Thursday, June 4, 2015

Energy Grid and Why I decided to Move

       Today, I had someone asked me why spirit guided me to move. It was an interesting questions and I didn’t think to write about it because it was something that came so naturally to me that I didn’t even think twice. Naturally in a sense that when spirit guides me towards something, I just do it. I don’t ask why because I’ve learned through experience that when I’m receiving guidance, my job Is not to question it but to just trust what I’m getting and do it. So I do. I walk the walk and not just talk the talk, but I realized today, that maybe I should talk about it. I need to talk about it.

So if you haven’t heard, I recently received guidance that it was time for me to move, so I recently placed my house for sale. Just like that. It was quick, a lot of people think it was a rash and impulsive decision. Some people even thought it was foolish- I didn’t pay much attention to the negative feed back. But what I want to share with you all is that this was not some random, drop of a hat decision.  A few months ago I got gentle nudges that It was time I moved, I pretty much ignored that little voice until towards the end of the school year for my son, things started to happen that made me finally address that little voice. I had many signs arrive to tell me it was time to put my house on the market and yes I did make this decision one day and by the end of the week My house was listed.           
What I want you all to understand is that I didn’t wake up on Sunday and heard “Sale your house” and listed it by Tuesday. What happened was that for months I heard this little voice tell me it was time to move and when the signs became significant I said ok, I’m ready and so I did. I decided to sale my house on May 3rd and listed my house by May8th. I wanted to wait to list my house on the 8th because 8 is a good number for finances. When the angels bring guidance they do so in gentle reminders and they will keep reminding you until you do it. If the guidance is in consistent or it just comes and go – I wouldn’t have trust it. The angels are very consistent so if you find yourself wanting to do something, and it never changes, or you feel like you should do x,y, or z, And the nudges keep popping up, trust it. Follow angelic guidance – you can’t go wrong. They wont lead you on the wrong path and I promise you, If you trust in your angels they will never fail you. They have never failed me, and I have no reason to doubt because where ever they have lead me, it has brought me success.

            Challenges and Bumps in the Roads:
            From time to time the doors will open easily only to be met with a bump in the road. I take these challenges as times for growth, not set backs. If you have gotten yourself on the wrong path, you will know because doors will shut on you left and right. Obstacles are destined to happen, they are there to test you. If you want something, you will need to prove to the universe that you are ready for this and when those test pop up, be ready to show the universe the strength you have. If you find you run and hide from challenges, you still have a lot to learn. And until you learn the lesson you need, you will continue to repeat the same challenges. No big deal. It’s just a detour in your path. You will always get to where you are going, how you get there will be up to you. You can take the easy way and follow angelic guidance, or you can learn the hard way and run from all your challenges. Its up to you.  The decision is yours alone, not anyone else’s.

            I myself went through quite a bit with the sale of my home, I have received two offers and they both fell off. Just when I got excited to sale my home, I would receive notice soon after that the buyers backed out of the deal. I started to wonder what am I doing wrong, maybe its not time to sale? But I knew I was on the right path because each time a buyer cancelled I had an immediate second offer. I know my home will, I don’t question it. I learned through this chaos that I needed to clear my home and cut my own cords to this house. Last night I did a final clearing of the home and removed Photos of my beloved dog who had passed away. I didn’t realize this, but by keep those photos Up on the walls, I was holding on to her energy (the dog) Its why when the house got an offer, shortly after they cancelled. Because I wasn’t truly ready to let go. When I took the photos down I just knew that was the final piece and by letting go I have now cut the cords to this home. I blessed my home and ask that the angels bless this home with another wonderful family. I went through a separation ceremony and cleared my home and I know this next offer on my house, will be the final offer ;)
             As you can see, at time I could of back out of the sale of my home, with all the obstacles that came. But  I knew deep down in my heart that it was time to move on and there was a lesson I needed to learn. I had no idea what until the time was right. I encourage you all at this time to look at the obstacles in your life and see where you are still holding on. There could be some stagnant left over energy you could totally be unaware of. Allow yourself to sit still and focus on this obstacle so that the angels can reveal to you what your not acknowledging.  When you become aware of where the problem lies, call on your angelic team to help you find a solution or find you the best possible outcome. The great thing about working with the angels is that they LOVE TO HELP! No task is to big or small – you just have to ask! They don’t mind, really! Your life doesn’t have to be a lonely battle or struggle, you have a great team of supportive angels who are at your every disposal. You just need to ask.

