Monday, October 19, 2015

Third Eye Chakra

I have to start off by saying, that its always amazing to me when I start writing, how the information just comes and it all starts to make sense. When I was first guided to create this Angel healing with the Chakras process I already had knowledge about the chakras and the angels. It was nothing new to me, I did not expect to have any epiphanies because I thought I was just going to relay information, I was already given. But…. The real “aha moments” came when I started to write. It’s amazing.
I hope that in these lessons, you all will find your “aha moments” if not today – then tomorrow or another day. The purpose of this was to get the angels message out there to a vast crowd who needed it and I am hopeful, that each time you have read one of these articles, it rang true for you.  I honestly wish I could say, this is “MY “Material. But it is not. All information that has been given to me has been done so with the guidance of Arch Angel Gabriel – one who I will be writing about today. he has guided me to put my lives work in writing- the process of writing my blog and offering emailed readings is to prepare me for work I will later in life be doing. I don’t know what this is yet- Today Arch Angel Gabriel tells me – one day it will all make sense. This week I come to you all about one of the most sought after information for the spiritual community, especially Newcomers. I do hope though, that you all understand that the chakra system works as a system and you will utilize all of the lessons when wanting to work on your Third Eye Chakra.
“I want to be an intuitive, I want to be able to “see” more. I wish I was more “Psychic”
These are things I’ve heard from many people who are starting to open up spiritually. They have been led to believe, that if they want to be more clairvoyant- this is where you start. I always find it interesting how as a society, we are now in the age of “instant gratification” Instead of taking our time, and learning the process the correct way – we want to jump straight to the final outcome. I would like to share the angels message to you all today :
“If you want to strengthen your visions and your third eye chakra, 
There are so many things you must learn first.”

What is the Third Eye Chakra and why is it so Magical?
The third eye sits between our eyebrows and its home is actually located in the Pineal gland, which is at the base of our brain in the back of our occipital lobe.  The third eye allows us to see “Visions” also known as Clairvoyance. There are many ways to “See” and not one way is the right way.
 For example- people always ask, how do I see the angels? How do I know who I am working with? I always have to explain, I do not see angels in the form as we see in pictures. I do not see body and face. What I see- are balls of energy and colors. Sometimes, on rare occasions I see their wings- but this is rare and it usually happens when I see the angels offering comfort to someone- they will wrap their wings in a loving hug embrace. They will also expand their wings to show me how much energy they are exuberating to the person in need of a “angel hug”  When I “See” I do not see with my physical eye. It’s all in my head in the form of imagination. Sometimes It plays out like a movie strip where I see “scene’s” but these scenes are in forms of symbols. How do I know these scenes are true signs? I don’t. I just trust the information I’m getting.
The image  you see with the “Healing the Chakras with angels” is designed because it is exactly how It was shown to me- Each Chakra point had a ball of color and the name of the angel was spelled out for me- just as you see it.  (That image by the way was not designed by me it was a regular chakra image I found online and the angels showed me how to edit it to suit their purpose)
When I am “shown images” they come in pieces – it doesn’t make sense until I piece it together. Sometimes I see it, sometimes I feel it, sometimes I hear it – all these things combine help me “imagine” a vision.

What is the Third Eye Chakra:
It is the seat of conscience- it allows us to see, know and understand. When we have a balanced and open third chakra, everything makes sense and has a purpose even though we do not know what that is. We just know – it all happened for a reason, or it is all for a reason.  It is where our intuition and imagination come together. It is the home to our conscience and what our ethics are built upon. Your strong sense of justice comes from here. It is here that Life energy enters our chakra system. Because of this, it is important that you work on the whole chakra system to find balance before you try to open this center up. When you focus solely on this chakra, and lack a strong Foundation ( Base/Root Chakra) you can have a sense of paranoia and insecurity- your imagination goes wild.  If you wish to work on this chakra, I highly recommend after you read this article, you go back to my previous work and learn about all the chakra systems and balance those.

How does the Third eye really work? The Pineal Gland
Our pineal Gland, release hormones that keep us in balance. Its most important role is regulating our circadian rhythms via the hormone Melatonin. The purpose of this hormone is to help us regulate our sleep.  If you did not know, sleep is very important – especially to those of us who are on the spiritual path. It is in our sleep that our mind, body and spirit rest and receive healings.  The pineal gland is located at the base of the brain in the back of our heads, it is at a lower angle from our third eye.  The pineal gland is about the size of pea and is shaped very similar to a pine cone – this is how it got its name.  I also want to note that the pineal  gland centuries before, was the size of a walnut- due to varies changes in our environment it has evolved to be small in size today.  This process has made it harder for many of us to be spiritually connected.
Many people want to practice opening their Third eye and they find it doesn’t work, or the process is not going well- I have also found with these same group of people, they know nothing of the Pineal gland and its importance. As you may have seen already, each chakra is controlled by a certain gland. The two go hand in hand.  In the third eye, if you wish to work with it, you must know about the pineal gland. I have met people who have told me they have a powerful third eye, but they knew nothing about the Pineal Gland. I must say, I do not judge- but… how can you be a master of the third eye and not know of its importance to the pineal gland? It’s like being a medical doctor and not knowing the parts of the body.  I also met some teachers that do not teach about the pineal gland – to me that is setting the student up for failure- how can you leave out such a vital part of the lesson!

