Sunday, June 14, 2015

Message of the Week

Message of the Week:
This week – don’t splurge on indulgences.  You will want to focus your energy this on need and not wants, You must actively ask yourself “ Do I need this?” if Yes then spend the money. If not, please conserve your funds. Even if you are doing well or your are struggling, actively be conscious of where you spend your money. I have to mention also, that when I thinking of Funds – I also think of energy because on a soul level, your energy is abundance. My message this week is very simple, please only spend time on money on things you NEED and not WANT.  The reason for this is you are being asked to be conservative, or learn to be conservative because you have been off balance. You are spending too much time and energy and money on things that you don’t need that you have clogged your energy centers with things you don’t need. This is blocking the flow of good energy.  So remember this week…. Be conservative! I hope you all have a wonderful week.

Tarot Tip of the Day  : 9 of Wands
The nine of wands is a card of persistence. I remember reading somewhere this week that if the CEO of Starbucks , Howard Schultz wrote 223! Purposals to banks for a business loan that all got rejected! It wasn’t until his 224 purposal that it was approved, what an amazing story of persistence and it was such a coincidence because I was focusing on my own personal business and how It’s so hard.  Had Howard given up he would of never created the amazing successful empire of Starbucks that we see today. That really inspired me, and I hope it inspires you all. Sometimes I wonder if this is all worth it and somehow I’m left feeling this light nudge from the angels that pushes me forward. They bring me strength to keep going when I want to give up.
The 9 of wands message tells us that we have worked hard, we are beaten and battered but… we are still standing. We won the battle- don’t give up. Your close to the end don’t give up – keep going because success is within your reach. For me its been a rough past couple of weeks, just last few days I felt I was ready to crash. I was truly burnt out, there was still so much to do and somehow, I woke up everyday with very little sleep with so much energy and optimism to get through this day. I honestly believe the angels  give me a boost when I need it. I was wondering one day if it was really happening or if I was making this stuff up myself, shortly after this while driving, a bee landed on my window- right smack in my face! I could not miss it. I knew surely at that moment that my message was clear as day. I’m to work hard, and keep working. Right now is a time for me expend my energy on doing all these things to help me create a beautiful future. All this hard work is needed right now and when I feel exhausted the angels bless me with the energy I need to get through the day.

 Take a look at the bee and use its purpose as a guidance for your own life, how can the bee bring its message of hard work to you this week.

If you wish to book a Tarot reading, please contact me today. 



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