Friday, December 21, 2018

Full Moon in Cancer

December 22nd 2018

What does this mean for you all?

            The full moon is an amazingly powerful time to harness your inner personal energy. Think of it as an energy accelerator and if you want to kick something in the butt, the best time is during the full moon as its really helps you release what you don't need. During a new moon it is ideal time to set goals and a full moon is the ideal time to let go of stuff so that you can make room for those goals to flourish.  Tomorrow we will welcome a powerful full moon to help us ring in 2019, for those of you who have had not such a great 2018 - you can empower your 2019 year by starting here, seriously. I live by the moon cycles and they have become a ritual for me every month. This last year, energy wise I was spread thin and neglected myself and did not make time for my moon rituals and I'll tell you, I feel the difference. 

What does the moon in Cancer mean for you?
              When you understand how something works, it makes that something much more meaningful and therefor much more powerful and likely to work for you. I've had clients ask me, 
" I did what you recommended but nothing happened. "
As you all know, I like to teach and so back to the drawing board I went to tape into my teacher energy to ask myself , how do I teach my craft and what am I missing. And I realized... I tell you guys yes the full is a great time to let go, but then I also realized, I didn't tell YOU WHY.
Every full moon has a different astrological sign attached to it. With that sign comes a specific energy and to harness the power of the full moon, you'll want to focus on that certain energy.  Cancers astrological are all about the "home" they are really home bodies, and because they live mostly in the shells, this is a really important focus for them.  What this means for you all today is that you need to focus on your home. 
Home is not a place, it's a feeling. 
           When you are writing out your fears, and negativeness, focus on what makes you feel out of sorts. What has stopped you this year from feeling at home where ever you are, because the root of your unhappiness is the lack of finding a home wither it be in your family, love life or career. 

What to focus on this full moon
  • Grounding
  • Finding your place in the world , Finding your home
  • Nurturing and protective what you love
         Getting grounded is essential for you all before you enter the new year. What are you doing that is making you off kilter, or are you checked out for half of your time. Its time you stop those things that take away from you and get grounded. 

What does grounded mean? TO BE PRESENT.
          If you are not present in the here and now, you need to get present. You can't control your life and drive it in the direction you want if you are spending your days in lala land. Be presenting means being in the here and now. Feeling what is right in front of you and connecting to those who are right here. Don't dwell in the past or focus on the future. The past is done and gone, let it go. You can't go back, stop looking that way.  Forget about the future because you'll get to where you are going, the trick is to toss that wish in the sea and let it go. Be present and grasp opportunities that arise in front of you so that you can go to where you need to be. 

         Your place in the world is simply to be present. 
Be there. Be aware. We often check out mentally because we are tired, exhausted and drained.  When you are present, you will find your way in the world because you will be moved by things that matter to you. By being present in the here and now, you can create your home. You can find what makes you happy and what doesn't. You can pick and choose who is in your circle and ultimately you can create an environment that makes you happy - You can create your home. 
          How do you find a home when you feel lost. Figure out what is important to you. If you like nice things, fill your space with things you love. If you love connections with people, start writing off people who drain you and only allow people you love in your space. Are you someone who enjoys giving service, make time to do those things. If you've been doing things because you think they will make you happy but they don't, Stop doing it. Its not for you. 

Nurture and Protect
      Cancers are supportive, loving and protective, (if they like you) They tend to be really hard to get to know and seem rough on the outside, but once you get past that outer shell, they are super soft and loving and will protect those they love with utter fearlessness. You must do the same. Use the cancer's traits to help you train yourself for 2019. Nurture what you love and PROTECT IT.  If you have hopes, goals and dreams that you want, but there are negative people who are telling you it's not possible, then those people need to go.  You have to be ruthless in this sense that you will protect at all cost and those are on the attack, need to know, you will defend yourself and those you love. If you are timid. take the cancer's power and be firm. Cancers don't start fights, but they also don't back down. 

Action Steps to take now
        With a full moon in cancer, this is a time to address your insecurities and fears.  Your focus when writing out your release for this full moon is what makes you feel afraid. Why are you uncomfortable. Not sure if you felt that way, think back to 2018 and remember the times where you felt uncomfortable. What made you angry, sad and depressed or not good enough. Let those things go because your ready to step into your power and take 2019. Nothing is given to us, if you want something, you must go for it.

         Cancer energy is focused on the home and sense of feeling at home. On a physical level, clear your space today. Be it a drawer, your closet, your office, it doesn't matter- just make sure you clear a space where you spend most of your time. Let things go you no longer need because next year, you will be filling that space will nothing but good vibes. 

          If you don't want to do something these next few weeks - DON'T DO IT.  To plan ahead of time is to plan for success. Right now,  think about things you do not want to do and don't do them ;) 
    Last but not least... What are some things from your child hood that made you feel at home? Was it moms home made cookies? Was it spending time with family during the holiday season or if you were like me, growing up with really strict parents, every Saturday we had to do a thorough deep house cleaning. Although I don't enjoy cleaning, its one of those things that I remember doing as a child all the time and its what brings me back " home" so guess what I'm doing tomorrow ;) 

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