Monday, October 12, 2015

A Message from your Spiritual Team

Welcoming everyone!
This morning, I was sitting in meditation and I asked my guides, what is it that I need to work on today. And the message that was delivered to me was “ Ask my audience, on a soul level, what they need to know today” The image that came to my mind was my tarot Tuesdays. I often will offer card readings via Facebook for my audience where they select a card for themselves and the message gets revealed that is meant for them. There are no accidents and what ever message they receive- its meant for them. Today…. Is a different, more special message.

All of us, on a soul level are always wanting to be better. Sometimes we need a bit of a push to get us going or maybe we need some guidance as to which path to take. The thing I love about the cards is that have always guided my life. When ever I needed support and guidance, I pulled out my cards. Paired with angelic guidance, this process has never failed me. It is the reason why I share that process with you as often as I can, when I can.  This morning I found this process to be more profound. I believe the greater message of this today will reach you all some way, somehow and it will be exactly as you needed. I do hope you all find this helpful as my guidance this morning was to do this because it was needed. Please make share with your friends and family as it may be a message for them that is reached through you.

Card One : Deceit
       As a soul, you are very valuable, and this card comes to tell you its important you start to honor and value yourself that way. The deceit card messages is that you are being taken advantage or there are energies out there that are not in your best interest. Some of you may feel like others are out to get you, but I want you all to take a moment and look with in. Do you value yourself?  That is very important- because if you do not honor yourself, your are your biggest liar. Take time today to think about that…. Do you do things that are good for  you? If you love yourself, take actions that support that. Do not dwell in negativity or remain a victim and worry about how others are out to get you. You have to honor yourself enough to say “ This situation serves me no good, I choose to let it go” I myself work up this morning thinking about all the negativity about my work. I pulled my self out of bed, I said this is enough! And I went to meditate to release those negative emotions.  I had to love and honor myself enough to do this. Once I meditated- my focus went from my negative job environment to my spiritual work and that is how I can to deliver this message you all today. So please, stop lying to yourself, today- do what is good for you.

Card Two: Indecision
             We all have been in a place where we could not decide. We were lost, confused and therefore could make choices to help us move forward.  For those of you this morning who selected this card, the beautiful message is that TODAY, is a great day to make that important decision. Whatever decision it is that you have been toying with, today- decide.  As I mentioned above, this morning I woke up thinking of all the negative energy from work and I decided at that very moment, ENOUGH! It was great! I feel so much better and I hope that you all find this card supportive of your goals today. The energy is with you now at this time in your life to help support you in positive movement forward. Do some detoxing, release that old stagnant energy that did not serve you. Salt baths are great energy cleansers, Detox your body with a tea or with  a lemon cleanse. On an energetic level if you feel you need to detox, I recently created a wonderful Energy Cleanse Spread that you can find in my previous blog post.

Card Three: The Thinking Man
     We all have male and feminine energy.  This card comes to me with the message that you need to spend more time embracing your male energy. Maybe you have been unable to stand your ground or stand up for yourself and your beliefs. Take a moment to evaluate the relationships in your life, How can you be more “Dominant”  it’s not to say you should find ways to control the situation or relationship – but What I’m sensing is that you have allowed others to exhibit their control over you and my message for you all today is that enough is enough! You are your own person, you can make your own decisions and stand up for yourself! For some of you, I’m picking up a lot of frustration, take a moment to breath and re-evaluate your emotions. You want to move forward detached from negative emotions, it’s the only way you will be able to come out on top of this.

Card Four: Seventh Chakra

Those of you who picked this card today are highly in-tuned with your spiritual selves. Weither you know it or not, you have a wonderful connection to your angels, guides and high beings. Maybe you have been doubtful, wanting to become more connected or simply never thought about it. This card is about your connection to source and yes you have! If you needed confirmation, trust this sign. Spend time quieting your thinking mind, and learn to listen to your heart – you will its guidance beneficial. The more open you become to receiving messages from the spirit world, synchronicities will become more apparent and you will find the missing pieces start to fall into place.

I hope you all found these messages were what you needed ;)
From the spirit world

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