Sunday, March 4, 2018

March 4th Daily Dose of Inspiration

Check out the answers to your daily does of inspiration! I hope this helps you start March off on the right foot!

1.       5 of Pentacles
Are you feeling down and out? Maybe you’re feeling unhappy and you’re unsure why? Are you worried about finances?  For some of you, it could be the start of depression. This card brings a sign that you’re currently on the verge of spiritual illness which will make you feel really down and out. You feel poor at heart. During this challenging time, I recommend you seek spiritual guidance and return inwards for a soul check. Something is off and you can feel it but you haven’t given up- you just feel lost and your currently trying to figure out your way. Great news is this card brings you a divine intervention. The universe has your back, you just have to ask it for help.

2.       7 of Wands
You are a fighter! This card brings you confidence that you are being encouraged to stand your ground. If you’re engaged in a situation where you are unsure if this is worth the fight, the answer is YES! You must stand up for yourself and stick with it because if you quit now, you’ll find yourself falling behind 10 steps. Keep moving forward, don’t let 10 years go by and find yourself with regrets thinking I should of fought harder 10 years ago. Today is the day to stand your ground!

3.       2 of Pentacles
The card of someone who must multitask! I just want to remind you that the universe gives us things that it knows we can handle, we are never pushed too far if it is out of our limit. If you’ve been given several task, it’s because you can handle it!  This card comes as a gentle reminder that yes, you are going to have several things this month to balance, but don’t feel overwhelmed.  Put your boss hat on  and learn to break things down in a way that is manageable for you. Your task this month is to learn how to manage your time and energy. You have been struggling for along time now with balance and this month, its time to address those issues. Seek out guidance from professionals and ask for help!

4.       4 of Pentacles

This card is the scrooge of the deck. This card is a sign that you’re not giving out the best vibes to the world because you’re so worried or concerned about something. You may not like to share or you have this “dog eat dog” mentality. Or, maybe you are someone who’s working yourself to death. You’re simply unhappy because you’re too focused on the material world. You lack abundance because you’re afraid it will never come. This card comes to remind you today to revisit your values and goals. What is really important? Please don’t mistaken material goods for happiness because you can spend your life working and chasing money but if you never stop the smell the roses, 20 years will go by and you will have not lived at all. Spend your time sharing your wonderful energy with others and yourself. Make time for those that matter. 

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