            When you are faced with challenges, don’t look back with regret. Just know that everything happens for a reason and every challenge is designed to help you learn a lesson, with out these challenges and lessons our soul’s would never grow. We need the hard times so we can appreciate the good times. How do you know how much you have grown if you have never struggled?

            So why the move?! The purpose of Energy grids
            I was first introduced to Energy grids several years ago when I started to do readings for clients all over the world.  When I had a client in another part of the world or across the country I would ask where they were located. In my minds eye I would see the world map and place a Star right where the client was. So if I had a client in Australia, before I start a reading I would tap into their energy and connect with their guides – Their guides would let me know that I have connected by showing me a star on the map on Australia. From my location in California, I would see energy lines stream across this map and connect me to Australia. Now I Don’t just do this for maps anymore, I now am able to tap into my clients energy and what I see is like a phone cord.  I make an energetic  “phone call” and if my call is answered I continue with the reading. If not then I will try again another day.  That is how I first experienced energy grids.
            I later learned about the 7 Earth Chakras.  On this earth, we have 7 wonders of the world. These are locations throughout the earth that are highly spiritually. Many of you will recognize these:

            -Mount Shasta of California
            -  Machu Piccu of Peru ( it is in my goal to go here one day in the next 5 years)
            - Uluru and Kata Tjuta of  Australia
            -  Glastonbury and Shaftesbury, England ( home of the Holy Grail )
            - Great Pyramind of Egypt – Mount Sinai
            -  The 6th location is said to shift every few hundred years or so. There is no definite location
            - Himalayan Mountains of Tibet.

Long story short – Through out the earth we have areas that are more in alignment with our own energy and if you area living in a place that does not vibe well for you energy, you may want to consider a move. I believe that my son will benefit from the move because he has bad asthma. Where I live now has large open fields which contribute to the high pollen in the area which triggers his asthma attacks. For myself, I believe the angels are encouraging me to move to an area that is more in alignment to my work. I am not making a huge drastic move where I am moving cross country. They are guiding me to a part of Sacramento that is about 20 minutes away.

            I talk about the 7 major points on earth because I want you all to understand that energy grids are significant. If you have ever been to a specific area in the world that you felt completely at home with, you have just experienced the energy grid. Many people who live in areas where they are miserable, it could be partly due to being in an area that is not good for them energy wise. I have had clients who felt better after they moved. There are of course many factors involved but I always take into consideration location. If you don’t believe me when I talk about energy grids I highly recommend you visit areas that are known for their great energy. It doesn’t have to be the major 7’s that I have just noted but you can visit areas such as:
      Shasta, California
                                                            Sedona Arizona
                                                            Lily Dale, New York.

            In these spiritual communities you will feel a shift in energy. It is why they are so spiritual. Is it because there are many spiritual people there that lifts the energy?  I truly believe those who are very spiritual are called to live in those areas because they energy is a great match. I myself have not had the calling to move to Mount Shasta which is 3 hours away from me, but…. When I did go visit it felt truly amazing.  These major areas of the 7 earth chakras are significant for a reason, I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the Holy grail is said to be located in England – It is the 4th Major Center of the earth which correlates with the 4 Chakra – the Heart chakra.  The Himilayan Mountains are known to have some of the most well know and amazing Yogi Gurus of our time – is it a coincidence that they are called the Himilayan Yogis?  In the Himilayans it is known to be the most spiritual place- I’m not surprised as it correlates with our 7th chakra – the Spiritual Chakra.

For many of you who are wondering why is this move significant in my life, it’s because I’m being guided to move into a location that will support my work with the angelic realm. How, I don’t know. But I trust with all my heart that the angels are supporting me and guiding me to the best possible location, not only for myself and my family but for you all also.  I hope by sharing my story about energy grids, it opens up your mind to the significance of location.

Be in the light! - Cyndee

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