Balanced Third Eye:
Will be imaginative, creative, and be able to think clearly. Things just make sense!
Un-balanced third eye: 
-Feel stuck- You cant see a solution.
-Paranoid or Insomnia – you have an overactive third eye and you lack grounding.
Go back to the root chakra and strengthen your foundation.
-Head aches : blocked chakra. Migraines are a sign that you have a lot of energy coming but you are not open to it. The aches come from excess energy not being able to move freely.
-Lack of spiritual connection
-You are not creative, lack imagination. If I asked you to picture a red apple – if you can’t vision it, your third eye maybe be unbalanced.

The big fluoride debate! PINEAL GLAND AND FLUORIDE:
        Fluoride calcifies and harden this gland. Not a surprise that so many of us today cannot “see” spiritually. We are raised in a society to forces fluoride upon us because it is a “health benefit”, but with anything, too much can be harmful. For those of us on the spiritual path, it’s important to be careful with how much fluoride we are ingesting, because it will harden our pineal gland. I’m not saying eliminate fluoride all together, that would be silly- we do need some fluoride. I work in the dental field (how ironic I know  ) and I am a firm believer as someone who does walk between both worlds, we need a little fluoride.  So what is my advice for you all?  Use fluoride in minimal amounts.  I would not recommend eliminating it completely.
        If you can reduce fluoride intake only to the tooth paste that would be perfect! I have two that I use, Toms brand of tooth paste is fluoride free, I also use a Colgate Fluoride toothpaste every other day. There are tooth paste out there that offer extra fluoride protection – I do not recommend those. Also, at my dental cleanings, I skip the fluoride application. Again, in my opinion- fluoride in toothpaste is enough.  ( some of you who are extra sensitive, will feel that no fluoride is best and if that is how you feel, trust it ) ( you will find there are people who are totally against anything with fluoride- use your own judgement. It has been proven that fluoride does help prevent tooth decay- so to completely remove it, in my opinion is not a good idea)

How to balance the third eye: 
-Meditation – this is a must. If you do not like to meditate or have a hard time
Incorporating this into your life, you maybe not be ready to open your third eye.
Work on your lower chakras.
      -Yoga : Certain poses will help you strengthen your stamina to maintain the energy of this center.
      - Cleanses – are necessary to remove toxins so that your pineal gland can be at its best. If you have too many toxins floating around in your body, this can greatly affect the quality of your pineal gland.
     - Eat foods high in calcium. Tamarind Fruit is also a great addition because it actively removes Fluoride. ( NO WONDER I LOVE PAD THAI! )

Activating the Third Eye Chakra with Arch Angel Gabriel
  Gabriel is an angel known to aid in visions. he comes to us with a message that is for the greater whole. I was raised Catholic and taught that Gabriel is the angel who told Mother Mary she would birth Jesus. Gabriel also came to Joan of Arc to tell her to go to the King of France.  I’ve spent my whole life working with Gabriel, even in my younger years – I just didn’t know it then. Growing up, we had an angel statue in my home, my mother still has it to this day. I never knew this, but it was a statue of Gabriel.
When I write- the messages are coming from Garbiel. I have never seen Gabriel in angel form as I have Haniel or Michael but of all the angels, he is the only one whom I have heard physically.  When I’m working with this angel, he will show me, in my third eye – a golden feather pen.  Gabriel is the angel of messages and communication. If you wish to work with your third eye, he is a wonderful angel to invoke.  His aura is white with specks of gold. Sometimes you will be called to work with copper or attracted to copper and this is because this angel has a Trumpet – that is Copper!
Significance of Copper – Copper us a great energy conductor. When combined with other energies it helps amplify and transfer energy. Copper helps move energy, so if you have blockages that manifest into aches and pains, wear Copper! As with anything – too much can be harmful-  I would not recommend drinking elixirs that contain copper.
What is the trumpet and why is it significant? Gabriel carries a trumpet that is used to announce judgment day. It is the trumpet of truth. In my experience working with him, the trumpet is sounded when truth is needed to be awaken to. It is rare that I actually hear him sound his trumpet. In my life I have heard it twice. Both times, it was during my awakening.  The trumpet for me- sounded off as if an alarm in me had been activated.

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