Tuesday, March 13, 2018

How to : Soul Check Tarot Spread

                Before you start any reading, You really should have a purpose. The cards are great for guidance and work especially well if you give them a job to do. Be clear, be specific and listen as the universe speaks to you though the cards.

                Why do a SOUL CHECK READING:            
                Its maintaince for you soul. You want to keep your spirits running at its best, you must check it from time to time. Like doing monthly maintaince on your car such as oil changes and tire pressures check, you’ll want to do the same for your soul. If you neglect your car, shit happens. Now, do you really want shit to happen in your life?  Why do a soul check? So you can function at your best, and hopefully avoid the break downs.
                This is not a goal setting spread, what do I need to do to get to xyz reading, and it sure won’t predict you future. If that’s what your looking for, this is not the reading for you, stop here and go find something else to do.
                Serious about a soul check? Continue. 
The tarot consist of 2 types of cards. The Major Arcana, which depicts major life events and the Minor Arcana, the every day things.  For the purpose of this reading, you will only need to use the MINOR ARCANA. Its about being present in the HERE and NOW. 

1.       Shuffle your cards, Place the Major arcana to the side- you won’t need these... You’ll also want to form 4 different piles, IN THIS ORDER.

              A.      Wands  B. Cups  C. Swords  D. Pentacles

2.       Count each pile of Minor Arcana and make sure you have 14 cards for each pile. 
3.       With a pen and paper – or what ever you choose to use to document your reading. Write down these 4 Questions and Make sure you leave room for you to write your answers.  You will pull one card from each pile to answer the coordinating question. The answer that you seek is in that card, PLAIN AND SIMPLE. Don’t make it more complicated then it needs to be, if it gets confusing or stressful take a break, your ego is on over drive. Relax and come back to it again, if you still need tips, please feel free to contact me, I’d love to help you!

1. What wands energy do I need to express? What creative energy do I need to manifest? 
2.  What Cups energy do I need to express, How do I follow my heart?
3. What swords energy do I need to express, How do I utilize  my shadow side in a healthy way?
4. What earth energy do I need to express to keep me grounded?


Cheat Sheet
Creativity energy – Hopes and Dreams
Emotional energy
How you feel
Your shadow side-
The good , the bad, the ugly, the way you communicate
Physical realm
Things here on earth
How your affected in the present world
Fire energy
Quick, sharp, instant. Think of Spur of the moment or a bright idea!
Water Energy
Think of how water flows, it can be calm and soothing or rough and destructive like a tsunami.  Energy goes where water flows. Our bodies are made of mostly water, its why our emotions can be so controlling
Air energy
Our attitudes. Our personalities. How we respond to things. Our behaviors. How we communicate often is a reflection of how we feel.
Your environment.
Things around you
The physical things in your life

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