Monday, April 13, 2020

Laern Tarot: The Aces

Aces of Tarot
The aces of tarot  symbolize new beginnings. 
Aces are fun to work with because when these arrive it shows me there is a lot of potential ahead and that the possibilities are endless. These family of cards signify the start of new growth, the start of a new chapter and new beginnings. They arrive when you are being asked to focus on being creative, get innovative and take charge of your life. 

Ace of Wands:
     These are the seeds of new beginnings. The great new idea you have! The wand depicted in this photo is the wand made from a branch from the tree of life. ( The tree of life was the fruit tree from the bible, the very same tree Eden ate the forbidden fruit)  The tree births new ideas that will grow into fruition. When this card arrives, it welcomes you to humor those great new bright ideas, no matter how crazy they sound. Just trust that your "aha" moments are going to prove to be quite successful. You just have to trust your  self.  

Ace of Pentacles:
     Ace of Pentacles are all about firm foundations, making sure you have a great start and building on something solid. If you want it to last, you must focus on creating a firm foundation. When this card arrives it shows us that you will be presented with opportunities to grow in a very good way but you have to first walk through the doors when they show up. This card will bring you great energy and you have support from the universe. Notice how the hand is cupping the coin and handing it over- this is the universe handing you a golden coin. You just need to take it.  Be open to new opportunities and take leaps of faith. This is a grounding card and shows us you need to focus on the hear and now. Focus on what is in front of you. Doors will open but if you don't pay attention, you'll easily miss them.

Ace of Swords:
     Sometimes, life gets hard. Sometimes the universe will put challenges in front of you so you can over come them. Sometimes you experience hardships so that you can gain strength. The ace of swords is here to tell you - you  must fight for what you want, be persistent. Do not give up so easily, if things were easy, everyone would do them, but only the strong survive. This card brings a message that yes you can do this, be relentless in your journey and don't give up. 

Ace of Cups:
     This is card of following your heart. You must follow your passions and do what you love, this is not the time to settle. Your heart is open and the universe is telling you " Just trust your heart and go with it. Not sure what you need to do when this card arrives? Close your eyes, take a deep breath and trust what comes to mind. That first thought is your heart speaking to you. 

with love and light,

would you like to book a reading?  Contact us at

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

the Knight of Cups

"Slow and steady, whats the rush?"

                 As we enter March - So does the knight of cups. Of all the knights, he is the most romantic, the most passionate, the most diligent. He does not quit, he does not give up, he does not loose faith. For some of you, this is probably what you need to hear.  Maybe your at a turning point in your life, where the struggle is real. The doubt is real and you just think "maybe this isn't it." The knight of cups shows us - be patience and move at a slow and steady pace. What are you in such a hurry for? Somethings take time and right now, just go with the flow and take it one day at a time.

              The knight appears before us with his cup in hand, in front, ready to give. Energy wise, your passionate and your going in the right direction- your leading with you heart. The wings on his helmet signify your creativity. When you feel stuck, slow down, meditate and the answers will arrive. Allow your self to get out of your own way and be at peace and the solution will arrive.   The horse you can see is trotting cautiously.  Its a reminder for us to take each step with intention. Before you make a move, set an intention. Move with purpose my friends.

New Moon March 6th

               What's the best way to utilize your energy on March 6th? Simply put it- THINK POSITIVE THOUGHTS AND FOCUS ON GOALS. SET INTENTIONS. I'm serious. Before this day comes to an end, make sure you guys make time to do this. It's important that we stop and slow down and focus. We don't do this very much and during a new moon, we get an extra boost from the universe so its a great time to do this. I always want to make things easy for all of you, so here are some prompts to get you going. 

