Monday, August 11, 2014

6 Weeks to a more intuitive you

In my 6 week soul coaching course, you will have a wonderful opportunity to change your life, in an amazing way. Do I offer you false hope of promises of magic that won't happen?
This course is a compilation of knowledge I have been given from my guides. The purpose – I want to teach you, what I've been taught. I want to offer you the knowledge I was given to create a life where you are totally in tuned with your own inner compass. I will offer you the tools you will need to find your direction when you are lost. This course isn't about teaching you how to be psychic. Its about teaching you how to follow your own intuition and find guidance with in yourself.
I will be limiting spaces to 4 slots. By keeping this small and personal ; I will be able to offer one on one soul coaching each week. Each week you will receive a different specific lesson that will last you a life time. This course is yours to keep. I want to teach you lessons so you can better your life, in return, you can continue to share your light upon others; by lighting up the world we make it a better place. This is my gift to you all.
Is this course a generic template that can apply to just anyone? ABSOLUTELY NOT I create each course based off each weekly lesson, personalized to the individual, and when I say I personally create this, I MEAN IT. By limiting my course to only 4 people each session, I can give 110 % of myself to your specific journey. 

What can You Expect in 6 weeks:
Week 1 : Your numerology + Astrology Report – this won't be a full report, but it will be specific enough to target your areas of need.
Weel 2 : Your fears and Blockages – You will learn how to deal with blockages.
Week3: Energy Work - if you've tried my Super Moon energy clearing work, you've only gotten a tiny taste of what I can offer you!
Week 4: Using a Pendulum (You will need to have one for this course)
Week 5: Intentions – The secret to Magic
Week 6: You Support Team – Guides, Angels and Spirits


My course is taught people all over the world! You do not have to live locally to me. I offer meetings via SKYPE. you will need to get an account. There are 2 Live sessions and 1 live group session. You must be able to meet with me live or else you will not get the full benefits of my course. During the 6 weeks you have access to me via email for any questions or guidance you may need.
There is also a small group on Facebook where you will be able to meet and connect with others who have been through the course;) A very positive community.

The Cost:

- I will be offering this course  in January 2015 at a discounted fee of $150.
 In May of 2015 I will set my Final fee of $300, 
where it will remain set for the remainder of my career.
Payment options available upon request, $35 deposit fee to secure your slot, all feeds are due before start day, I DO NOT OFFER REFUNDS.

 Remember this course will only be offered to 4 people, three times a year. 
If you are willing to take the risk and join me in this wonderful journey – I promise you It will not be a waste. With this course I will be able to affect 12 lives in a year – it is in my hopes that these 12 people will continue to do wonderful things and contribute to society, in essences it will bring forth a ripple effect of good energy.

If you are ready for change, contact me for the selection process. Spirit will guide me to the 4 who will benefit most from my 6- week coaching.

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