Friday, December 21, 2018

Answers revealed 12212018

1. Death
 Its time for change. This is a significant moment time in your life where you are ready for change. Its a great time to start saying good bye to things that no longer fit your story.  Death brings a great omen that you are evolving and that you will be reborn. Perfect timing as the full moon in cancer will help you with this.  If you haven't, check out more information about this upcoming full moon and how it can help with. read more here

2. 10 of swords
A little scary isn't it? You have been through some trials this year! The 10 of swords shows me that its been rough and with 10 being the finale card for you, its time to move on. You've been resistant to it but your probably at your breaking point now to where you have no other choice but to move on. You may feel that you have fallen victim to others attacks but don't feel that way. Be grateful that their true colors have shown and you are now aware. Accept what you have been through and move on. People don't change but you can change who you surround yourself with. Don't make excuses for others or feel this is somehow your fault cause its not. See people for who they really are and let them go. You don't need people like that in your life for 2019.

3. The World
You are at the end of a cycle and it's coming in perfect timing for you. The world brings the old energy of 2018 to a close and you can totally welcome 2019 with open arms! For those of you who picked this card , ITS A GREAT TIME TO GET A NEW YEAR READING. The new year will be new grounds and new paths and new lessons for you. Enhance your experience and ease with a reading that will compliment your next 12 months.  Feeling things totally sucks this year? Don't worry! 2019 is going to be so much better for you and it will bring you a nice change in things!

 To book a new year reading, shoot me an email. New year readings are $55 and they will include 13 cards for your new year forecast. readings booked by Dec 25th will be delivered December 31st. book your reading here

4. King of Cups
Take a deep breath. That is your mantra for those of you who pick this. For most of you who are picking this card, your probably running on a short fuse which tells me your probably easily triggered or agitated. The best thing you can do for yourself during those challenging times is this, " take a deep breath" The king of cups brings you energy to stay calm so you don't blow up and do something you'll regret later. The ego tends to make us reactive, but don't do that. TAKE A DEEP BREATH, REMAIN CALM. Why are you so agitated? Your drained and exhausted. Take a bath, go for walks and focus on self care.

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you all enjoy this beautiful FULL MOON we having arriving tomorrow!

                  Happy Holidays from my family to yours!

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