Sunday, October 11, 2015

Throat Chakra: Learn to Speak your Truth

Thank you all for joining me this week as we talk about our Throat Chakras. This week’s post in particular is very dear to my heart because it is where I learned how to meditate. When I first began my work with the angels I had a lot of doubts. I questioned a lot of my intuitive findings because I had no real evidence to back up the information I was receiving intuitively.  During this period, I spent a lot of time in what I now realize was prayer with arch angel Michael.  I would spend my days, repeatedly chanting silently in my mind :
“ With love and light, I speak my truth”

 I had no idea at that time what I was getting, but when I repeated to myself, “ with love and light, I speak my truth” this allowed me to just trust in whatever it was that the angels were giving me.  Even as I speak to you all today, I have no idea what it is I am going to say – I just allow the process to happen.

Throat Chakra is located in our throat area. It is controlled by the thyroid gland and it is butterfly shaped. The purpose of this gland is to regulate our bodies metabolism – the process of breaking down the foods we eat that gives our bodies energy and fuel. What I find very interesting is that each time I get hit with the inspiration bug- Angels will often create events in my life that will have a correlation to the blogs I will be preparing to write.  These last few weeks I have hit a “block” and I have not been able to get anything written until now for this throat chakra. Earlier this week in my meditation I received divine guidance to give up meat – and so I did. As I’m preparing to write this blog that “aha” light bulb turned on for me! My guidance to give up meat has served a purpose to allow me to maximize my metabolism to fit me new found energy.  Years ago during my awakening, I became a vegetarian and when I had my second son I started eating meat again. At that time, I didn’t think I could ever give up meat again, I LOVE PORK.  2 years later to today, I find myself again feeling that it’s time to no longer eat meat.
When we become more enlightened and more in-tuned, the angels will give gentle nudges on life changes.  Since my move, I have been extremely exhausted and tired all of the time, After my move I found myself in a “hibernation” of the soul. A good friend of mine (Theia) recently told me it is "cocooning"  Luckily, I am slowly waking up again and I’m finding myself at a higher vibration. I share my story with you all because I want to encourage you to take little steps when you receive gentle nudges to make life changes. If you feel it is time to make a life style change – ask yourself, Is it really time? Or am I just following a fad? If it is truly divine guidance you will get constant reminders and when you take the steps towards this, you will feel more energized. I hope in learning to opening your throat chakra you will be able to speak your truth. 
          Back to our throat chakra. The Thyroid chakra gets its signals from the pituitary Gland – You will hear more about this fascinating gland in the next post.  Our pituitary  gland is known as our spiritual/ magical gland. If you can link the two glands together it will make total sense to you. When you are ready for spiritual changes, your pituitary gland will send signals to your thyroid gland to release special hormones to help you with your energy levels. In response, you will feel the need to change your diet habits. You will start to notice when you eat certain things, you will feel better or worst. All of this is to help you maximize your new energy levels.

How to activate this chakra : Below your neck about your collar bone is a hollow area, gentle tap this area and imagine it “waking up” the image that I see in my head is an alarm system going off to wake me up.

Balanced Throat Chakra -  
You will be able to speak your truth
You will say things that are kind and loving and truthful
You will hear the truth – if people are being brutally honest with you, you                                         will not get offended.
You can taste what is good and bad for you

Unbalanced Throat Chakra - 
 You will not speak up – you will hold back a lot of things you want to say                                                 or maybe your scared to say anything.
You speak in a low tone, you will not speak up
You may feel as if there is “frog in your throat”
Negative talk is bad energy- If you say things that are unkind , you have                                              an unbalanced chakra.

How to find balance:  Do not wear things that will block this chakra,                                                      remove all necklace, scarfs and collar shirts.  
(An exception is to wear a blue crystal around                 your neck. )
Practice POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS – great way           to find balance in this chakra.
Drink lots of water. 

Arch Angel Michael and the THROAT : many of us will call on arch angel Michael for help because 1. He is one of the best well known angels 2. His strong Electric Blue aura strikes through negativity and gives us strength. 3. We often call on him when we need strength during fearful times because he is a leader and commander against dark energies. By calling on him We have strengthen our throat chakra. He overseas this chakra because of the use of prayer and through the color of his aura. He teaches us through prayer and positive affirmations, we all can communicate directly to the divine. Many of you will find, the instant you call on Michael for protection , you will instantly feel relief. He is a wonderful protector and guardian and friend.  During my earlier years when I was opening up to spirit, I called on my Michael several times through out the day for protection during my moments of fear. It is through this practice that I no longer sit in fear. I know at any moment in my life, when I need protection – to call on him and he will protect me and my loved one.

I hope you all find this weeks message a blessing in disguise.

Other news from Tarot By Cyndee:

If you look closely, you can see how
 piercing blue Theia's eyes are.
          This last week I got a chance to meet with THEIA! She is someone I met online and is of like mind. She was a fascinating and amazing woman to meet. She is what she calls an “environmentalist”  Like me, she is an intuitive. The way her “magical powers” work is that she reads energy in her environment. In order for syncronicities and messages to get to her, she must be out in the open to see these meaning coincidences. It was absolutely amazing to see and watch. She takes everything that is going on around her as she is in that moment and deciphers it as it is a message from the spirit world. We exchanged stories and it was so fascinating to hear how very much a like we are! Two different people with similar paths. What I found to be very interesting is that during this time where I had this “block” on working on this throat chakra lesson- she had told me she was in town and would like to meet. It was as if I asked for help and the spirit world brought her to me.  Once we meet, I said a lot of things I had not been able to say for years! If you want to unblock your throat- spill your heart out. I want to also mention something very important that she had said to me. Those of you who continue to read through this blog will get the message because you are ready for it. I don’t think she said this to me by accident. I believe in all truth, that during this time where I am destined to talk about the Throat chakra, they brought Theia to me with this message.  When you are ready, You will understand.


I recently created this new spread in light of my recent work with angels and the chakras. This spread is designed to help you heal and balance your chakras. If you have been feeling out of sorts or maybe you need a bit of a boost of energy, this may be the spread for you. Consider it sort of like a "DETOX" reading. I have had great response. You are welcome to check out my reviews at

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