Sunday, March 4, 2018


If I could go back in time and do something different that would enhance my spiritual growth, what would it be?

              When I opened up spiritually several years ago, I was obnoxious about the meditation. I thought to myself “ ah, I’m OK. I don’t need to do that.”  I am older, more mature and I understand now, the importance of meditation.
              Great athletes don’t wake up one day and become great athletes. It takes time, practice and whole lot of trial and error. My own trial and errors has put me in this position to share with you today, if you are wanting to enhance your spirituality- focus less on the “stuff” and make more time quieting the mind. Why? You can’t get your guidance from your spiritual team if you don’t learn to recognize them.
You can buy a ton of tarot decks, add crystals, get energy cleansing done via REIKI, get readings done to figure out where you need to work on, and the list goes on and on. There is no spiritual highway trick to get you from zero to a hundred without a good foundation.  For those of you who are struggling with accuracy- that foundation is MEDITATION. I get tons of people asking me all the time, “Cyndee, how can I be more accurate?!” 
              My accuracy has nothing to do with “ me “  The reason why I can give my best work is because I have a spiritual team that I have learned to work with. (Don’t get me wrong, sometimes I can be be off but it could be due to many reasons, I try to decrease this from happening by being authentic and the only way I know how to do that is through mediation.  ) Just like athletes on a team, we all have to learn to work together.  During meditation, you’re not only learning to quiet the mind, but on an energetic level, you are learning to be on the same plane as your spiritual team. Didn’t know that did you! Our energy vibrates at a certain level, our spiritual guides vibrate at a MUCH HIGHER rate. If you both cannot come to a happy medium, your information will lack accuracy because you can’t process the information correctly.   The only way (and I am speaking from my own truth and experience) is through meditation. When we learn to sit still, we open and invite our guides in to our space. During this meeting, we calibrate with each other. The more often we do it, the better that calibration gets, the more accurate you become.

How to meditate:
1.       YOU HAVE TO WANT TO DO IT – if you don’t, you’ll make up reasons why you can’t. If you find you are making up excuses as to why you can’t meditate- then don’t do it.  On a soul level you are probably not ready and this could be a fear of the unknown. And that’s ok, when you are ready- save my email and revisit this!
2.       Find what works for you! There are different methods of meditation. Meditation is the process of learning to quiet the mind. If you find thoughts trickle in, that is ok, the purpose is to learn to acknowledge those thoughts and let them melt away. Any time you are engaged in an activity that allows your mind to relax- that is meditation! That’s easy right?
3.       Set a schedule: Use the same type of meditation, in the same place, at the same time – if you can. This will help your energy and body align with the universe.
4.       For the more avid- learn to sit still, in complete silence. YES! Total Silence.  I do this now 2-3 times a week. I don’t do this for accuracy. I find that this period in my life, I have a lot on my plate. The mind chatter never ends, between raising a young family, working full time job and having now 2 home business, I NEED TO MEDITATE. There is way too much floating around in my head, my quiet time is my time to process and delegate my thoughts. During my meditation I sit in silence to
a.       Chill out
b.      Categorize the chaos
c.       Get inspiration and Guidance for MYSELF (I do not meditate for my clients, I do it for myself! When I focus on myself, I can offer the best version of me for my clients!

              Long story short: You’ll start when you’re ready. Set a consistent schedule and pick a method of mediation that works for you. I can’t do all the work for you, you’ll have to play with a few different techniques to find what works for you. If you can I recommend you attend meditation classes in your area if they are available.

              If you need guidance and tips, Please feel to contact me! 
I’d be happy to help in anyway I can ;)

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