       1. As the knight of cups encourages us - MOVE WITH INTENTION. Today, set the intention to write your goals. Before you go to bed tonight, make sure to mark this off your life. Write 3 things that are positive in your life.  Feeling down? Focus on how this downward turn in your life can be a good learning curve. My son recently was hit with the flu and I fell behind at work and I felt so overwhelmed and stress out. I sat down, took a deep breath and realized that maybe this is a sign I need to slow down. And slow down I did. I rescheduled somethings, lighten my work load and made time to write this blog. * I feel much better *

      2. Tackle your fears - we all have anxieties. ALL OF US.  And that is ok. Right now, address one of them. Know your limits and set your goals. For me, I always feel I am not good enough, BUT I KNOW I AM. It's a tricky yoyo. Self Doubt is a real monster believe me. I'm human, I make mistakes and I fall down just like everybody else. But I see those mistakes as learning curves, I see it as a time of growth and I pick myself back up and keep going. This isn't confidence my friends, it's having faith. 

     3. Breath. 

     4. Depression is real and its taking over our society.  Take note today of how many people around you are negative Nancies. Next- make a vow to not be one of them. There are so many negative energies in the world, you don't need to be one of them. Instead - join the light crew and be positive. Smile, Laugh, and spread good juju. Can't get yourself to be perky? Watch a comedy and laugh. Laughter if contagious. 

    5. Dream. DREAM BIG. What ever it is that your heart desires, its right for you. No goal is out of your reach and you can achieve anything you want, as long as your hearts in the right place. Don't let anyone tell you , you can't. Don't let anyone make you feel like your not good enough because you are. Today, just dream. Throw all that other nonsense out the door and just dream my friends. 

 I look forward to hearing from you all, please do keep in touch and let me know how you are doing! Happy Wednesday!

Friday, January 11, 2019

Our First message of the Year!

The King of  Pentacles

                -Be strong
                - Set Goals and achieve them
                - Having Direction

I pulled this card for the New moon this last Saturday and Life got super hectic and I totally forget to send an email and share with you all the magic of the new moon. Ok lesson learned, next month I will plan to write even earlier and try to get it out on time next time.

So what did this teach me? To not give up, to keep trying. Set those goals, and when you fail, try again. That is the energy of the King of pentacles. Set a goal and do it, no matter what.  You will fall and he will pick you pack up and tell you get back on the horse and keep going. He is the very first card for 2019 and it’s a powerful one. Of all the kings in Tarot , he is the most grounding. He’s that voice of reason you need when all is dark and lost. He will guide you to the light and get you back on track so if you feel like it’s a new year and things are getting better or here you are again, falling back into your old ways- don’t fret, this all normal and apart of the learning growth and the difference this time is your aware of it. You know what habits you don’t want and your now a bit more clear on what goals you need to achieve for this year.

Un clear about your direction? DON’T WORRY, keep up with my newsletters and I KNOW you’ll eventually get your light bulb moment.

               The king of pentacles is a man who never gives up. He keeps trying and going because HE KNOWS he’ll get it. He doesn’t have a doubt in his mind that what he planned will come to fruitation. He’ll get what he wants.  And that is what I want to share you all today. You will get what you want! You just have to believe, try and keep trying.

Many of us fail because we don’t believe. Many of us fail because we stop trying.
The road gets too hard or we get side tracked so we think “ maybe its not for us” and we get off course and bam – LOST. How did we get lost? Because we doubted ourselves. DOUBT stems from fear!

             We are so afraid of hard work, we are so afraid of failure. We are so focused on being uncomfortable that we do everything that we can to not be uncomfortable but you guys, this is life. We need to be uncomfortable. We need to feel the downside of the wheel so we can appreciate the greater things in life. Our life challenges are meant to humble us, it’s meant to inspire us. It’s meant to create energy of appreciation because without darkness, we cannot see the light. 
The king of pentacles has been through many battles and wars and he survived. It takes a great warrior to win the battle but this happen over night. It takes time, practice and trial and error. When you feel lost or you want to give up, take a deep breath, think of the King of pentacles, and inhale his energy and FIGHT. You push yourself harder each day. When you feel down and out, dwell in your sorrow. Feel the pain, get uncomfortable. Then… Snap out of out and say enough- I’M BETTER THEN THIS. If your hiding from your discomfort, your just avoiding and prolonging the healing. Look depression, anger and frustration in the eye today and say “ FUCK YOU,” The king of pentacles is with me and I can do this.

