Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Four of Cups : feeling dissatisfied

When we feel lost, we will often seek out spiritual guidance of some sort. Some people will pick up the phone and call 1-800 number to a psychic hot line hoping the answer they  seek will be there. Others will find a tarot reader and some people will just continue the path of unhappiness and continue to be lost because they don’t know where to start or they are unaware they are  in a rut.

Today, the 4 of cups is all about that. Being unhappy, feeling unfulfilled and not satisfied. How many of us are feeling like 2018 is coming to an end and we’ve accomplished nothing? I’ve gotten a few email’s recently about people wondering if next year will be better and why was 2018 so tough?

Think of it like this, 2018 was the year of the drought. 2019 will not be 100 percent great, but great things take time, and as we ease into the next year, be ready to find ways to deal with the drought.  What I mean is, you’ve been through a tough year, take your challenges and learn from them. What did you struggle with in 2018 that you can improve for 2019 now that you have been through it. The 4 of cups is all about you realizing your unhappy and then making strides to improve it.  Yes you’re unhappy, yes your unsatisfied. But do you know why?


There is ONLY ONE WAY to the path of happiness and that is to follow your heart. You can’t follow someone’s formula because what works for them won’t work for you. We are designed differently and all have a different path to follow.  Someone can work in corporate America and find it very fulfilling while others enjoy volunteering at the local shelters. Find what works for you, and in 2019 – cut the bs, leave the excuses at the door and find a way to follow your heart. If it’s truly what you want, you will find a way to make it happen. NO BS.
            If you are full of excuses, you aren’t ready for 2019. So cut the nonsense today because this “new year, new me” mumbo jumbo is not what I’m about today. I’m talking about taking life by the reigns and doing things NOW, TODAY. Not next year.

So where do you start when you have no idea.
1.    Where is the most clutter. CLEAR IT. For me, its my purses. I have like 3 that I use all the time and they are ALL FULL OF JUNK. Guess what I’m doing today. Cleaning out all 3 and only wearing one.  Where we harbor the most clutter, holds the most negative energy. Where ever this space is, clear it, TODAY. The first thing you think of when reading this, is where you need to start. Don’t doubt it, just do it. It could be your car, your closet, your desk, your junk drawer, your fridge. Doesn’t matter. CLEAR IT. You don’t have to do multiple spaces, just pick one, right now. And clear it.

2.    What made you unhappy these last several months? Write down your problem, and find your solution. It’s very simple. It’s only complicated if you make it complicated and again, excuses only hurt you. If you’re ready for change, you’ll make it happen.

a.    Are you overworked? WORK LESS.
b.    Do you feel overweight? Change your diet. Stop with the sodas.
c.    Are you unhappy with your relationships? Start focusing on yourself.
d.    Do you feel unfilled in life? Do what you loved as a kid
e.    Are you having financial troubles? Pay of your lowest debt.
f.     Seeking love? Join an online dating site.

3.    Set Achievable Goals.
I did not wake up and decide that I wanted to be a millionaire in 2019 because come on, you have to be realistic. When you set unrealistic goals, its not that you can’t achieve them, but your ingrained belief system will block you.  I am a firm believer that you can get what you want, but YOU MUST BELIEVE YOU CAN DO IT. So many of us fail at our goals because we don’t believe it.

Set 3 goals for yourself this year.
1.    Personal goal – my own personal goals is the read 3 books a month. One for fun, one for personal growth and one for business. This is what ignites my fire, I’m an avid reader and I enjoy it very much. You have to find out what you love and make time for it. NO EXCUSES. Do it for you not someone else. I could of said “plan a family trip” but that is for the WHOLE FAMILY not me. Focus on you and be selfish 100 percent! You have to fill your own cup before you can fills others.
2.    Financial. If you have debt, make a plan to pay off your smallest debt and make sure you stick with it. Small baby steps will lead you to success. It may seem overwhelming but start small. Savings, if you don’t save, set a plan. Put aside a few bucks here and there and watch your money slowly grow. Do you really need 5 cups of Starbucks a week? How about just 2 and you put the rest of the money in a jar? 
       So many of us have a terrible relationship to money because we see it as the root of evil but it’s not. Learn to love your money and your financial relationship with it, in 2019 your goal really should be to form a healthy relationship with your finances. When you pay your bills, send out the energy of gratitude and not negativity.  When I pay my credit card bill each month, I thank it. Thank you for giving me the credit to buy what I needed.
3.    Love or Career. Pick one and focus on it.  If you’re not happy, spend less time with it.  You don’t have to make drastic changes and leave the relationship or quit the job because if your still in an unhappy relationship at home or work, it’s because your not ready to leave. So what do you do?
Spend less time with it.
                        When its break or lunch time, go outside. Don’t take work home and if it’s that bad, call in sick. Take a break. No excuses. If you’re struggling with difficult coworkers, there are things you can do energetically to protect yourself, contact me and I can send you information on how to do this.
                        Unhappy relationship? Haven’t found love.  When you’re unhappy in a relationship, you’ve given to much of your own personal power to the relationship and your unhappy because you’re not feeling fulfilled. This is easy to remedy. Spend less time with your partner and more time doing you.  It is not your partner’s job to make YOU happy. It’s your job.
                        Need to find love – put yourself out there. I get people all the time who tell me they can’t find love and I ask, are you dating? And they often say no, they can’t find anyone. But let me tell you- if you don’t get out and make yourself available you can’t be found. IT’S THAT SIMPLE.  Are you out there and still can’t find love? Set higher standards. When you have low expectations, you will attract not the greatest of catches.

Happy Tuesday Friends, I hope you enjoyed this! Stick around for next weeks newsletter and hopefully that will be a crowd pleaser ;)

contact me to book a reading tarotbycyndee@gmail.com

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