Monday, December 17, 2018

The Hierophant

He is probably one of the most difficult cards many people have a hard time working with and after many years of working with him, and some recent life experiences, I THINK I GOT HIM FIGURED OUT.

I  use to see him and I would get turned off because what I saw was a strict religious way of being. But that is not the case today. When I looked up the word “ ORTHODOX” I realized, I don’t really know what that means. I know it has something to do with religion and so I looked the other way. I was raised in a very strict catholic environment and I use to question everything, the reason why I struggle with this card so much is because, this card is a symbol of following the methods that are presented before us because there’s already a formula.  Religion has a formula and this is how it is, there really is no room for you to go against the grain. I WENT AGAINST THE GRAIN.

I recently had a event in my life where I realized, I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I’m DOING. I NEED TO ATTEND MORE TRAINING ( this is non tarot related) I went on a business training and I learned a whole lot. I went from not knowing what to do, to walking about exactly with a training plan- I thought about how this experience can be applied and to be honest. ITS ALL AROUND US.

I didn’t pick up the tarot and make up my own rules. I followed my teachers and mentors and others who came before me who were masters at tarot.

This is what the hierophant is about. Education, following the methods and being apart of a group. NOT CREATING A GROUP, MAKING UP YOUR OWN EDUCATION OR CREATING YOUR OWN WAY. It’s about learning from those who know better then us. Its about following the orthodox which means to go with the majority of the group. If you have a group of people telling you the sky is blue and one person says its green, LISTEN TO THE GROUP. They know what they are talking about.

Many of you, who read this, will be like me, We like to march to the beat of our drum. The humbling experience comes from when we accept, we have no idea what we are doing. Maturity is accepting that you need to learn more and you seek further education. You can still march to the beat of your own drum, but first, learn how to play the drum.

When you see the Hierophant, don’t be afraid. Don’t get turn off, he is here to remind us four things.

1.    Get educated – learn more, seek out mentors and use what has been tried and true. Don’t go making up your own rules.

2.    Have a belief – Know what you need. It’s a must. If you don’t, how will know who to seek out for help.  An atheist is not going to go to a catholic priest for guidance. I knew I needed business training, I seeked one out – I didn’t go to a self help seminar, I made sure I went to a specific business seminar.

3.    Follow the rules – its been tried and proven to be effective by others, rules are there for a reason. Follow them, yes some rules are meant to be broken, but before you decide you want to break them, follow them. You don’t know until you try it.  Use these rules to help you formulate your foundation and mastery comes from your own need to break from convention. A greater baker learns the methods of baking and once they have mastered the skill and truly understand the rules of baking, they can tweak and make up their own recipes. You can’t change and perfect a method unless you understand it.

4.    Find your tribe – The hierophant is ALL ABOUT COMMUNITY AND GROUPS. A church is only a church is there are people present. The hierophant is only effective if he has fallowers. He is there to share his knowledge and can only share if he has people to share them with. You must find those who are in the same boat at you, you must connect with other like minds and find your tribe. We are not happy being alone, we are very social creatures even though we may be introverted. No one really truly loves being alone. Find your group, find your tribe, find people who can connect with and grow with.

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