         Then…. Click on this link where you can download a free goal setting sheet I’ve created for you all. Its a little exercise to jump start your 2019.  Write on it, print it out, print several copies and do one each month at the start of a new – what ever you want to do- JUST DO IT. It’s totally free and you’ll get the instant download right now, so there is no reason to wait til later, or I’ll do it when I’m free or Maybe tomorrow when I have a spare moment.  DO, DO IT NOW.

Happy Friday friends! Enjoy the rest of your week and please feel to keep in touch and let me know how life is treating you ;)

Friday, December 21, 2018

Answers revealed 12212018

1. Death
 Its time for change. This is a significant moment time in your life where you are ready for change. Its a great time to start saying good bye to things that no longer fit your story.  Death brings a great omen that you are evolving and that you will be reborn. Perfect timing as the full moon in cancer will help you with this.  If you haven't, check out more information about this upcoming full moon and how it can help with. read more here

2. 10 of swords
A little scary isn't it? You have been through some trials this year! The 10 of swords shows me that its been rough and with 10 being the finale card for you, its time to move on. You've been resistant to it but your probably at your breaking point now to where you have no other choice but to move on. You may feel that you have fallen victim to others attacks but don't feel that way. Be grateful that their true colors have shown and you are now aware. Accept what you have been through and move on. People don't change but you can change who you surround yourself with. Don't make excuses for others or feel this is somehow your fault cause its not. See people for who they really are and let them go. You don't need people like that in your life for 2019.

3. The World
You are at the end of a cycle and it's coming in perfect timing for you. The world brings the old energy of 2018 to a close and you can totally welcome 2019 with open arms! For those of you who picked this card , ITS A GREAT TIME TO GET A NEW YEAR READING. The new year will be new grounds and new paths and new lessons for you. Enhance your experience and ease with a reading that will compliment your next 12 months.  Feeling things totally sucks this year? Don't worry! 2019 is going to be so much better for you and it will bring you a nice change in things!

 To book a new year reading, shoot me an email. New year readings are $55 and they will include 13 cards for your new year forecast. readings booked by Dec 25th will be delivered December 31st. book your reading here

4. King of Cups
Take a deep breath. That is your mantra for those of you who pick this. For most of you who are picking this card, your probably running on a short fuse which tells me your probably easily triggered or agitated. The best thing you can do for yourself during those challenging times is this, " take a deep breath" The king of cups brings you energy to stay calm so you don't blow up and do something you'll regret later. The ego tends to make us reactive, but don't do that. TAKE A DEEP BREATH, REMAIN CALM. Why are you so agitated? Your drained and exhausted. Take a bath, go for walks and focus on self care.

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you all enjoy this beautiful FULL MOON we having arriving tomorrow!

                  Happy Holidays from my family to yours!

Full Moon in Cancer

December 22nd 2018

What does this mean for you all?

            The full moon is an amazingly powerful time to harness your inner personal energy. Think of it as an energy accelerator and if you want to kick something in the butt, the best time is during the full moon as its really helps you release what you don't need. During a new moon it is ideal time to set goals and a full moon is the ideal time to let go of stuff so that you can make room for those goals to flourish.  Tomorrow we will welcome a powerful full moon to help us ring in 2019, for those of you who have had not such a great 2018 - you can empower your 2019 year by starting here, seriously. I live by the moon cycles and they have become a ritual for me every month. This last year, energy wise I was spread thin and neglected myself and did not make time for my moon rituals and I'll tell you, I feel the difference. 

What does the moon in Cancer mean for you?
              When you understand how something works, it makes that something much more meaningful and therefor much more powerful and likely to work for you. I've had clients ask me, 
" I did what you recommended but nothing happened. "
As you all know, I like to teach and so back to the drawing board I went to tape into my teacher energy to ask myself , how do I teach my craft and what am I missing. And I realized... I tell you guys yes the full is a great time to let go, but then I also realized, I didn't tell YOU WHY.
Every full moon has a different astrological sign attached to it. With that sign comes a specific energy and to harness the power of the full moon, you'll want to focus on that certain energy.  Cancers astrological are all about the "home" they are really home bodies, and because they live mostly in the shells, this is a really important focus for them.  What this means for you all today is that you need to focus on your home. 
Home is not a place, it's a feeling. 
           When you are writing out your fears, and negativeness, focus on what makes you feel out of sorts. What has stopped you this year from feeling at home where ever you are, because the root of your unhappiness is the lack of finding a home wither it be in your family, love life or career. 

