Monday, November 20, 2017

The Magician is within us

The Magician is within us

                The Fool leaves home and journeys into the world of unknown, he carries all his belongings in a bag that is wrapped tightly. As he walks away he forgets what he is to do with these items. On his journey he comes across the Magician. The Magician reminds him that he has everything he needs to manifest his destiny and takes his bag and opens it up. He lays out 4 items before the fool, these are the four of elements that we use to manipulate energy and it’s how we create magic.
                With this wand you will create
                With this cup you follow your heart        
                With this sword you will speak with ambition and clarity
                With this pentacle you will have what you need

                I read this story once upon a time, it’s a great story and it has stuck with me all these years. It taught me to look at the magician card in a position of power. The magician when it arrives, shows me that we are the masters of our own destiny and we can create what we will. This does not mean that we can sit back and wait for the universe to grant our wishes.  We are not victims or bystanders in life, but active participants. The Magician teaches us that we have to work for what we want, if we want to manifest, we must master our trade and learn to manipulate energy. In each and every single one of us lays the tools we need. 
Mind – Swords - AIR
Body – Pentacles - EARTH
Spirit- wands - FIRE
Soul- Cups - WATER

When you find yourself coming across the Magician in a reading, he arrives to remind you that you are on the right path. Whatever it is that you wish to manifest is within your reach. This does not mean you can relax and wait for the pieces to fall into place. The magician is a worker, he practices and applies what he knows to create “magic”, and he never stops.

He is diligent student, a master of his trade.

He is powerful as depicted with his pose, one hand pointing up to the universe, the other pointing down to the ground – the sign for “ as above and so below”  He is showing you that you can take the energy of the universe to empower yourself so you can manifest here on earth, in the same token, you are able to draw energy from the earth plane to create magic in the universe.  The infinity sign over his head reminds us that energy flows where energy goes.

When you look around this card, you can find that he is surrounded by flowers in full bloom. This shows you that your hard work will one day come to fruition.  If you find yourself doubting the process, just look at the flowers and remind yourself that everything takes time. In the fall you plant the seeds and come spring they will bloom. In between it is important that you water your garden and pull weeds so that you can have a wonderful garden come blooming time.  It takes work and time, you cannot rush the process. Just because you don’t see the final products of your hard work right now, doesn’t mean it will never come.

Be patience, the Magician is here to remind you that your goals, hopes and dreams are within your reach and a part of your destiny.

The magician is number 1. Numerologically  the number one signifies a new chapter, a brand new start and the energy of a leader.  Number one brings Success. The one energy is full of assertiveness and commanding. When you feel the power of the magician with in the seat of your soul, you feel this nudge that pushes you forward. It gives you that boost of confidence you need. It is here to empower you. 

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