the problem was not being healed- which was the root chakra. Another example is that when I see “headaches” it is due to cords form the throat chakra that stems into the ear charkas. If you listen to people complain too much – it gives you a head ache – literally. That is just a short version of what I’ve learned throughout the years. So long story short, for me, in my opinion- cords stem from the chakras and attach to chakra’s – not parts of the body.
                Why Cords – you hear people say it all the time, when they meet someone- their energy just connects. Or they just connect with someone. There’s always some form of connection and that connection can be good or bad. When you form positive connections that is great. The cord is often light and CLEAR. For me there are no colors. It’s always clear – it’s either light or thick.  When you form negative relationships with people – these form THICK and heavy cords. Best way to describe it is a glue stick you would use for a hot glue gun. Anytime you interact with another living soul- you form connections and bonds. Its my purpose in this blog to educate you all how to clear those negative cords and bonds. Please understand that you can never break positive connections and cords. Its why mothers are always attached to their children, or when pet owners lose a pet – they never forget the love they shared. It’s impossible to break.
What you can break is the negative cords. Those are cords that are draining, leave you angry, depressed or lifeless – yes I did say lifeless. Sometimes there are people who just “suck the life” out of you.  People who are unhappy with certain relationships,  wish they could “ let go or walk away” but can’t for whatever reason. They feel stuck because they are stuck to the other via cord. You have an ex you can’t get rid of, the mother who is horrible but you can’t let her go because she’s your mother, or that boss that just makes your life hell. The worst of them all, is those who are trapped to people with addictions. I attended an Alcoholics Anonymous meetings for families of alcoholics before where I just sat and observed. Not judge. Just observe.  I saw so many cords, my heart really went out for these people and I felt I was being drained. It’s crazy how intense that energy is. It affects you on so many levels, you’re not even aware of and that’s what makes addictions so hard for people and their families.  But this blog isn’t about addictions, it’s about the result of being around addicts. I’ll save that conversation for another day.

How to clear them:
First thing you must do is locate who the cord is attached to. At this point you want to focus on the person who is attached to you. Don’t get me wrong, you can also attach yourself to others, but I have found that when people start working with cords and becoming more aware of them, they tend to not attach to others because they don’t want to be the one who is draining. When you start to work with clearing cords, you will also detach and clear the ones you have personally created.
You’ll know if someone has attached themselves if
-          You can’t stop thinking about them
-          You dream of them
-          You get upset thinking or talking to them
-          You feel angry either around them or the sight of them
-          You get anxiety – this person creates a fight or flight reaction, if you find you have to “defend yourself or run and hide” not good!
-          You want to let go and move on but you stay and you don’t know why.
-          You never forget this person, they really serve no purpose in your life yet you can’t forget them. Often I see this is “first love” relationships.

Create a ritual to clear the cords.
This ritual can be anything! As long as you understand this process is done solely to allow you to remove the cords that no longer serve you. I often begin my ritual by sitting in mediation – complete silence.  I call on Arch Angel Michael to clear and protect my energy. This allows me to not absorb any negative energy. Once I finish this request I ask that Michal “Please clear the cords that longer serve me” I sit in silence as I allow him to dissolve away the cords.  And that is it. When I am working with clients, It takes a bit more energy from me- that really is in the form of sitting in silence longer. I’m not doing anything special other than allowing my body to receive the angel energy to effectively send that energy to the person In need of healing.  This is only done by request- I don’t go around clearing people just because I see cords, they must request my assistance. The reason for this is because we all have free will and I do not violate anyones space by imposing my belief on others.

Again my method to clear cords:
                Call on Arch Angel Michael. He is great at removing cords.
                Placing myself in a place for silent mediation.
                Focus on the cord I want to clear – either myself, or the client.
                Ask the angels to clear the cord.

Other Rituals I have done and taught that also work: try it and see what works for you.

Candle: pick a specific candle that you will only use for cord cutting. White candles are very effective. Light the candle and ask that the Angels help you clear the cords that no longer serve you. Repeat that mantra several times until you feel better. Blow out the candle … and it is done.

Golden Scissors: If you’re a visual person, imagine a large pair of golden scissors. Figure out who you are attached to, imagine there is a cord that connects you both and use these scissors to cut that cord. The cords will drop and dissolve and that connection is gone. You will feel an immense relief. I recently used this for a client.  She contacted me back the next day and said she felt better, no clue why, but she felt better!

Journal: the best way honestly to get any negative emotions out, is to write about it. Its very soothing and you’ll find if you allow yourself to just sit down and write and be honest with yourself, its can be very healing. As you write your negative emotions out on paper, imagine that energy literally leaving through your fingertips.  I like to tell people to write a letter to the person they can’t let go of and once they are done, burn it as a sign that you are ready to cut that cord.  I have found some of my clients had a really hard time with this one, it because quite a traumatic process because they found after they wrote it out, they couldn’t burn it. They weren’t ready to let go. And that is ok. Sometimes that happens and if it does – don’t push yourself. Allow yourself to feel the emotions and when your ready- you can cut the cord. Some people have such a hard time letting go that they will come to me for assistance at this point.

I work with angels and I love to work with Fairy dust. It’s not actually Fairy dust, it’s just sparkly dust.  If I’m around negative people, I know they will try to attach themselves to me so what I like to do is sprinkle them with fairy dust to dissolve any negative cords. This protects myself and also helps lighten their negativity.  When I go into mediation to send healing love to the world what I see is arch angel Haniel flying around the world and sprinkling it with fairy dust. This is how I was introduced to the fairy dust. If you have ever seen Peter Pan - you will see that tinker bell sprinkles her dust on the boys so they can fly.
And that is How I clear Negative cords. Remember that I have had more time and practice and that is why I can clear cords effectively. Be patient with yourself and allow yourself to build up the strength you need to clear your own cords. Don’t rush the process, its takes time and you’ll get there. I wish you all the very best.


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