What to focus on this full moon
  • Grounding
  • Finding your place in the world , Finding your home
  • Nurturing and protective what you love
         Getting grounded is essential for you all before you enter the new year. What are you doing that is making you off kilter, or are you checked out for half of your time. Its time you stop those things that take away from you and get grounded. 

What does grounded mean? TO BE PRESENT.
          If you are not present in the here and now, you need to get present. You can't control your life and drive it in the direction you want if you are spending your days in lala land. Be presenting means being in the here and now. Feeling what is right in front of you and connecting to those who are right here. Don't dwell in the past or focus on the future. The past is done and gone, let it go. You can't go back, stop looking that way.  Forget about the future because you'll get to where you are going, the trick is to toss that wish in the sea and let it go. Be present and grasp opportunities that arise in front of you so that you can go to where you need to be. 

         Your place in the world is simply to be present. 
Be there. Be aware. We often check out mentally because we are tired, exhausted and drained.  When you are present, you will find your way in the world because you will be moved by things that matter to you. By being present in the here and now, you can create your home. You can find what makes you happy and what doesn't. You can pick and choose who is in your circle and ultimately you can create an environment that makes you happy - You can create your home. 
          How do you find a home when you feel lost. Figure out what is important to you. If you like nice things, fill your space with things you love. If you love connections with people, start writing off people who drain you and only allow people you love in your space. Are you someone who enjoys giving service, make time to do those things. If you've been doing things because you think they will make you happy but they don't, Stop doing it. Its not for you. 

Nurture and Protect
      Cancers are supportive, loving and protective, (if they like you) They tend to be really hard to get to know and seem rough on the outside, but once you get past that outer shell, they are super soft and loving and will protect those they love with utter fearlessness. You must do the same. Use the cancer's traits to help you train yourself for 2019. Nurture what you love and PROTECT IT.  If you have hopes, goals and dreams that you want, but there are negative people who are telling you it's not possible, then those people need to go.  You have to be ruthless in this sense that you will protect at all cost and those are on the attack, need to know, you will defend yourself and those you love. If you are timid. take the cancer's power and be firm. Cancers don't start fights, but they also don't back down. 

Action Steps to take now
        With a full moon in cancer, this is a time to address your insecurities and fears.  Your focus when writing out your release for this full moon is what makes you feel afraid. Why are you uncomfortable. Not sure if you felt that way, think back to 2018 and remember the times where you felt uncomfortable. What made you angry, sad and depressed or not good enough. Let those things go because your ready to step into your power and take 2019. Nothing is given to us, if you want something, you must go for it.

         Cancer energy is focused on the home and sense of feeling at home. On a physical level, clear your space today. Be it a drawer, your closet, your office, it doesn't matter- just make sure you clear a space where you spend most of your time. Let things go you no longer need because next year, you will be filling that space will nothing but good vibes. 

          If you don't want to do something these next few weeks - DON'T DO IT.  To plan ahead of time is to plan for success. Right now,  think about things you do not want to do and don't do them ;) 
    Last but not least... What are some things from your child hood that made you feel at home? Was it moms home made cookies? Was it spending time with family during the holiday season or if you were like me, growing up with really strict parents, every Saturday we had to do a thorough deep house cleaning. Although I don't enjoy cleaning, its one of those things that I remember doing as a child all the time and its what brings me back " home" so guess what I'm doing tomorrow ;) 

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Monday, December 17, 2018

The Hierophant

He is probably one of the most difficult cards many people have a hard time working with and after many years of working with him, and some recent life experiences, I THINK I GOT HIM FIGURED OUT.

I  use to see him and I would get turned off because what I saw was a strict religious way of being. But that is not the case today. When I looked up the word “ ORTHODOX” I realized, I don’t really know what that means. I know it has something to do with religion and so I looked the other way. I was raised in a very strict catholic environment and I use to question everything, the reason why I struggle with this card so much is because, this card is a symbol of following the methods that are presented before us because there’s already a formula.  Religion has a formula and this is how it is, there really is no room for you to go against the grain. I WENT AGAINST THE GRAIN.

I recently had a event in my life where I realized, I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I’m DOING. I NEED TO ATTEND MORE TRAINING ( this is non tarot related) I went on a business training and I learned a whole lot. I went from not knowing what to do, to walking about exactly with a training plan- I thought about how this experience can be applied and to be honest. ITS ALL AROUND US.

I didn’t pick up the tarot and make up my own rules. I followed my teachers and mentors and others who came before me who were masters at tarot.

This is what the hierophant is about. Education, following the methods and being apart of a group. NOT CREATING A GROUP, MAKING UP YOUR OWN EDUCATION OR CREATING YOUR OWN WAY. It’s about learning from those who know better then us. Its about following the orthodox which means to go with the majority of the group. If you have a group of people telling you the sky is blue and one person says its green, LISTEN TO THE GROUP. They know what they are talking about.

Many of you, who read this, will be like me, We like to march to the beat of our drum. The humbling experience comes from when we accept, we have no idea what we are doing. Maturity is accepting that you need to learn more and you seek further education. You can still march to the beat of your own drum, but first, learn how to play the drum.

When you see the Hierophant, don’t be afraid. Don’t get turn off, he is here to remind us four things.

1.    Get educated – learn more, seek out mentors and use what has been tried and true. Don’t go making up your own rules.

2.    Have a belief – Know what you need. It’s a must. If you don’t, how will know who to seek out for help.  An atheist is not going to go to a catholic priest for guidance. I knew I needed business training, I seeked one out – I didn’t go to a self help seminar, I made sure I went to a specific business seminar.

3.    Follow the rules – its been tried and proven to be effective by others, rules are there for a reason. Follow them, yes some rules are meant to be broken, but before you decide you want to break them, follow them. You don’t know until you try it.  Use these rules to help you formulate your foundation and mastery comes from your own need to break from convention. A greater baker learns the methods of baking and once they have mastered the skill and truly understand the rules of baking, they can tweak and make up their own recipes. You can’t change and perfect a method unless you understand it.

4.    Find your tribe – The hierophant is ALL ABOUT COMMUNITY AND GROUPS. A church is only a church is there are people present. The hierophant is only effective if he has fallowers. He is there to share his knowledge and can only share if he has people to share them with. You must find those who are in the same boat at you, you must connect with other like minds and find your tribe. We are not happy being alone, we are very social creatures even though we may be introverted. No one really truly loves being alone. Find your group, find your tribe, find people who can connect with and grow with.

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Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Four of Cups : feeling dissatisfied

When we feel lost, we will often seek out spiritual guidance of some sort. Some people will pick up the phone and call 1-800 number to a psychic hot line hoping the answer they  seek will be there. Others will find a tarot reader and some people will just continue the path of unhappiness and continue to be lost because they don’t know where to start or they are unaware they are  in a rut.

Today, the 4 of cups is all about that. Being unhappy, feeling unfulfilled and not satisfied. How many of us are feeling like 2018 is coming to an end and we’ve accomplished nothing? I’ve gotten a few email’s recently about people wondering if next year will be better and why was 2018 so tough?

Think of it like this, 2018 was the year of the drought. 2019 will not be 100 percent great, but great things take time, and as we ease into the next year, be ready to find ways to deal with the drought.  What I mean is, you’ve been through a tough year, take your challenges and learn from them. What did you struggle with in 2018 that you can improve for 2019 now that you have been through it. The 4 of cups is all about you realizing your unhappy and then making strides to improve it.  Yes you’re unhappy, yes your unsatisfied. But do you know why?


There is ONLY ONE WAY to the path of happiness and that is to follow your heart. You can’t follow someone’s formula because what works for them won’t work for you. We are designed differently and all have a different path to follow.  Someone can work in corporate America and find it very fulfilling while others enjoy volunteering at the local shelters. Find what works for you, and in 2019 – cut the bs, leave the excuses at the door and find a way to follow your heart. If it’s truly what you want, you will find a way to make it happen. NO BS.
            If you are full of excuses, you aren’t ready for 2019. So cut the nonsense today because this “new year, new me” mumbo jumbo is not what I’m about today. I’m talking about taking life by the reigns and doing things NOW, TODAY. Not next year.

So where do you start when you have no idea.
1.    Where is the most clutter. CLEAR IT. For me, its my purses. I have like 3 that I use all the time and they are ALL FULL OF JUNK. Guess what I’m doing today. Cleaning out all 3 and only wearing one.  Where we harbor the most clutter, holds the most negative energy. Where ever this space is, clear it, TODAY. The first thing you think of when reading this, is where you need to start. Don’t doubt it, just do it. It could be your car, your closet, your desk, your junk drawer, your fridge. Doesn’t matter. CLEAR IT. You don’t have to do multiple spaces, just pick one, right now. And clear it.

2.    What made you unhappy these last several months? Write down your problem, and find your solution. It’s very simple. It’s only complicated if you make it complicated and again, excuses only hurt you. If you’re ready for change, you’ll make it happen.

a.    Are you overworked? WORK LESS.
b.    Do you feel overweight? Change your diet. Stop with the sodas.
c.    Are you unhappy with your relationships? Start focusing on yourself.
d.    Do you feel unfilled in life? Do what you loved as a kid
e.    Are you having financial troubles? Pay of your lowest debt.
f.     Seeking love? Join an online dating site.

3.    Set Achievable Goals.
I did not wake up and decide that I wanted to be a millionaire in 2019 because come on, you have to be realistic. When you set unrealistic goals, its not that you can’t achieve them, but your ingrained belief system will block you.  I am a firm believer that you can get what you want, but YOU MUST BELIEVE YOU CAN DO IT. So many of us fail at our goals because we don’t believe it.

Set 3 goals for yourself this year.
1.    Personal goal – my own personal goals is the read 3 books a month. One for fun, one for personal growth and one for business. This is what ignites my fire, I’m an avid reader and I enjoy it very much. You have to find out what you love and make time for it. NO EXCUSES. Do it for you not someone else. I could of said “plan a family trip” but that is for the WHOLE FAMILY not me. Focus on you and be selfish 100 percent! You have to fill your own cup before you can fills others.
2.    Financial. If you have debt, make a plan to pay off your smallest debt and make sure you stick with it. Small baby steps will lead you to success. It may seem overwhelming but start small. Savings, if you don’t save, set a plan. Put aside a few bucks here and there and watch your money slowly grow. Do you really need 5 cups of Starbucks a week? How about just 2 and you put the rest of the money in a jar? 
       So many of us have a terrible relationship to money because we see it as the root of evil but it’s not. Learn to love your money and your financial relationship with it, in 2019 your goal really should be to form a healthy relationship with your finances. When you pay your bills, send out the energy of gratitude and not negativity.  When I pay my credit card bill each month, I thank it. Thank you for giving me the credit to buy what I needed.
3.    Love or Career. Pick one and focus on it.  If you’re not happy, spend less time with it.  You don’t have to make drastic changes and leave the relationship or quit the job because if your still in an unhappy relationship at home or work, it’s because your not ready to leave. So what do you do?
Spend less time with it.
                        When its break or lunch time, go outside. Don’t take work home and if it’s that bad, call in sick. Take a break. No excuses. If you’re struggling with difficult coworkers, there are things you can do energetically to protect yourself, contact me and I can send you information on how to do this.
                        Unhappy relationship? Haven’t found love.  When you’re unhappy in a relationship, you’ve given to much of your own personal power to the relationship and your unhappy because you’re not feeling fulfilled. This is easy to remedy. Spend less time with your partner and more time doing you.  It is not your partner’s job to make YOU happy. It’s your job.
                        Need to find love – put yourself out there. I get people all the time who tell me they can’t find love and I ask, are you dating? And they often say no, they can’t find anyone. But let me tell you- if you don’t get out and make yourself available you can’t be found. IT’S THAT SIMPLE.  Are you out there and still can’t find love? Set higher standards. When you have low expectations, you will attract not the greatest of catches.

Happy Tuesday Friends, I hope you enjoyed this! Stick around for next weeks newsletter and hopefully that will be a crowd pleaser ;)

contact me to book a reading